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  1. Hihea14

    Ag Hihea7 ban appeal

    Hello our Marshal lets go from the beginning it started with the DB I was trying some emotes i have bought while the DB freak out emote especially cause i noticed it change every time you press it then cam one of the KGBs and whispered i am warning you if you did that one more time or something...
  2. Hihea14

    Ag Hihea7 ban appeal

    Your in-game name: hihea7 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:127315647 Your steam community link: no idea what that is Date of ban: sat spet 4 16:27:36 2021 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM Who banned you: Dor Ban length?: 2 weeks Link a copy of the in-game rules...