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  1. Jeager

    [USA] O5-4 'The Godfather'

    +Support I hate this guy
  2. Jeager

    [USA] Jeager's 22415 App

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:115775457 Discord name: Jeager For how long have you played on CN SCP: 1month 6 days 18 hours at time of writing Age: 21 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: CST Character name(s): Nathan 'Jeager' Emmons Civilian name: Steve Castillo What server are you applying...
  3. Jeager

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    Its not the point itself that's a low jab, it was linking it in the reply. Its a completely valid point but to link in reply to criticism of your suggestion because the person criticizing is a high position is just you trying to wave a flag and say hey look I was right the high ranking guy did...
  4. Jeager

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    hey frick you buddy :mad:
  5. Jeager

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    Site Admin takes care of problems between or involving leaders of departments. We issue department wide projects, such as Project Fix-it, Project Mentality, and the recent Fentanyl crackdown. Senior CL4 promotions almost all go through us. There is one person per department in SA so your 5 man...
  6. Jeager

    Denied Locale Management Overhaul, Splitting the Difference

    Major -Support. This grossly misunderstands the point of site administration and what we do. We overview all departments on the site outside of SC and A1/O1. Site Admin works with the department leaders to change things about the department and work on site wide policies. This also reads like a...
  7. Jeager

    [SCP-RP USA] O5-1 "The Finality" Ascension

    +Support Who else?
  8. Jeager

    [US] "O5-4 The Hierophant"

    +Major Support He's done great as a Site Director and he would do wonderful as -4
  9. Jeager

    Marvin Garden's Guide to Application Success [SCP-RP]

    Its so sad that marvin is dead. Thank you kind soul for finishing his final writing project. May he rest in peace
  10. Jeager

    [USA] Jeager's Site Advisor Application

    - Why are you applying for Site Advisor? After becoming an officer in E-11 I have taken on more and more administrative tasks within the regiment. I want to experience more that the server has to offer roleplay wise and being a combative limits my ability to do that. Simply I want to change...
  11. Jeager

    USA Jeagers 096 App

    Steam ID: Discord name: Jeager For how long have you played on CG SCP: about a month and a half Age: 21 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: CST Character name(s): Nathan 'Jeager', Steve Castillo Civilian name: Mark Castillo What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP...
  12. Jeager

    [US] Budder's OSA Application
