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  1. Darkos

    Blackwoods UHC Application V2

    +Support Mature Knowledgable Understanding GL
  2. Darkos

    Jimothy Leaderson's NHC Application

    -Support Very immature Confessing you're "Unprofessional" is not really appropriate for NHC
  3. Darkos

    Best mod

    Best mod
  4. Darkos

    Coolioo's kittens (Mass Confusion)

  5. Darkos

    Possible Changes to Raiding [CG]

    I personally think raiding is extremely easy right now. If you have 1/2 a brain you get into the base every single time then it just becomes a gun fight inside. I personally would love to see this change. I think what people have to remember is back in the day before hexes the server still had...
  6. Darkos

    Compliments Section V2

    Name: @Bonga What they did: Spent ages dealing with my sits, listened to both sides of the situation and actioned it correctly. Looked at recording instantly. How did it affect you:It was nice to see staff that are able to do the job Giving +1?: +10
  7. Darkos

    fiski hc app!!!!!!

    +Support Best radio comms I've heard in years
  8. Darkos

    Making CG more Cops & Robbers -like again!

    M9K Will never come back If you have a problem with any of the CGSF why are you not reporting them to staff/higher up CGSF When you say stun stick abusing are you talking about stun stick boosting? Disguise kit on specialist is very helpful.
  9. Darkos

    Making CG more Cops & Robbers -like again!

    I have tried tazing using jammers. It rarely works. You're better off as a cop pulling out a knife and relying on your slightly higher stats.
  10. Darkos

    Making CG more Cops & Robbers -like again!

    Kenny is now commander aswell.
  11. Darkos

    Making CG more Cops & Robbers -like again!

    I mean since we got the new commander the team is up. That was what we needed, a fresh team.
  12. Darkos

    Epic Civil Gamers Trailer

    This is brilliant hahahah
  13. Darkos

    Making CG more Cops & Robbers -like again!

    I disagree with every point Foufasto just made. Problem is gangs earn stupid money and can afford stuff like cong armour, the pd can not always afford it. Defenders using hexes and Cong would just be stupid. As for one of cloaks points, we literally just got a new commander. The fact you say...