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  1. casseno1

    [UK] Fallwell's Executive Application.

    Can you send a Vtime screenshot
  2. casseno1

    [UK] O5-3 'The Zealot'

    Make 05 the scottish council +Support
  3. casseno1

    Jay Rowling's Request to Transfer to the Ethics Committee..? [USA]

    +/- Support -Good player -Made good RP -No non combative sr cl4
  4. casseno1

    Partially Accepted Let D-Class have a way to Access Level-3 cards or TE-5s (for like the trains area)

    Why not just try rping with research by joining tests instead of running to 914 and getting guns? -Support
  5. casseno1

    Alpha'Bongo'Alvin's Executive Researcher application

    How have you got 3 bans but no warns listed?
  6. casseno1

    [UK] Mercer G's Internal Security Inspector Application

    I'm not going to argue with you in someone's post Also, I'm changing to a +/- Support due to the improved post
  7. casseno1

    [UK] Mercer G's Internal Security Inspector Application

    Ye 2 months ago and was punished for it. Same with you getting constant warns and minging on cl4 jobs.
  8. casseno1

    [UK] Mercer G's Internal Security Inspector Application

    -Support -Minimal app +/- some good and some bad interactions -Isn't lenient towards new players who dont know the rules
  9. casseno1

    Sven 'Nightwing' Eriksson's 1st Captain Application [USA]

    -Support -Massive minge on the few times ive seen him on UK server
  10. casseno1

    Cain Morris's SCP 096 application

    -Support -I've seen him act unprofessional on cl4 jobs such as his assistant character going on about squid games and such
  11. casseno1

    [UK] Cain Morris Staff Blacklist Appeal

    -Support -He lied and said he decided to quit not that he was blacklisted :(
  12. casseno1

    Brayan's OSA Application <UK>

  13. casseno1

    [UK] William Collins Executive Researcher Application

    Could we get your Vtime please