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  1. Script

    Ban appeal for Xavier “Script” Armish

    Hi there, I was using something basic on my keyboard to simply press A and D, i am really not sure why i was attacking? I also had set a timer for when i breached... I am sorry it messed up i can only assume someone must have reduced the timer in the game with votes. I am very sorry, i did not...
  2. Script

    Ban appeal for Xavier “Script” Armish

    I hope this is more sufficient with the template for appeals.
  3. Script

    Ban appeal for Xavier “Script” Armish

    Your in-game name: Xavier “Script” Armish Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:226602419 Your steam community link: Date of ban: 26/01/2023 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Macro/Scripts Who banned you: W. Licht Ban length?: 3 Days...