Search results

  1. Vxnt

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Rito Munro Fraser

    +Huge Support Holy shit its pizza day + Events all are pretty unique and fleshed out + The events seem to have positives for all sides involved, not leaving any at a negative result. (Apart from when the "losing side" is played by the GM). + Again, holy shit, pizza day!!!!!!!! + Actions...
  2. Vxnt

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Harvey Bridger

    +/- Support + You're an awesome person, and good at RP + You've held your fair share of CL4 roles / The app lacks some direction with what the GM would do. / Mr Deeds event has been done a couple times already to my knowledge, not really your fault, but its worth noting - A couple events seem a...
  3. Vxnt

    SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - gak

    + Support (I wont mention anything of you as a person due to me being a UK player and as such never having met you, but I will respond based on the application.) + The events are fairly detailed and the application doesn't seem particularly rushed. + The ideas for events are pretty unique and...
  4. Vxnt

    SkyWing's staff blacklist appeal

    +Support Dont get me wrong, the warns are lengthy, and the reason is fair. However, in my time of knowing sky (which is only from after this incident) I've come to see him as an incredibly active and good CO. Though RP abilities don't translate 1:1 to staff capabilities I do think a final...
  5. Vxnt

    [UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

    +Support I think it'd be A. Kinda funny B. Interesting C. Chaotic
  6. Vxnt

    I'm unable to join either UK or US server SCP RP

    Server was having issues, sorry its late, was walking my 999
  7. Vxnt

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Lily Zephyran

    I've done this now, thanks for the request! I'm sorry if this isn't quite what you meant. I'm not familiar with all the tools at a GM's disposal as of current, so please forgive any oversights and/or misunderstandings I may have.
  8. Vxnt

    Why is it called Ethics committee member?

    -support denied, re-apply in 2 weeks.
  9. Vxnt

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application #2 - Jax

    + Support + You changed your app upon receiving feedback, which is excellent. +/- You've fused A1/O1 and NU7/E11 missions together, these are supposed to be separate per regiment, though the missions arent particularly bad themselves. If this app is denied, please don't be discouraged...
  10. Vxnt

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum

    ++++SUPPORTTTTT (You better not bring back that fucking spider or you'll get whats coming to you.)
  11. Vxnt

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Lily Zephyran

    Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: I do not have previous experience as a Gamemaster in any community or server, though I have played RP servers for a fairly long time and participated in many events during this time. Why would you like to become a...
  12. Vxnt

    [UK] DEA Special Agent Application: A. 'Mimic' Reacher.

    +Support App is a little short, but a good applicant despite that, I think that the app can be overlooked here due to the applicants qualities.
  13. Vxnt

    Scott 'Orrical' Mitchell's DoM App [UK]

    +Support Dont know how I didnt see this sooner, honestly I'd be happy if either Scott or Alex got it, either of them would make excellent DoMs and have bring alot to the table when it comes to developing the medical department. I'm excited to see who is chosen and what choices they make in the...
  14. Vxnt

    Lily 'Zephyr' pac3 request

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): UNGOC Field Operative | UNGOC Medic | UNGOC Dimensional Cartographer | UNGOC R&D | UNGOC Attache (Don't have this job yet, but getting approval in advance.) (Togglable pac to enable use of disguise card on Field Operative.) Steam ID...
  15. Vxnt

    [UK] DoM Application Alex 'Shrimple'

    +Support Honestly, all the consultants I've met recently are great. But I've interacted with shrimple the most and can honestly say he'd be a great fit for DoM.
  16. Vxnt

    [UK] O5-4 "The Second Horseman" #2

    +Support Maybe I'm bias as a friend, but I think you'd be suited. There was a time where you uh.. wouldn't have done great.. But you've been in MANY CL4 positions now, and its about time you up that keycard, and with it, your responsibilities. I'd say "don't commit any major warcrimes" or...
  17. Vxnt

    Rito's DoR Application [UK]

    +Huge Support Longest running/Most dedicated Exec I've met. A very suitable candidate for DoR in the department. I'd like to see you create RP as Director, more than make changes to the department as Eidolon did a great job changing things up. Though some tweaks are still needed.
  18. Vxnt

    [UK] Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's Ethics Member Application

    +Support I remember when you were just a teeny tiny little IA agent.. They grow up so fast... You create amazing RP as a DoIA and have kept the department alive, honestly. They'd suffer to lose you, but that is no reason to deny you from ECM. It would simply need a suitable replacement! Funnily...
  19. Vxnt

    [UK] 'Napoléon": Ethics Committee Member Application #2

    +Support Though I do not personally know you, I know of you, as do many. You have quite the reputation for your creativity and ambition in RP. You've been in several positions throughout the server's past, combative and non-combative alike. I think you'd be an amazing fit personally.