What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[It will give 049 a weak cane melee weapon to be able to hit people as a last resort that he can not turn into zombies]
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[not to my knowledge]
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[when 049 is trapped in an elevator with one hazard man and no zombies he will not be completely defenseless and/or when ERT arrives he wont become useless. or in situations such as lets say, being locked in a room with one hazard dude who is flooring him with a machine gun while 049 cant do anything apart from run around the room as the door is a level 1+ clearance level.
. As when you feel useless as 049 it becomes very unfun in breaches. it would also make 049 not completely useless when ERT arrives as he could whack them with the cane (like the stun stick 912 has) as it would be a weak alternative to making them a zombie but when you actually cant make people into zombies because either they decided to wait for ERT or because everyone who is firing at you has hazards on and you can do anything about it you can actually fight back with an SCP Lore accurate weapon that 049 has (see image below and link).
I feel as if giving 049 this cane it will make him a more valuable SCP to breach as he wont be defenseless in later parts of the breach or when ERT is deployed and zombies are hard to find at that point, or like the example I said earlier of being trapped in a room with a hazard suit man and not being able to even punch back at the person spraying you with a machine gun while you are completely defenseless, giving 049 a cane to wield will eliminate this issue though do not make the mistake of making this cane a good main weapon, as that is not the point of the cane and would make 049 over powered while using the cane, the cane should only be used as a secondary/last resort if you can not turn them into a zombie so making this cane a weak weapon would solve that issue.

Source: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[I dont see many negatives with this IF ITS BALANCED CORRECTLY and make the cane VERY weak (like the 912 stun stuck), as it will give 049 a fighting chance against hazards but not OP by any means, so if somebody has a hazard on they are not 100% full proof against 049 and cant just have everyone wear hazards so the breach is essentially stopped (for example being locked in an elevator with a hazard suit, you cant really do much apart from just sit there and take the bullets)]
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[I feel like this should be accepted, it will make it so hazard suit people will still need to be a bit careful when trying to contain him instead of just standing in place with a machine gun when 049 doesnt have zombies, and wont make 049 useless when ever the ERT arrives as he still can at least bonk them even if he cant turn them into zombies as many times as 049 when ERT arrives I have had to hide in a corner while the others fought because I could literally not fight back against the ERT]

plz add this, it would be such a good feature, if you have any questions about it please ask them in the replies
[It will give 049 a weak cane melee weapon to be able to hit people as a last resort that he can not turn into zombies]
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[not to my knowledge]
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[when 049 is trapped in an elevator with one hazard man and no zombies he will not be completely defenseless and/or when ERT arrives he wont become useless. or in situations such as lets say, being locked in a room with one hazard dude who is flooring him with a machine gun while 049 cant do anything apart from run around the room as the door is a level 1+ clearance level.
. As when you feel useless as 049 it becomes very unfun in breaches. it would also make 049 not completely useless when ERT arrives as he could whack them with the cane (like the stun stick 912 has) as it would be a weak alternative to making them a zombie but when you actually cant make people into zombies because either they decided to wait for ERT or because everyone who is firing at you has hazards on and you can do anything about it you can actually fight back with an SCP Lore accurate weapon that 049 has (see image below and link).
I feel as if giving 049 this cane it will make him a more valuable SCP to breach as he wont be defenseless in later parts of the breach or when ERT is deployed and zombies are hard to find at that point, or like the example I said earlier of being trapped in a room with a hazard suit man and not being able to even punch back at the person spraying you with a machine gun while you are completely defenseless, giving 049 a cane to wield will eliminate this issue though do not make the mistake of making this cane a good main weapon, as that is not the point of the cane and would make 049 over powered while using the cane, the cane should only be used as a secondary/last resort if you can not turn them into a zombie so making this cane a weak weapon would solve that issue.

Source: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[I dont see many negatives with this IF ITS BALANCED CORRECTLY and make the cane VERY weak (like the 912 stun stuck), as it will give 049 a fighting chance against hazards but not OP by any means, so if somebody has a hazard on they are not 100% full proof against 049 and cant just have everyone wear hazards so the breach is essentially stopped (for example being locked in an elevator with a hazard suit, you cant really do much apart from just sit there and take the bullets)]
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[I feel like this should be accepted, it will make it so hazard suit people will still need to be a bit careful when trying to contain him instead of just standing in place with a machine gun when 049 doesnt have zombies, and wont make 049 useless when ever the ERT arrives as he still can at least bonk them even if he cant turn them into zombies as many times as 049 when ERT arrives I have had to hide in a corner while the others fought because I could literally not fight back against the ERT]

plz add this, it would be such a good feature, if you have any questions about it please ask them in the replies
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