+ Support
I have closely reviewed your application and have noted the following.
+ A lot of good RP experience
+ Very Mature
+ 1 Warning
+ Active In-Game and In Teamspeak
+ I have not had a single bad situation with you
+ Would be a good fit for the Staff Team
Neutural leaning towards + Support
I have closely reviewed your application and have noted the following.
+ Good RP experience
+ Activity
+ Playtime
+/- Some grammar errors in the Application
- Many warnings
+ Support
I have closely reviewed your application and have noted the following.
+ Mature
+ No warnings or Bans
+ Has Experience on other servers in High RP roles as well as Staff on other servers.
+ Would be a good fit for the Staff Team
+/- Some minor grammar errors in the Application...
+1 Support Nuke is a very positive and active member to the community. He has made a positive impact on the community. Him and I go way back and I would love to see him as any 05. I wish you the best of luck.
You have 2 bans and the last ban just expired
Lost track of warns
I would wait 4-6 weeks without any warning, then apply for Staff again if you wish.
+ Support
You have a considerable amount of time to be on the server
You also have previous experience which is very good
Your application is good
No Kicks/Bans/Warnings
+ Support
Good activity In-Game and in Teamspeak
Detailed Application
You have some good reasons to be Staff
Only 1 warning
Has experience in Serious RP
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