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  1. Jam

    Rule Suggestion Remove Rule 3.1(d) Chaos Deep Cover and move the job to Beta rank.

    +Support The Suggestion puts forward that all CI Deep Covers will passiveRP. Problem is that I personally encountered is that the PassiveRP exchange is not a back-and-forth type of communication between Foundation and Chaos. There's many petty players and many combat warriors who in my...
  2. Jam

    Rule Suggestion SCP-22415 Changes

    Neutral The ability should cost more power for 22415 in the case this happens. Otherwise there would be too much dimension usage for combative purposes and it just doesn't seem that balanced in instances for CI or GOC. It sounds like a hard hit to 22415, but I am very sure that with the right...
  3. Jam

    Denied more ways to make money with rp intensives

    + support would actually like dedicated subdivisions or R&D in CI to work on the collection of materials to create weaponry. Would also make research teams focus on development of weapons?
  4. Jam

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    + support I wish O5 were as rare as CI events with the Engineer or Foundation events with the administrator, puts some value behind the position. I guess a Ethics Liaison could work fine since they kind of exist on every site, but they wouldn't dominate the site
  5. Jam

    Denied Arion's MC&D Update Suggestion

    +support i feel like this would've worked out better than adding GOC to the server
  6. Jam

    Denied Server Model Reworks

    +support CI will get removed before they get new models
  7. Jam

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    +support hate to admit but it is true
  8. Jam

    Denied CI/UNGOC marksman drones

    + support for drone jammers do not agree with drones
  9. Jam

    Rule Suggestion Change the Interrogation Rules

    I'm just gonna drop this here, without responding directly to people Back in the day, where you didn't just answer 3 questions and that's it for interrogations, this whole interrogating/torturing wasn't an issue at all, no one bothered and everyone rolled with it. Obviously some petty outsiders...
  10. Jam

    Rule Suggestion Change the Interrogation Rules

    It's 5 minutes of interrogation/torture, asking some basic questions and CL4 should be able to role play accordingly and not be sore losers who are making it unenjoyable. Cl4 usually have good information and some roleplay to go alongside it, should be something nice for both sides involved. The...
  11. Jam

    Rule Suggestion Change the Interrogation Rules

    I think that must've completely went forgotten.
  12. Jam

    Rule Suggestion Change the Interrogation Rules

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Modifies the rule 2.4 (c) so that the three /roll questions can only be asked to CL4+ members after a continuous roleplay window of interrogation/torture after 5 minutes. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion...
  13. Jam

    Denied Lethal Injection Syringes

    in a world where prisoners are fed to monsters and a underground theater of organisations that rival and fight in total secret, yes. Ethics isn't necessarily the most ethical office, since they after all allow prisoners to be willingly fed to research projects that have almost 100% fatality for...
  14. Jam

    Denied Lethal Injection Syringes

    +/- support can't you do this by injecting Ethanol or some other chem that kills you basically instantly.
  15. Jam

    The time has come

    o7 will be missed
  16. Jam

    Accepted RP Items Placer Tool

    +support if GOC and CI CL4+ as well
  17. Jam

    [UK] Houston SGM Demotion Appeal

    +support GET THIS MAN BACK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Jam

    Accepted Make Deployable Shields destroyable

    fair points. I'll leave this to SL. I'm not sure where to draw the line here
  19. Jam

    Accepted Make Deployable Shields destroyable

    I will keep it at a average of 1250HP. Because this would force people to ration their shields for camping something. After all shields cannot outlive a BTR and shouldn't even be close to it, which almost has 3000hp (I believe). This would dynamically just change the tactics of how to use these...
  20. Jam

    Accepted Make Deployable Shields destroyable

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Gives a form of "HP" to deployable shields. Maybe something around the range of 1000-1500HP Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Not that I am aware of. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least...