Search results

  1. 'Lilith'

    Content Suggestion UNGOC Weapons Changes/Balancing

    +support i'd rather shit in my hands and CLAP than use the M60
  2. 'Lilith'

    ethic assinted uas

  3. 'Lilith'

    Denied Nerf Guns

  4. 'Lilith'

    otter role...

    Role owner's Discord ID: 639529519786754068 Which Discord server is the role in: CN scp-rp Which role are you modifying: Circle Of Otter Are you adding or removing members?: Adding Discord IDs of the members you would like to add/remove: 651076284738306086 If adding: have you purchased the...
  5. 'Lilith'

    Lilith's CI pac3 Request

    angry cat emoji
  6. 'Lilith'

    Lilith's CI pac3 Request

    5.08 Authorisations - If a PAC has been approved for one player, this does not automatically approve it for others. ‘Excessive’ PACs must undergo the process in 5.1 again. SCP PAC3s must be authorised by a member of Server Leadership.
  7. 'Lilith'

    Lilith's CI pac3 Request

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): All the CI job's but jugg Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9318387 Photograph of PAC: (yes biscuits gave me his pac3 :shocked:
  8. 'Lilith'

    [UK] Reiner's 2nd Executive Application

    +support reiner ping
  9. 'Lilith'

    PAC Request Lilith DEA Pac

    i genuinely dont know, and i couldnt tell you
  10. 'Lilith'

    PAC Request Lilith DEA Pac

    cape has a toggle so i can turn it off if needed
  11. 'Lilith'

    PAC Request Lilith DEA Pac

    1. Ur american ur pac is horrendous 2. I like it 3. I dont give a shit if other people dont like my pac
  12. 'Lilith'

    PAC Request Lilith DEA Pac

    ur unemployed
  13. 'Lilith'

    PAC Request Lilith DEA Pac

    allergic to peak
  14. 'Lilith'

    PAC Request Lilith DEA Pac

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): DEA Field Agent/Special Agent Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9318387 Photograph of PAC:
  15. 'Lilith'

    Lilith's GOC Pac3 request

    it looks genuinely horrible if i add blue
  16. 'Lilith'

    Lilith's GOC Pac3 request

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): GOC Medic, GOC Marksman, GOC Field Operative, GOC soldier, GOC Thauma Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9318387 Photograph of PAC: (i swear its brighter in game)
  17. 'Lilith'

    PAC Request Lilith's GOC Pac approval request

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): Medic, soldier, field operative, marksman (GOC) Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9318387 Photograph of PAC: / /