Search results

  1. "Ghost"

    Epsilon-11 Officer Secondary Addition.

    As an E-11 Officer, we do not need another Rifle, QBZ is busted inside Foundation were max range is D-Block to PW Bathrooms. Shotgun secondary would be nice for Specific Use-Cases
  2. "Ghost"

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

  3. "Ghost"

    Denied Make Potent Dul. Great Again.

    Don't make me have to log 50L of Potent Deposits to E-11 Fridges. Please +Support
  4. "Ghost"

    Partially Accepted Add Weapon checkers to Combative Jobs

    +Support will be denied because it "takes away from the GSD Gameplay loop". "Sir, we captured a CI in 008" "Hold on, let me call a GENSEC all the way down to remove his weapons"
  5. "Ghost"

    Denied Make corticosteroids heavier than other chems

    A similar thing has already been accepted
  6. "Ghost"

    Rule Suggestion Make crouching solely against 076 against the rules

    -Support /me ducks under SCP-076-2s Large Horizontal Swings\ Next it'll be no staring at 173
  7. "Ghost"

    [UK] scp-22415 application

    -Support Doesn't meet level req
  8. "Ghost"

    Denied Change IA Loadout

    something something semi-combative just buy a perma lmao
  9. "Ghost"

    Denied Change hacking alerts.

    -Support No-one in CI who's raiding should fail a CL4 unless they get discovered early. This would make stopping breaches near impossible. Content Team already thought current hacking alerts weren't enough and granted them to Containment Units as well
  10. "Ghost"

    Network Leadership required Automated Restart amount change

    Wait, there's more than 1 restart per day?
  11. "Ghost"

    Accepted Allow 173 to switch his targets

    Let me cyber bully 173 players in peace
  12. "Ghost"

    Denied SCP-1200-# Addition [RESEARCH]

    Can you explain each one and what their abilities are, i aint searching the wiki just to comment on a Suggestion
  13. "Ghost"


    If not everyone at least people with VIP, or Nitro Boosters lemme post Embeds in VIP Chat
  14. "Ghost"

    Accepted NVG Viewmodel Change

    If it all possible adding a custom pac3 event for NVGs i.e "nvg_active" for pac user to make auto NVGs, however this can be replicated by clever bind usage
  15. "Ghost"

    Accepted NVG Viewmodel Change

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add a setting for the NVGs we use on the server that makes the 3rd Person view model not appear on activation. Best way to change it would be via the Spawn Menu settings bar, but maybe can just be put on the Custom Pause Menu. At the moment regardless...
  16. "Ghost"

    Denied New SCP: E-999-A

    What are your ideas stat wise? For it to be hostile and a breaching SCP ideally it needs to be balanced in a way that it's fun to fight as and against. From the testing log seems like it would do minimal damage, but also 999 is non-solid and bullets have no effect on it. How much damage you...
  17. "Ghost"

    Denied scp suggestion

    Massive -Support -J Articles are Joke Articles, not proper SCPs. 729-J has no Containment Procedures, it literally killed 682. So absolutely fucking not being added. 6101 is also not containable, if it could breach it wouldn't work Even if it was added it would mean SL would have to make...