Search results

  1. James V

    Bumble's NHC Application

    +support Active Great regimental command Experienced High potential
  2. James V

    Xturn's Mod App

    -support Never seen in game Substantially low vtime
  3. James V

    Voltics SC Application

    +support + Active
  4. James V

    Cristiano's NHC Application

    +support Active Great with RP Very high potential My only drawback is I would like you to attempt to take control of situations and show your leadership qualities
  5. James V

    Marv Fit's NHC Application

    +support Active Experienced player I know Marv may have minged a bit in the past but he has nothing but good intentions to NATO and the server
  6. James V

    Mc Flurrys GM app

    +support Active Need GMs and McFlurry would be a good fit Ideas may be basic at the moment but they can surely be developed on Thanks,
  7. James V

    [UK] 'Brum' Special Agent Application

    Mike 'Brum' s DEA Special Agent Application: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80637695 Discord name: James V#0702 For how long have you played on CG SCP: A few weeks now Age: 17 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: BST Character name(s): Brum; Mike ‘Brum’ Civilian name: N/A What...
  8. James V

    Tuga's Level 2 SAS CPT Demotion Appeal

    Appeal Denied Hello @NotTuga , Thanks for taking the time to make a roleplay demotion appeal. After careful consideration, I am not convinced that your account has been hacked and this had led to your actions in game, eventually resulting in your demotion. Therefore your appeal is being...
  9. James V

    Dannys NATO High Command App

    +support improve your activity tho
  10. James V

    [UK] Kaz's Executive application

    +support active quality researcher
  11. James V

    Mike's Staff Application

    Mike's Staff Application: Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): James V How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 2 weeks Age: 17 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: BST NATO name (regiment and rank): Mike NWO name (regiment and...
  12. James V

    Has MRP gotten better or Worse in the past 2 months?

    its the same as it was 2 months ago really, other than LMGs been buffed a bit
  13. James V

    Kyzent's Developer - Addons Application

    +support Nothing but good intentions towards the community
  14. James V

    Denied Stop Defibbing to Kidnap

  15. James V

    [UK] Naffen's Site Advisor Application

    +support Although I do not know him personally I see very well that he has led A-1 well Active 'Brum'.
  16. James V

    SpiderSlayer22's GM application

    -support regimental missions are very basic and pretty much the day to day basics of the regiments