⚡ DzonI54's CGSF Application ⚡

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CG Silver VIP
Jan 3, 2021
1. Steam ID:

2. In game name:


4. Do you have a mic?

5. Is this your first application? If not please link ALL previous CGSF applications.
No, last one was on ex-forum back in ~2018

6. If you had to estimate, how many hours of Police/SWAT role-play would you say you had?

7. How would you deal with a suspect that was failing to cooperate with officers?
1. If I think I cant handle it alone, I would call backup.
2. /advert This is the police! Face the wall if you do not comply in 5 seconds you get Shot! Pulling out gun / runaway = KOS!
3. If they Face the wall Weapon checking him if he has any weapons.
4. If he already have weapon and tries/do kill police officer I would kill him at the moment.
5. If he tries to run away, I would try to taze him and explain him why is he being arrested.
Of course, if I dont have arrest button I would immediately call backup and request for police officer or FBI that have arrest baton. If he runs inside base and I dont want to get outside of it, I would first give him 3 warnings to get outside of base via /advert . If he fails to do that I would give him warrant and I would organize raid into that base with my fellow CGSF and SWAT members. I would also like to lead that raid.

8. What would you do if you saw an Officer die?
Depends how did he die, if he died on the street I would try to catch/kill him depends on is his dangerous level... When I reach him I would /advert and scream over mic to face the wall and if he try to pull out gun he will be killed immediately. If I saw someone killing officer and entering his base, I would first call backup code 3, and hide and wait for backup. When backup comes we would organize raid on that base, we would also call other police officers that would stay outside of base and not allow civilians to come inside that area because they could get shot. I would also like to call SWAT medics to help our friends who are injured. If they shoot at us while we are beaching inside base, we would also fire back at them and kill them when we get a chance, because if they shoot us they will shoot anyone, and that means they are threat for anyone who is near/around them. I would try not to lose anyone while in raid. I would always like to go first in raids because I would not feel bad that bad if someone dies in raid. Also I would like to lead raids because im not bad in coordinating with other SWAT and CGSF members. Also im not bad at shooting so I think I would be able, if I enter first I would be able to kill them. After a successful raid I would talk to other SWAT and CGSF forces to check is everything good and is anyone injured. If anyone is injured like I said I would call SWAT medic and help him immediately.

9. During raids you will be required to act in a tactical and effective manner. If required how would you lead a raid?
I would first organize positions. I would first tell snipers where to go so they can cover us, then I would get SWAT medics to help our wounded friends. Then I would get SWAT juggernauts, SWAT, and other CGSF members to get inside with me. I would prefer to go first always because I am good in shooting and if they open fire on us, I could more easy shoot back at them, if im not first in raid I other SWAT, CFSF ,members would be in front of me and I would not be able to take clear few shoots. I would also always like armored guys to go behind me so if I fall down, they dont fall down too easy and protect other forces behind them. Of course if they dont shoot and us, we would just arrest them without killing them because they did not get our lives in danger. But of course if they shoot at us we would kill them immediately. After a good raid I would be happy that I was the one who leaded successful raid and I would be happy to organize more raids.

10. If a suspect runs away from you as you're talking to him what would you do? (Keep in mind that failing to stop after being signaled by the police is a crime).
I would try to taze him, and explain him that he cant resist and the reason why I stopped him or started arresting him. If I dont have taser and can not approach him, I would call backup and explain that I need someone who got taser and that suspect is trying to run away. Also I would describe his appearance that they dont make mistake and arrest wrong person. If I lose him, I would place warrant on him so when someone sees him they can arrest him.

Do you meet the following criteria?
- Ability to stay calm: Yes
- Polite yet forceful: Yes
- Effective coordination: Yes
- Excellent marksmanship: Yes
-Great role-play ability: Yes

Rate out of 10 your skills on these

- Ability to stay calm: 10
- Polite yet forceful: 10
- Effective coordination: 9
- Excellent Marksmanship: 10
- Role-Play Ability: 10


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 26, 2020
-Your application is good
-Can’t say I’ve actually really seen you in game
-Haven’t seen you stand out at all

New verdict
After patrolling with you as swat jugg and CGSF Trainee I believe you have what it takes as a raider and on the streets Dzon. You have been on TS a lot and your communication is brilliant aswell. You fit in with the rest of the team perfectly. Best of luck.
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CG Super VIP
Jan 10, 2021
+Active on TS and PD
+Decent RP
+Good in combat
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CG Super VIP
Dec 22, 2020
Accepted, Come speak to any Captain+ whenever you are free.
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