Mc Flurrys GM app

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Nov 4, 2022
Bosnia Herzegovina


Which server are you applying for? (UK/USA): UK
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Stinkin Badges
For how long have you played on CG MRP: About maby a year
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: GMT+1
NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF SGM Mc Flurry
NWO name (regiment and rank): STS PFC Sarajevo
Civilian name: Ivan Yakov
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:505990903
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Most Fearp and ROE but i regret my warns.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: No not realy
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yeah SCP RP, DarkRP and WW2 RP
How many hours can you be on everyday?: Pretty much a whole day
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I played this server for a while now and i wanted to take a step further cause its a very fun server to play on i have lots of friends and i want to make fun events so everyone can have fun.

And i heard we need some more GM's so i wanted to apply.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I have a whole world of ideas and i want to them to show the ideas to the server and make lost of fun and cool events so we can play with each other and have fun.

Event information

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1st NWO event. Red plauge: Red plauge is a small zombie event where they hold the east town tower from zombies and the zombies have more like juggernout zombies are alot of healt fast zombies are very fast and could hit more damage and there are more zombies like special ones
2nd NATO and NWO event. Operation REDACTED: NATO found a bunker in east town they found old files and old NATO High command they were trying to get them to base and then NWO ambush them and try to take the Old NATO High command and the one who got them first to the base gets 10 or 5 Million War funds.
3rd NATO . Last Standing: ER will start at West town and try to push NATO back to base from West Town, then to East town, and then Checkpoint, and then back to base and ER need to escort a lets say a Van to NATO gates and then it will explode at gates and we will model or like set them ER soldier if that works then it will be a good plan!

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): Operation Black Sun: Is a Operation where they will find bombs around a map and they need to bring it to like 1 point and blow it up and they will find a bunker and then they will start the battle they wont fight until they will find all bombs and blow up the wall or somthing up and then find intel and bring it back to base
i dont know if this map is good map but i played it and its fun the map is called gm_redrock.

Regimental Mission

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:
RMP / AOR: A riot got broken out in SET, ET and WT RMP and AOR had teamed up to arrest, Breach, escort and hold of hordes of civi's, and the civi's are getting weapons like molotov, ak's, grenades. (optinal) RMP and AOR need to find drug stashes around the map and RTB them and the event is going to end with Civi's swarming main ET building and AOR and RMP need to hold them of and wait for a evac.

SAS / STS: STS is going to rescue a Russian mafia boss with strong ties to the NWO government from a NATO facility, SAS is going to defend them the Boss for 20 minutes or shorter and then STS needs to RTB the Boss on foot and SAS needs to stop them but there are blocades.

IVG / ISAF: Drone information has revealed that NWO has a large number of supplies and equipment stationed up in mountain, working alongside JAF ISAF must paradrop onto mountain and destroy all of their supplies and vehicles and then make it back to base safe. IVG will use all force to kill them all

JAF / SWB: A NWO operactive turned rogue has left a dead drop of information at SET, JAF is deployed to recover the information, SWB attack and the JAF must fend them off and recover the intel.

1stAL / 17thAR: 17thAR is preparing for a battle against 1st but their tanks got stuck and they are at a fob with no tanks they need to hold of 1stAL on the fob until the tanks come.


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
sorry but the ideas don't convince me.
they're common its like it changed by a nano detail.
you got good activity but that isn't enough.
Nov 4, 2022
Bosnia Herzegovina
- support

Not only your ideas are very basic, they have nothing that could make it sound interesting even a tiniest bit, but i've also seen you have outright horrible interactions with others. Imo you dont have necessary qualities to be GM
Well i kinnda get that the ideas are basic but i am working on it and to make it better.


MRP War Criminal
Apr 6, 2023

Currently Gamemasters are needed
His events are alright but overall aren't bad, they can be worked on and improved.
Mcflurry is very active and always is very polite and mature
Jun 10, 2022
+/- Neutral

I really don’t have much to say. I’m in a 50/50 here. You are extremely active and in game a lot of times and I’ve seen good interactions as well as bad an immature interactions. Your events are basic and not so great. We are in need of game masters but I’m not giving this a 100% +support and leave this for the higher ups to decide.
+/- Neutral

+ Active IG/TS
+ Friendly

+/- Maturity is questionable
- Event ideas could be improved
- Ideas are HEAVILY one-sided to a particular faction

Hi @Mc Flurry, although you are friendly in person, your event ideas are quite basic and played out. They may be adapted in practice, but currently, your events are extremely one-sided to a faction. I believe that with training you may succeed as a Gamemaster so I wish you the best of luck.
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