Search results

  1. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Charles Whitmee, Ethics Assistant? [UK]

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80289147 Discord Name: theadmiralze For how long have you played on CG SCP: Nearly 2 years I reckon Age: 22 Time Zone: BST Character Name(s): Charles "Ze" Whitmee - Foundation Z."Freud" - Chaos Insurgency Fred 'Liquidator' - Global Occult Coalition Civilian name...
  2. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Guess I'm playing again

    Did I actually leave? I don't know man.
  3. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Partially Accepted SCP-323 Buff (From someone who actually enjoys 323)

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion aims to buff/alter SCP 323 in the following ways: (Please note, these are merely suggestions and don't all have to be added, my goal is to give some ideas that can be added) Basic Melee attack Currently SCP-323 has no means of...
  4. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Charles Whitmee

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK) Your in-game name: Charles Whitmee Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80289147 Ban Reason: RDM B Date of ban: 07/01/2025 Who banned you: Cheetah Ban length: 6 hours What will you do to stop this from happening again: Nothing. I believe the reason I was...
  5. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    What do you see more, Roleplay or Ruleplay?

    I see too much Ruleplay these days.
  6. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Denied Make Warns & Bans visible again.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestions seeks to make Warns and Bans on CN visible again. I'm unsure when, but I have been told NL made Warns and Bans silent on CN servers, I wish to revert this to allow the playerbase to be aware of who has been warned/banned. I wish for...
  7. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Partially Accepted GSD Stun Baton Changes

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion seeks to change the GSD Stun Baton in the following ways: >Increased Stun e.g. blinder for longer >Better Knockback >Similar effect to the Tranquiliser gun applied when stunned, or even a similar effect to tear gas Has something...
  8. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    [UK] O5-1 "The Humanitarian" Ascendance

    O5-1 "The Humanitarian" Out Of Character Section Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80289147 Discord name: theadmiralze For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year + Age: 21 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: BST Character name(s): Charles "Ze" Whitmee - Foundation Z."Freud" -...
  9. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    I'm here I guess

    Don't know why man. I'm tired.
  10. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    [UK] O5-2 "The Humanitarian"

    O5-2 "The Humanitarian" Out Of Character Section Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80289147 Discord name: theadmiralze For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over a year now, being ECM for the majority of it. Age: 21 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: BST Character name(s): Charles...
  11. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Partially Accepted SCRAMBLE goggles overhaul

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: A rework of how the SCRAMBLE goggles currently work Currently: At the moment SCRAMBLEs work as a simple overlay on the screen which makes you immune to Cognitohazzards (as you can spot them and look away with 0 effect) and as a way to detect 914 users...
  12. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    [SCP-RP UK] Charles Whitmee Ethics Committee Chairman Application #2

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80289147 Discord name: theadmiralze For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1098 Hours or 45.75 days Age: 21 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: GMT Character name(s): Charles "Ze" Whitmee Civilian name: Fox "Ze" Mulder What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK...
  13. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Accepted Radios in Dispensers

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion aims to add Radios to dispensers as a CL1 item. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Not that I know of. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Radios become more...
  14. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    [SCP-RP UK] Charles Whitmee Ethics Committee Chairman Application

    What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why: This application is for the position of the Ethics Committee Chairman The big question of course, why I am applying? Change. There are many things which I wish to change and adjust, ranging from the Ethics Committee itself to the...
  15. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    [UK] Charles Ethics Committee Member Application #2

    What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why: This application is for the role of Ethics Committee member, my reasons are as follows: While doing my duties on Site 65 I have worked with the Ethics committee to ensure that the rules are upheld and enforced, to ensure that all...
  16. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    [UK] Charles Ethics Committee Member Application

    What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why: This application is for the role of Ethics Committee member, my reasons for this application are as follows: During my time on Site 65 I have had one focus, and that is to ensure law and order are upheld while justice is guaranteed. I...
  17. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Charles's Director of Internal Affairs App [UK]

    Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs? -I am applying because I wish to make changes to IA. I love working as IA however there are things I wish I could change, and at the moment I believe the best way to make this happen is to take the initiative and lead IA there myself...
  18. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    PAC Approved Agent Charles Pac

    Prior to the foundation: Charles was born in London, his mother a convicted criminal, who put the poor child up for adoption as she was the only relative little Charles had. For the next few years Charles would end up bouncing around multiple orphanages and adoption agencies in London, never...
  19. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    [UK] Charles "Ze" Whitmee IA Ambassador application

    Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador? - I wish to do more for Internal affairs and the agents that join it. Currently as an Agent I encounter 2 other types of agents more then I would hope to. Ones that have no clue what their duties are but have passed the test Others that...