Search results

  1. François "Napoléon"

    [UK] Blackburn's First GM Application

    -Support I'll have to -support due to multiple issues I have with the app. -First the formating is really bad: all same color and font type (no bigger letters nothing) making it very annoying to read (can't tell wich question is where) -Multiple spelling mistakes. Now i'm french i'm not the...
  2. François "Napoléon"

    Partially Accepted DEA Minor Loadout Change

    I disagree. Most Nu7 guns are better than dea.
  3. François "Napoléon"

    see you next week probably

    Don't worry I don't have any anger for you demoting me. There was nothing you could do. See you again in a week.
  4. François "Napoléon"


    I will always remember that time dea brought you to our bunks while you where using a "I need more boolets" pac.
  5. François "Napoléon"

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    + support. BUT: GOC should keep a one tap sniper. GOC is meant to be stronger and more scary. Make it so other snipers only have DMR or smth of the likes, but goc get a bolt action 50 cal (For the slower rate of fire). Would make the balance interresting. GOC can dome you but only if you agro...
  6. François "Napoléon"

    Terible au revoir

    Not gona ping me I see. Guess we have no more french here. There is nothing we can do O7
  7. François "Napoléon"

    Arnold Askons Game Master Application [UK]

    +/- Neutral I agree with what was said by the two previous gms: -Map change is not a map change. The map Needs to be different is what it entails (go check other apps for reference). -Some events are a bit lacking notably in the Department and goi ones (Aka the one after the map change)...
  8. François "Napoléon"

    atlas's Game Master Application [UK]

    -Support RIght let me list everything that is wrong with this app: Formating: Difficult to read, Everything is the same color and size. Go look at how accepted apps did it because formating helps a LOT. Description: All event are barrely described and if they are it's barrely useful: New Geek...
  9. François "Napoléon"

    Steve "Omega" Winters GM App [UK]

    -/+ Neutral I will be honest, some of what you show is not half bad, I checked the document you provided and clearly you did some decent work as a gm in the past, despite that I still see some issues wich make me wonder if you would be a good gm here. First of all, i'll agree with Jeremy...
  10. François "Napoléon"

    [UK] Maksim "Enigma" GM Application

    -Support So I respect your choice to try to be a gm but, did you try to put any effort in this? All events are described in litteraly 2 sentences and don't even go into detail. The map change one litteraly is not event made of proper sentences. You seem to have ideas on what to do for events...
  11. François "Napoléon"

    Chocholanz's Game Master Application UK

    -/+ Neutral Altought research was put into the app and on scps. Some areas don't elaborate enought on what the events entail. Also like redman said you can never predict who will do what. That asside i'm still leaning somewhat to +support since it seems like you are putting in the effor, I can't...
  12. François "Napoléon"

    [UK] Foxen Dorad Second GM Application

    +support All events are fairly well explained. Ideas are quite interresting. Fondation event feels more like just an SCP event wich will involve mostly research and E11. Map change might be too chaotic since all main groups would be included at the same time. Not gona lie you cooked well enought.
  13. François "Napoléon"

    [UK] Flare's GM Application

    +Support I can respect a man that wishes to be gm when they are able to put pump out pac like these. Not the most impressive work for sure but being able to texture and make some custom models is a thing I like to see. Your event ideas are ok. I do believe they could see some improvement but...
  14. François "Napoléon"

    [UK] The Pennington's SD App

    +Support The og O5 that was here when I got CO. Was really good at his job and good interraction and rp from him as director of research.
  15. François "Napoléon"

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    Mk18 is a dmr that 2 taps so less one shot bs. Freedom and sanctum are both snipers since they one tap but it could be seen as balanced since you need to live to keep em. Dying makes you loose the gun. So would seem more balanced
  16. François "Napoléon"

    Partially Accepted Give DEA Drones Thermal Vision & Pinging Ability

    I will only +support this if other factions get thermal vision as a tool. Like goc getting back their goggles or what not. Just to make it so all goi have acces to thermal one way or another.
  17. François "Napoléon"

    Cade's bowing out for a bit o7

    still remember the og times in Nu7. O7
  18. François "Napoléon"

    My message

    Says the french person
  19. François "Napoléon"

    My message

    Ran out of message lenght on discord ? the message used to be longer but was shortened.
  20. François "Napoléon"

    Scarleader8305,s Gamemaster Application UK

    Neutral. Application seems ok at best wich would be fine but comments from others and lack of interraction dosn't make me confident on giving a full +support.