Search results

  1. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Scotsman's ECM application

    - Support - Lack of detail
  2. 'Jerome'

    [UK] O5-2 "The Sadist"

    + Support I've seen Athena's progression throughout the server since day 1, she is the most deserving person for this position. When she first applied for the ECM position, she was heavily doubted on her capabilities by NL and proved them wrong AND eventually became ECC. This alone should be...
  3. 'Jerome'

    Biscuits leaving CN

    You were alright when you were in O-1, wont miss you, bye.
  4. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Hans 'Table' Dierder's Director of External Affairs Application

    +Support Best Agency Manager, deserves the next rank up.
  5. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Jerome's Special Agent Application

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: O-1 LTCOM GOC CPT Senior Agent SCP-096 CI-G Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: N/A How long have you been a Senior Agent for? I have been a senior agent for a little over a month, last being promoted...
  6. 'Jerome'

    Insulin's ECM Application

    + Support - One of the best ECM's to touch the server - Detailed Application - Good Character Bio - Most Deserving Candidate
  7. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Hans 'Table' Dierder's Game Master Application

    +Support - Creates a large amount of RP within Foundation - Detailed application, spent nearly 7+ hours writing it - Decent event ideas - Decent attempt at the map change event section (not seen a single one happen on the SCP server since joining almost a year ago, so harry has given it a good...
  8. 'Jerome'

    [UK] O5-1 'The Deceitful' Application.

    - Support - Barely just come back to the server Question, how long has this application been in your back pocket? Could only guess it's been through the washer a few times.
  9. 'Jerome'

    [UK] O5-1 'The Sovereign' Application

    +Support - Best candidate for this position - Countless hours spent on the server, known by nearly everyone. - Previous O5, and was a brilliant one at that. - Overall the most suitable candidate for -1.
  10. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Hans Dierder's Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    +Support Good Lore Detailed Application Knowledge of FLC & Ethics Operations (O-1 CPL)
  11. 'Jerome'

    Denied MTF CO Credit

    - Support, after Combat Level 25 it's all about who wants to have the highest combat level. Pointless in my opinion.
  12. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Blue's (4th) Staff Application

    Hello Blue, this alone screams why you are simply not ready for the staff team yet, you yourself are disregarding the copious amounts of warnings & bans you have received on the server, regardless of how old they may be. You lack maturity, competency and lack the motive to improve on this, this...
  13. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Blue's (4th) Staff Application

    - Support - Barely any effort in this application, you just upped the font to make it look like a lot. - 8 Bans - 17 Warnings Credit to @Naffen for the evidence
  14. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Jerome's SCP-096 Application

    What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu): - SCP: 24 | Total: 185 List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: - Omega-1 LTCOM [Held] - Ethics Committee Assistant [Current] - CI-Gamma [Current] - UNGOC Corporal [Held] - Omega-1 CSG...
  15. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Archangel OSA App #4

    - Support - Failed to answer all questions accordingly - And what Tarz has already stated.
  16. 'Jerome'

    PAC Approved [UK] Jerome's ECA PAC3 Request.

    Harbir Ahluwalia's Backstory PAC3 Request Job: Ethics Committee Assistant Changes: Head Model & Suit Change. Lore/Backstory
  17. 'Jerome'

    [UK] 'Otters' Ethics Committee Member Application [#4]

    +Support - Active - Held ECM, ECA & O1 - Detailed Application - Great Lore
  18. 'Jerome'

    [UK] Athena's ECM Application

    +Support - Very Active - A hands on person, which is good for ECM - Great Roleplay - Despite being somewhat new to CN SCPRP, Jessie has proved her worth