Denied 106 new dimension

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes the 106 dimension

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not sure

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Makes the new 106 dimension (The hall ways) less RNG Based and makes it more fun/skill based
"Mercy kills" Aka Glorified RDM becomes less common when taken by 106.
Makes people not dread 106 (not in the sense of oh no he is scary but in the sense of oh god im going to be stuck there for 3 minutes unless someone RDMs me)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Not only will people be not RDMing but people will actually have a fighting chance.

For those people who might say "Its to unrealistic for people to escape 106 100% of the time".
You need to keep in mind that if we are going down the path of Lore, 106 always follows his pray in to the pocket dimension.So its not unreasable for people to escape more from 106.

And i forgot to mention.
106's new dimension is prosaically generated. Not the walls but some of the exits can get blocked off (yes i have checked many times and you can do it too. Run up to a dead end press C and hover your mouse over the wall, It should glow.

From what ive seen there are something around 5 exits. And more often then not all 5 are blocked off. ive talked to a few staff about this and they are sure that there is atleast 1 exit every time. (There isnt)

For the content team going in to check this spawn in blue lights (it works the best in there for some reason) and you can see out of 3/5 Times i ran the test it was blocked off. and it only resets once EVERYONE is out of the dimension

Duke Morrow

Well-known Member
Jun 1, 2023

-The new dimension is a nightmare sometimes. It seems like there is no exit some of the time, the hallways are too narrow leading to congestion that leads to MRDM, and it's so unfun that people tend to afk until death.
May 17, 2023
I was in the maze for 20 minutes until I realised there was literally no exit.
-support its not rng, just use the map that was made for it
I'm pretty sure it is procedurally generated. We made a map for it on the first day it was released and it turned out to be useless when we entered the dimension again so it is RNG based to some extent
May 31, 2023
Des Moines, Iowa
I was in the maze for 20 minutes until I realised there was literally no exit.

I'm pretty sure it is procedurally generated. We made a map for it on the first day it was released and it turned out to be useless when we entered the dimension again so it is RNG based to some extent
oh I thought that shit was just the same maze always

For the longest time 106 was shitty to play as. This was a well needed buff. Pls don't nerf again.
so at the expense of the rest of the playerbase they have to sit afk for a whole minute, this doesn't seem healthly or good balance
there are other ways to go about buffing 106

-support its not rng, just use the map that was made for it
it is rng - read the post
so at the expense of the rest of the playerbase they have to sit afk for a whole minute, this doesn't seem healthly or good balance
there are other ways to go about buffing 106
It seems like this suggestion is asking for an exit to be added so people can "escape" the dimension. I wouldn't mind the exit problem being fixed as long as it doesn't go back to the way it was before with 90+% of the people who get put in the dimension being able to escape, meaning the exit would kill them. Having a high chance of escape with surviving made 106 extremely weak.
It seems like this suggestion is asking for an exit to be added so people can "escape" the dimension. I wouldn't mind the exit problem being fixed as long as it doesn't go back to the way it was before with 90+% of the people who get put in the dimension being able to escape, meaning the exit would kill them. Having a high chance of escape with surviving made 106 extremely weak.
of course, just the way it is now is way too overtuned and miserable

For the longest time 106 was shitty to play as. This was a well needed buff. Pls don't nerf again.
TBH this doesnt even make it fun for 106, it just makes it so people get stuck inside the pocket dimension for ever

To make 106 fun give him an ability where he gets to tp instead of it being random, and give him an ability to run in to the ground (just like how every other SCP Game)
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