+support, this idea is really cool and is thought out well but with how mingey chefs can be it would need to be whitelisted and would need to be created to minimise minging but would be really cool to see
having the clothing under the armor be the same blue as the old models would be good, helps differentiate them from other jobs like DEA or from looking like 912
+/- support, the guy clearly cares a lot about the server and has given back to the community on numerous occasions, I think some more time spent as Officer could be beneficial, maybe stay on the lookout for Sergeant tryouts and go from there
-support, stop using annoying pacs and fix your reputation, you shouldn't be put into a high position role to then fix your reputation, you should fix your reputation and then once everyone sees you as a good person on the server then you apply to these positions, plenty of great role models on USA
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Steve Austin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51401107
Ban Reason: MRDM
Date of ban: 20/4/2024
Who banned you: Wrath
Ban length: 2 weeks
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Use my new understanding of the rules and...
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