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  1. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Return the repair tool to Nu-7

    This includes adding a repair tool, and was denied because of the repair tool addition.
  2. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Breach votes great again

    +Support since nobody uses them, I just spend them for money
  3. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied [SCP-RP] MC&D Complete Overhaul / Regimental Group { Donator Only - Possible Tiers for $ Amount Spent }

    there is a mc&d rework and there has been many suggestions regarding mc&d
  4. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Patrol Kit and SCU model change

    uhm ackshually the guards have yellow tinted visors
  5. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Make ERT Biometric CL4s

    they dont need aa they all have op weapons, arguably most being on par or more powerful than aa. Also there wouldnt be a case where an scp is locked inside a cl4 bio room since most break doors, then otherwise just bring a cl4 with you. -Support should give them cl5 bio instead smh
  6. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied IA need revolvers

    maybe not a magnum, unless this would replace both weapons then it would be interesting. +Support because funny
  7. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Accepted Let DEA Operatives/Agents and Gensec Officers and upwards spawn with 100 shield instead of 50

    no we cant its bugged, and there is no armour spawner in dea. (On UK at least) what bill was trying to say
  8. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Patrol Kit and SCU model change

    your only argument is that this would be hard to implement which i have already stated, also your ways to distinguish are why i am making this suggestion, virtually 0 patrol kits go punished when in d-block, which makes it obvious that your ways of distinguishing others is never used, this would...
  9. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied SCP-3114 - Wouldn't it be Chilly?

    "please add this feature from scp sl"
  10. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Accepted Maintenance/Engineering Department

    so many people play techie and this would eventually even out people if the department was added after a bit.
  11. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Give ISD Enforcements Extra Armor

    do it for all heavy weapons jobs smh
  12. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Patrol Kit and SCU model change

    its just the uniform changed to white
  13. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Patrol Kit and SCU model change

    What does this suggestion change: Uses the alternate white GSD bodygroup skin when selecting patrol kits or SCU. Has something similar been suggested before?: No Possible Positives of the suggestion: Helps people to tell the difference between station kits and patrol kits, same goes for SCU...
  14. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Soup Bulk Addition

    this looks cool +Support
  15. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Squad System

    ert basically has a form of squad system
  16. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Throwable knifes

    make it like the m9k knife throw, if they hit the person your knife breaks and it only does 80 base damage up close, with bleed. Or even just re add the m9k knife and call it a throwing knife
  17. Michael Dzhetnikov

    MC&D Job change

    honestly they gotta completely rework mc&d, from the goofy dark web ass models to their raid requirements