Search results

  1. Dr. Swanson

    What are your biggest dis likes with SCP RP servers?

    No? What are you talking about
  2. Dr. Swanson

    What are your biggest dis likes with SCP RP servers?

    My lawyers have advised me not to answer this (the CoE)
  3. Dr. Swanson

    [US] Komodo's Intel Director Application

    From: ██-█ To: Ace 'Komodo' Gonzalez Subject: Application verdict Application Accepted Good evening ambassador! I see you believe you are suitable for higher positions and the ████████ ███████ agrees. Your work in the intelligence department has not gone unnoticed and we have decided to...
  4. Dr. Swanson

    [USA] Lemmskii's Director of Research Application

    From: ██-█ To: Lemmskii Subject: Application verdict Application Denied Good evening Lemmskii. Unfortunately due to the position being filled the ████████ ███████ has decided to deny your application for Director of Research If you have any questions regarding your denial feel free to...
  5. Dr. Swanson

    John Iceland's Application to join the Directorate of Research

    From: ██-█ To: John Iceland Subject: Application verdict Application Accepted Good evening researcher! I see you believe you are suitable for higher positions and the ████████ ███████ agrees. Your work as an executive researcher has not gone unnoticed and we have decided to accept your...
  6. Dr. Swanson

    Denied Make it FailRP to....

    Id like you to elaborate on this before I state any of my opinions
  7. Dr. Swanson

    Disguise kit rule clarification

    While playing i've heard time and time again that "disguise sniping is against the rules" in one form or another but while looking I have yet to find something that explicitly states this, so, is this an actual rule or is it one of those things people make up because they're annoyed by it.
  8. Dr. Swanson

    [USA] Randy's Second Application For: Deputy Director of Research

    From: ██-█ To: Randy Randalls Subject: Application verdict Application Accepted Good evening execitive I see you believe you are suitable for higher positions and the ████████ ███████ agrees. Your work in the research department has not gone unnoticed and we have decided to accept your...
  9. Dr. Swanson

    [US] Director of Research Application - Jinngle Heimer

    From: ██-█ To: Jinngle Heimer Subject: Application verdict Application Denied Good evening Jinngle. Unfortunately due to the position being filled the the ████████ ███████ has decided to deny your application for Director of research. If you have any questions regarding your denial feel...
  10. Dr. Swanson

    John Iceland's Application to join the Directorate of Research

    From: ██-█ To: John Iceland Subject: Application verdict Application Denied Good evening John. Unfortunately due to the position being filled the the ████████ ███████ has decided to deny your application for Director of research. If you have any questions regarding your denial feel free to...
  11. Dr. Swanson

    [US] Hutson Kuznetsov's Deputy Director of Research application

    From: ██-█ To: Hutson Kuznetsov Subject: Application verdict Application Denied Good evening Hutson. Unfortunately due to the position being filled the the ████████ ███████ has decided to deny your application for Director of research. If you have any questions regarding your denial feel...
  12. Dr. Swanson

    Goofy Ahh Late Introduction

    +Support This introduction is indeed goofy ahh and late
  13. Dr. Swanson

    Food Inflation

    *Slams fist on desk* I don't know why there is a sudden spike in prices of food ideas, what I do know is that milk IS 50 GODDAMN DOLLARS AND I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT!!!
  14. Dr. Swanson

    [USA] Randy's Application For: Deputy Director of the Site-56 Research Department

    From: ██-█ To: Randy “Randals” Murphy Subject: Application verdict Application Denied Good evening Randy, unfortunately due to the position being full the ████████ ███████ has denied your application. - ██-█
  15. Dr. Swanson

    [USA] Liam's Deputy Director of Research Application #2

    From: ██-█ To: Liam Thomson Subject: Application verdict Application Denied Good evening Liam, unfortunately due to the position being full the ████████ ███████ has denied your application. - ██-█
  16. Dr. Swanson

    [USA] Lunaro's Deputy Director of Research Application

    From: ██-█ To: Lunaro Subject: Application verdict Application Denied Good evening Lunaro, unfortunately due to the position being full the ████████ ███████ has denied your application. - ██-█
  17. Dr. Swanson

    [U.S.A] Crow's Deputy D.o.R Application submission. {Second submission}

    From: ██-█ To: Crow Kalashnikov Subject: Application verdict Application Accepted Good evening executive! I see you believe you are suitable for higher positions and the ████████ ███████ agrees. Your work in the executive team has not gone unnoticed and we have decided to accept your...
  18. Dr. Swanson


    From: ██-█ To: Dino Hernandez Subject: Application verdict Application Denied Good evening, unfortunately the ████████ ███████ has decided to deny your application for the promotion to deputy director of research. This is due to your very brief time as a member of the executive team and the...
  19. Dr. Swanson

    [US] “The Vader" O5-3 Application (2)

    +Support - Super easy to work with - Always stays professional - Handles situations well - Good amount of CL4 experience
  20. Dr. Swanson

    [US] Swansons 05 application 05-3 "The Heretic"

    What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number): - 05-3, throughout my entire time playing on the server I have always wanted to be in administrative roles, to do the best I can to focus on anything that needs to be focused on and improve it to the best of my abilities...