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  1. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Denied add a LAV, BTR HQ to all GOIS This has already been accepted. And I don't think it should be used during raids. That's just gonna lessen the amount of combatives you have
  2. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Denied SCP-912 Exclusive Communication Line

    That'd be too complex for a unneeded update imo -Support from me
  3. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Denied ERT Nerf

    Ah yes. Because any breach where each individual Scp doesn't get 100+ kills, lasts for 45 minutes+ and end in a nuke is "unbalanced" Don't let this bro even try to cook -Support -Support -Support
  4. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Denied Consider 096's doors being open/broken as it being breached

    Ah yes. E11 would love having to hold 096s until the 45min auto repair kicks in.
  5. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Denied SCP-912 Exclusive Communication Line

    +Support on the condition that there is a rule where you can't order 912 to go places through Comms. This would be to avoid situations where, for example, CI ask 912 to follow them. But GSD just repeatedly spam orders for him to return to Dblock
  6. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Denied Remove A-1/O-1 from SOP

    This is a UK issue which can be dealt with IC. Don't fuck over the US because y'all can't get along
  7. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Accepted Modify how breaches work

    B-but. When I was Consultant I absolutely loved sitting in the ML office because SCPs were camping outside Medbay. It was an absolute highlight of my day to have my Surgical Rp ruined because an SCP (Who I have no way of dealing with) just charged into the back of Medbay and killed absolutely...
  8. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    How does everyone think surface combat is?

    Total list is 3 Factions UNGOC Ci Civies 1 Regiment Nu7 1 Department DEA SCPs Literally all Breachable SCPs and Surface SCPs Other All Dclass GMs All other Foundation Staff who get a legit reason to go to surface But yeah, Surface Update isn't a priority everyone!
  9. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Denied CCTV screen with access in SA Office

    Coming from an Ex-Cl4. I can say that it's nearly impossible to get to the EoC unless you head out right at the start of a code due to the choke point of PW loop being there. (During a code being one of the most useful CCTV times)
  10. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    How does everyone think surface combat is?

    Ah yes I love walking for ages to get to somewhere on surface, only to die immediately to a marksman who's out of my render distance
  11. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Denied Refund addendum.

    +Support for RP purposes when you are RPing with a Scp (For example, if GOC had taken a KTE back to their base after it beached to surface, they should be able to get the Scp back) Major -Support for Breaches and TBs as it could be heavily abused "Oh dear I'm on mid Hp and cornered by several...
  12. Joris Kilotoviz/London


    Test Denied
  13. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Content Suggestion Reduce the 1000lb bomb Cooldown & Cost

    Cost and cooldown don't really need a nerf. But when you consider just how much can happen in the 30 seconds the bomb takes to hit (Excluding the times it hits GM plains or just doesn't go off) then it's a major downside, that renders the bomb all but useless.
  14. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Content Suggestion Reduce the 1000lb bomb Cooldown & Cost

    All the people -Supporting this have clearly never tried to hit something with the 1,000lb bomb. The actual deploy time needs a serious nerf
  15. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Denied Adding Region Specific discord roles

    We Ping USA: Staff complain We ping GOC officer: UK complain
  16. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Content Suggestion Reduce the 1000lb bomb Cooldown & Cost

    B-but. I like having to wait 30 seconds, meaning by then whatever I was trying to hit is well out of its radius!
  17. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Partially Accepted Gun lockers and microscope (US + UK)

    Tbh it was hilarious seeing the Bunker door open only for CI to get absolutely lit up by 8 different civies Then the spam of Failrp warns that followed
  18. Joris Kilotoviz/London

    Denied [Deleted]

    They, ehh. Just denied a different Scp crediting suggestion