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  1. Ronin

    Network Leadership required Create an Event Server to be used for Major Events.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion calls for the adding of an event server. It would have player cap set around 40 - 80 and could only be used with Event Team Leadership Permission ( for the server they are on ). This server could be duel use as both a Content Team...
  2. Ronin

    Partially Accepted ADB Affect Changes ( for more Variety )

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Changes the ADB to have a lot more fun interactions with SCPs to create more RP, Those include; - Make it Randomise Sprint speed between the value of 100 to 350 ( Average Sprint Speed is around 250 ish ) - Make it Change Max HP Rather than HP in...
  3. Ronin

    Cheesy is going..

    For a party on New Years Eve, I am not gonna be on until 01/01/25 (Albeit hungover). I know this news may shock and horrify the lovely Roleplayers of Civil Networks. This is truly the end of days. For Garry's Modification Players.
  4. Ronin

    Denied Infiltration Additions

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: The idea is that the DCs & ARs will get new equipment and more ways to get caught from Foundation. This is fairly large, so I will give it in parts of what should be given ( GOC & CI get the same stuff ). SCP Foundation: Facial Scanners; SWEPS...
  5. Ronin

    Partially Accepted Type-Blue/Thaumaturge Changes.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion is asking for the removal of All TB insta-kill abilities & the replacement of others with more Thaumaturge aligned abilities. I will put a list of potential abilities here; Fireball ( Which replaces Ignite ), would be an AOE fire...
  6. Ronin

    Denied Reduce the 1000lb bomb Cooldown & Cost

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Reduce 1000lb bomb cooldown to 45 Minutes from 2 Hours & Reduce the cost from $2,000,000 to $1,000,000 Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Not to my knowledge. Possible Positives of the suggestion...
  7. Ronin

    Partially Accepted Make SCPs more dynamic for factions

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Allow the UNGOC & CI to be more dynamic with SCPs. CI can keep locked away in cells and do RP with them with a set breach queue, until MTF Retrieve them or server restart. UNGOC can ADB anomalies and make that job locked for a period of time 1 - 2...
  8. Ronin

    Cheesy's M16 Pac3 Request

    OOC: I want to approve a weapon model change to the M16A1 with a wood Stock, Barrel & Grip. I wish to use this on any AR Style Weapon, examples being; RPG-5, ARX-160, AR-15 & M14 to name a few IC: UNGOC INTERNAL NET Sender General Uriel Biggen Recipient...
  9. Ronin

    Cheesy's pac approval dump

    I am requesting authorisation for a few models to be used including; GSD, UNGOC & D-Class GSD: UNGOC: D-Class:
  10. Ronin

    Denied Revert back to the Old HCZ Update until the UK Server gets upgraded

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Remove new HCZ and revert to the old HCZ until the UK Server Upgrade Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Probably not? Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): - Less Lag - Nostalgia Trip...
  11. Ronin

    Denied Give GOC General Job Disguise card / Give GMs the ability to use the !setjob command

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Give the UNGOC General a Disguise Kit and allow GMs to use the !setjob command ( Stuff talking about GOC will be in darker colours and GM will be in lighter colours ) Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion...
  12. Ronin

    Accepted UNGOC TB Slight buff

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Gives UNGOC Thaumatologist 100 or at least 75 energy and if not allow it to have extra health Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Not too my knowledge but I could be wrong Possible Positives of the...
  13. Ronin

    PAC Approved UNGOC Hazmat model

    Requesting this pac3 for UNGOC R&D, Chemist & whenever I have a hazmat on
  14. Ronin

    Cheesy's Medic Pac3

    Requesting this pac3 for Medic & Thaumatologist because I am doing Thauma-Medical RP
  15. Ronin

    Cheesy's Attache/Officer Pac3 request

    Doesn't really need much lore but I want this pac3 to be approved for Attache, Ambassador & Officer ( The face is subject for change to other default male models )
  16. Ronin

    Denied Add MRP akin perks

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add a way by using 5 levels as a skill tree like that seen in MRP but slightly different So such as if you get very high in Research you get the ability to do sampling on SCPs on Bio-Hazard researcher or you play thaumatologist a lot have a lot of...
  17. Ronin

    Accepted [UK] Cheesy's Charcoal Suit Lore

    [Access_Granted: Clearance level C+] . .. ... [Opening_File: CS-#2134.pdf] . .. ... [File_Opened] Mk II Mobile Field Dress (Charcoal Suit) GEN+1 History During trial phases of the Black Suit it was observed to have 3 major flaws being that of comfortability for the wearer, weight impeding...
  18. Ronin

    [SCP-RP UK] Cheesy's Gamemaster application

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): the_monolith_comrade For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: since 01/04/23 Age: 15 In what country are you located?: UK, Wales Time zone: BST Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): MTF Omega-1 CSG Ronin...
  19. Ronin

    Cheesy's Robot arm pac request v3

    Just changed some colours around and made it look less shitty
  20. Ronin

    PAC Request Cheesy's CI Pac Request

    IC: OOC: I stripped this model off the monolith from STALKER This is what it looks like And just to make no mistake this pac is requested for all jobs in CI Other than Jugg 1. 2. 3.