Ag Hihea7 ban appeal

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Sep 4, 2021
Your in-game name: hihea7

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:127315647

Your steam community link: no idea what that is

Date of ban: sat spet 4 16:27:36 2021

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM

Who banned you: Dor

Ban length?: 2 weeks

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again: not go to training center again

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? warned once for combat jumping before i know there is a combat jumping :D

Why should you be unbanned: because i didnt MRDM i only killed 2 guys in the training center while training so it is not really MRDM and i have a SCREENSHOT THAT PROOFs THAT

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I have been playing in this server for long time and well known of following rules by my comarade they can ensure it with me

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
I cant leave me friend in AG and JAF they are my favorite people and i wanna keep playing with them


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Dec 25, 2020
You killed three people including myself when walking out of the training centre after I killed you for murdering my CO, which was the third count of RDM as well as failrp, this being right after you hired a PC whilst on PT to kill my CO and then yourself afterwards to avoid PT.

AG should know better and AG should be the pinnacle of wanting to roleplay, if I were in charge of AG you'd be kicked out alone for failing to actually RP.

I think a MRDM ban is harsh, but your attitude today was a stinker
Hi Hihea, before your ban appeal is considered, and please know that the truth here is absolutely paramount I've been told by several sources that the situation was the following, which is backed up by Valkyrie's claim:

That you were arrested by KGB, following this Arrest to escape from PT you hired a PC to kill you: claimed the training center as "a training", proceeding to kill any KGB trying to enter said training center in an attempt to arrest you, as well as ordering a subordinate AG to also kill KGB as part of this training.

I would like a detailed explanation of the situation from your point of view


Sep 4, 2021
Hello our Marshal
lets go from the beginning
it started with the DB I was trying some emotes i have bought while the DB freak out emote especially cause i noticed it change every time you press it then cam one of the KGBs and whispered i am warning you if you did that one more time or something like that technically i didn't notice what he said until i got arrested :D we went to jail and he jailed me for 10 mins and then brought all the KGBs to the jail and they said after that you are gonna have a PT . then they came to the bunks took me for a PT first they wanted me to crouch and quack like a duck while moving behind one of the KGBs I had issues with the mic so they changed it to crouch until you reach the radar I crouched and started moving . when i reached the gate they brought a car and told me to get inside and went to the Town and handcuffed me and told me to go back to base :D while i was there i found a PC and yes I paid to get killed and didn't know that was failrp i know it is logical but you know wanted to get out the situation :D (still think that i get warning for the fail rp not banned ) after that I died so I became a new person with no charges (at least in my opinion :D ) I went to the training center claimed the TC and started a training while starting the training I was Tased by KGB and was shot by AG member I revived went inside the TC killed Kyzent and one other guy which I am sorry for actually was kinda angry :( and yes unfortunately i would have killed one more if i wasn't stopped by some of my friends thanks to them now <3
that is what happened the ultimate truth and no one could say other than that :D
some notices
consider my truthful words while judging :D
I appealed for the MRDM cause i killed 2 guys only and yes unfortunately i would have killed one more if i wasn't stopped by some of my friends thanks to them now <3
fail rp they could have warned me for it not banning me I have no previous warnings
2 weeks is harsh punishment for the situation and i were to be banned and that was your final decision i will accept it
I was jailed for disturbing peace and not following order which I have no idea how did i disturb the ussr peace in the DB :D :D

Thanks in advance
all love to AG likes <3
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