Search results

  1. YandereMuffin

    PAC Request Jhareno's 096 PAC Request

    Request Denied Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. I have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons: The PAC3 does not make a lot of sense from a lore / in-character point of view. The PAC3 would be confusing and would cause clarity issues if people are unsure...
  2. YandereMuffin

    Damian Jackson Mackayne's 4th Lore

    Request Denied Hello @Joseph Stolen (Damian), Thanks for taking the time to make a Lore request. We have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons: - Your lore states that Dr Wondertainment is a specific male person, whilst within a lot of SCP lore Dr Wondertainment is kept...
  3. YandereMuffin

    Content Suggestion Give Dimensional Cartographer a Scranton Reality Anchor on spawn!

    Real, this is legally just an anti-reality bender suggestion (I accidentally got stuck in heavy in the dimension because I had no scranton, and had to walk all the way back up to find the 22415 who wasnt letting me leave)...
  4. YandereMuffin

    Content Suggestion SCP-RP Simulation / Training room

    As long as it wouldnt cause any mapping negitives, I don't see a massive issue of keeping the people who wanna do trainings to themselves. However I do have the microscopic worry that people would overuse it, making there be less people on the site itself, but who knows.
  5. YandereMuffin

    Denied Team HUD for MTF/GOI

    I see no way this would really increase immersion, or would be good for RP. I also think it would cause more issues for meta gaming, because you really shouldn't be aware of someone elses health unless you can see them. Balance also seems off, imagine knowing someone is near 914 then suddenly...
  6. YandereMuffin

    Denied Surface Objectives drops keycards

    I see no reason anyone doing a surface mission cannot also kill the other people on surface to get keycards, and I think any raid that doesnt reduce RP is a good raid, and keycard raids are mostly just combatives vs combatives.
  7. YandereMuffin

    Accepted Door Repair Mechanism Changes

    I support this idea outside of breaches, an SCP shouldn't be able to keep a door "almost broken" until a future breach, that is stupid. However I think during breaches SCPs only partially breaking doors until the right moment is a good imo, and leads to slightly more strategy - however being...
  8. YandereMuffin

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    This idea is an interesting change, but truly I don't see how this would be that large of a difference than what we currently have - but instead of specific SA being tied to specific departments, they would basically be tied to locations instead? I simply just don't see any positives in the...
  9. YandereMuffin

    Content Suggestion Give Dimensional Cartographer a Scranton Reality Anchor on spawn!

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Puts a Scranton Reality Anchor into the spawn items of the 3 Dimensional Cartographers (F/CI/GOC). Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:[/B] I didn't see anything, but who knows! I am not great at...
  10. YandereMuffin

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - 'Chippy'/Conor mc gee

    Gamemaster Application - Accepted Hello @Conor mc gee, Thank you for putting the time into making an application. Your application has been discussed between the Event Team Supervisors and we have decided to ACCEPT your application! Please contact an Event Team Supervisor to proceed with the...
  11. YandereMuffin

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - .teddy

    Gamemaster Application - Accepted Hello @.teddy, Thank you for putting the time into making an application. Your application has been discussed between the Event Team Supervisors and we have decided to ACCEPT your application! Please contact an Event Team Supervisor to proceed with the next...
  12. YandereMuffin

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Joe Williams

    Appeal Denied Hi @Joewils, Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. After reviewing your ban appeal, I have decided that your ban appeal will be denied. We take severe toxicity on the server seriously, and anger or annoyance is not a valid reason to use such words, especially...
  13. YandereMuffin

    Content Suggestion Nerf the Mornings

    + Support Anyone who has seen US in the morning when it has low players will want this, it is always that the majority of the players are disguised D-Class who are just breaching other dclasses, kill the few non-dclass, and cause breaches, it's not a fun environment for anyone.
  14. YandereMuffin

    PAC Request Cédaris "Dare" Rovätoire's Grey Suit PAC3 Approval Request

    Request Denied Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC + Lore request. I have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons: We do not believe that your lore (and the tales within) is enough to justify your PAC3 being used in game. Animalistic characters (even ones not largely...
  15. YandereMuffin

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Sceptre

    Gamemaster Application - Accepted Hello @Sceptre, Thank you for putting the time into making an application. Your application has been discussed between the Event Team Supervisors and we have decided to ACCEPT your application! Please contact an Event Team Supervisor to proceed with the next...
  16. YandereMuffin

    Denied QOL Naming character command ( naming con/ codename)

    I'm very NEUTRAL on this. I guess I can see why someone would want this, but it really isn't that hard to press Esc and edit your name through the menu. Maybe I'm wrong, but I really cannot see anyone who is unwilling to do the quick Esc change actually be willing to do it using a command. As...
  17. YandereMuffin

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - John Doe 1234

    Appeal Denied Hi @Khabib , Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. After reviewing your ban appeal and the evidence provided, I have decided that your ban appeal will be denied. Your name was in violation of the server rules, as well as inappropriate. After being asked by a staff...
  18. YandereMuffin

    [UK] Vikings Trial Game Master Resignation Appeal

    Gamemaster Resignation Appeal - Denied Hello @Bismarck, Unfortunately having discussed your appeal and history with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently fit to return to the Gamemaster team. For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we...
  19. YandereMuffin

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ace's Game Master Application

    Very cool guy. But Ace, is there anyway you'd be able to further explain some of your event ideas even in just a sentence or 2? Mainly how the CI hacking event will happen, or what the Nu-7 are expected to do to protect the "cryogenic gun"?
  20. YandereMuffin

    [UK] Marcus "Falcon" Schmidt's Special Agent Application

    +/- Neutral. Your previous history of CL4/CL5 roles is impressive, but having a CL4+ blacklist does make me feel strange about you getting another CL4 role (even if it's a very minor one), I also think your lack of recent playtime really does not show positively. I think if you played more...