Search results

  1. YaBoi

    [MRP] Chad Power - Resignation Appeal

    +Support - Restored faith in humanity - Penis size is huge - One of the BEST staff members!!! - Theres no reason not to let him back
  2. YaBoi

    Kyle Blackwood's 4th High Command Application.

    Hi kyzent you were a good UHC +support
  3. YaBoi

    Skeebiesquid's UHC application

    +support good man
  4. YaBoi

    Blackwoods Resignation Appeal

    +support your activity is so good i wonder do you even go outside good mod back in the day!
  5. YaBoi

    Blackwoods UHC Application V2

    +support knows how to lead and not retarded
  6. YaBoi

    Dr.Nikita Dorashov UHC Application

    +support please accept this
  7. YaBoi

    Skeebiesquid Staff Application

    +Support + Knows rules well + Active + ?
  8. YaBoi

    Sins demotion appeal

    -Support -Inactive -Not mature
  9. YaBoi

    Valk's Gamemaster Demotion Appeal Mk IV

    +support idk was kinda good gamemaster ngl
  10. YaBoi

    Vlad's UHC Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:83458157 Discord name: YaBoi#7952 For how long have you played on MRP: I joined 16/11/2020 so over a year. Age: 18 In what country are you located?: Finland Time zone: UTC+2 NATO name (regiment and rank): SAS PVT hamood :D USSR name (regiment and rank): SHA COL Vlad S...
  11. YaBoi

    vasily's UHC app

  12. YaBoi

    Sahns Pavlov UHC Application.

    +Support +Previous high command experience +Mature +Active
  13. YaBoi

    Nikita moderator application

    +Support - Friendly - Active - Cool guy :D
  14. YaBoi

    Legion Kuo's reapplying for UHC

    +Support +he was good UHC and lead many wars to victory :D +very active!! +not retarded!!
  15. YaBoi

    30K's Gamemaster Application

    +support - sick application :D - Nice event ideas ?
  16. YaBoi

    Dmitri's Demotion Appeal 3

    -Support I caught you breaking FailRP 10 days ago and reported it to staff. I do not think you have been clean for 6-7 weeks.
  17. YaBoi

    Pasi's UHC application

    +Support +Great man (puliukko) +Nice name +Beautiful wife +Past experience +Has been LTCOL for eternity
  18. YaBoi

    Jons's High Command Application

    +Support Very nice jew man even angry german moustache man would be proud ??
  19. YaBoi

    Mural UHC Application

    +Support +Not retarded +Really good at leading +Chad +Many victories under his control ??