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  1. muchimuncher96

    Denied Decrease Class-D TYPE-BLUE cooldown

    Thank you for this comment. I agree that 40 minutes might be too short. And to add to my post after speaking to 3 different admins I finally got a definitive answer on how long the cooldown really is. It can range anywhere from 1 hour to 2 and a half hours. So to add to my suggestion I also...
  2. muchimuncher96

    Denied Decrease Class-D TYPE-BLUE cooldown

    "Dclass basically have a infinite supply of CL3 cards, F90s and other good guns," How. Where do we get an "infinite supply" of CL3 cards and good guns??
  3. muchimuncher96

    Denied Decrease Class-D TYPE-BLUE cooldown

    Sure, d-class can get out of d-block every now and then, but barely anyone ever escapes the faciltiy (legitimately that is). With no access to guns or high level keycards it is virtually impossible. I challenge anyone on the forums to play D-class for a day and see how hard it is to escape...
  4. muchimuncher96

    Denied Decrease Class-D TYPE-BLUE cooldown

    D-class rarely ever escape, gensec just gets to farm them. Do people struggle that bad with one person that is only there every hour and a half?
  5. muchimuncher96

    Denied Decrease Class-D TYPE-BLUE cooldown

    if you have any adjustments or criticism please let me know i can add it to the post
  6. muchimuncher96

    Denied Decrease Class-D TYPE-BLUE cooldown

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: -As it is, there is currently an 80 minute cooldown from the moment the current type-blue dies to when another player can become the type-blue. My suggestion is to decrease this time from 80 minutes to 40 minutes. Possible Positives of the suggestion...
  7. muchimuncher96

    SCP-RP Ban Appeal

    +rep, it's true i was the mtf
  8. muchimuncher96

    MUCHI SCP-RP Ban Appeal

    With all due respect, why are you, as a senior moderator, conversing over such a minuscule issue with a random guy I don't even know on my own ban appeal? You are willing to spend the time to write paragraphs back and forth with this guy but you are choosing to ignore my ban appeal, which has...
  9. muchimuncher96

    MUCHI SCP-RP Ban Appeal

    Your in-game name: muchi Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:510849970 Your steam community link: Date of ban: 6/27/22 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Death Threats | Toxicity Who banned you: Toxicity? I think that's...