Search results

  1. James Overscott

    [UK] Mike 'Brum's Staff Application

    +Support A very mature, professional and friendly guy, with good knowledge of the server rules. Would make a great addition to the staff team.
  2. James Overscott

    Simon "Chimera" Wester Internal Affairs Ambassador Application (UK)

    +Support Haven't had any bad interactions with you, and I've seen you frequently on IA. Unsure of your documentation abilities (since I don't really see that as a non-ambassador), however I think you'd do well as an ambassador should you be given the chance.
  3. James Overscott

    [UK] Captain application.

    +Support I gotta say, Werver has, in my eyes, proven that he is more than capable of being a GSD Captain. I don't play GSD all that much myself, but despite that I've seen first hand Werver's leadership skills and his ability to take command when nobody else is able to do so. He's done an...
  4. James Overscott

    [UK] Charles Ethics Committee Member Application

    +Support I've only recently started playing more on IA, however all my experiences with Charles have been nothing but pleasant. He's done a great job within IA, and I think he'd make a great ECM.
  5. James Overscott

    [UK] James Overscott's IA Ambassador Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:244227488 Discord name: loggydogdog For how long have you played on CG SCP: I am unsure when exactly I began playing, but I believe I started playing SCP-RP seriously around March or April this year. Age: 16 In what country are you located?: Norway Time zone: BST+1 Character...
  6. James Overscott

    An unfathomably based individual (JAC approved)

    An unfathomably based individual (JAC approved)
  7. James Overscott

    Denied Executive Researcher Suggestion

    +Support ON GOD, LET HIM COOK. Jokes aside, I think this would be very useful for executives. Yes, normal chemist jobs are behind a paywall and this could be seen as a way to get around that, but chemistry makes for such an interesting RP aspect in research that I really think executives should...
  8. James Overscott

    Denied add SCP-113 to inanimate storage.

    -Support I don't see the RP and research potential from this SCP.
  9. James Overscott

    Accepted Allow SCP-500 Pill to cure Infections/Diseases

    +Support Lore-accurate and just makes sense. Should make it cure 008 as well imo.
  10. James Overscott

    [UK] Dutch's Director of Medicine Application

    +Support Active & mature. Very friendly to others. Relevant CL4 experience. Good luck!
  11. James Overscott

    Accepted Letting nu-7 LT+ Credit ranks under or atleast LTCOM+

    +Support Should also let Executive Researchers credit other Researchers while we're at it :)
  12. James Overscott

    Accepted Remove self-closing doors from SCP CCs

    +Support Unsure if this is intended even, since CCs (at least 035's) have levers and not buttons to open the blast doors, yet the door closes on it's own without moving the lever? Confusing. Some tests also just need (like you mentioned) a quick get-away route for D-Class, since the SCP'll most...
  13. James Overscott

    Which TF2 class is your favourite?

    Medic and engineer, the support duo because I can't aim.
  14. James Overscott

    Rito Munro Fraser's Exec. Researcher Application [UK]

    +Support Active on research. Good documentation from what I've seen. Answers could be more fleshed out. Good amount of excellent documents. Good lore in my opinion. Hi Rito, I've given you a +support for the following reasons. I see you a lot on research, and from what I've seen you're pretty...
  15. James Overscott

    [UK] Maksim "Enigma" Executive Researcher Application

    +/- Neutral Active on research. Good at documentation and testing. Respectful and mature. Only 1 excellent document. Application is okay, but answers could be more fleshed out. Hi Enigma, I've given you a neutral verdict due to the reasons listed above. I've had great experiences with you while...
  16. James Overscott

    Murlon's Executive Researcher Application [UK]

    +Support Absolutely excellent documenting and test ideas. Good activity, I've seen you a lot on research. Respectful, mature and a great guy in general. Hi Hallowgrave, I've given you a +support for the reasons listed above. Fairly certain you mentioned possibly applying for executive...
  17. James Overscott

    [UK] Dr. Anderson's Overseer Assistant Application

    +Support Very active. Friendly and respectful of others. CL4 experience. Good knowledge of SCPs and how the Foundation operates. Best of luck! Exec. Researcher James Overscott
  18. James Overscott

    Sly's Good Luck

    :( God bless, I'll miss you and your accent
  19. James Overscott

    [SCP-RP UK] Executive Researcher Application

    -Support No excellent documents. Answers could be more detailed. Few interactions. Hi Johnson, I've given you a -support mainly for the following reasons. The answers you've written on your application are very basic and could / should be expanded upon. You also have no excellent documents...
  20. James Overscott

    [UK] Mirai's Executive Researcher application

    +Support I have seen you on research numerous times. Unsure if we have had many interactions, but the ones we have had have been pleasant. Good applications with good answers (especially liked the lore). Good documentation. Hi Mirai, I'm a bit late to the party with this one, but I think you'd...