Denied 2024 New Year, New Begining

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
  1. Fix Hit-Reg Issues on Models
  2. Balance the guns properly
  3. Upgrade the servers
  4. Update Addons
  5. Remove unwanted/useless stuff
  6. Revert back some stuff

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't think so

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Player count might increase back?
+ People will have more fun
+ Issues that been here for a long time finally gone

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- It's gone take some time
- It's gone require investing some money in some cases
- Some people wont agree/like some changes

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
1) I think a huge issue MRP has been suffering for some time, and everytime they change a model it continues, is the Hit-Reg, everyone hates shooting someone, seeing the blood come out, and no damage/kill, I know this can be due to a Source/GMod issue, but in some cases it can be fixed too, and when adding new models, make sure to test them, and add the proper hit-reg before adding them

2) I don't agree with balancing guns regiment to regiment, why? Some might say they agree, and some might say skill issue, but the problem comes when u can buy that gun as another regiment, it breaks the whole balancing of guns, and also regiment to regiment balancing is very subjective, it only works if both regiment are active, and get assigned to same lane, if not it's not gone be balanced at all, we can see this with STS/SAS guns being better than most guns, ISAF/IVG guns being better than JAF/17th/1stAL/SWB, and so on, ISAF to IVG might be balanced, but will we ever go face to face with each other? Let's say there's 5 Wars a day, from 12pm to 7pm, only once we may end up IVG vs ISAF, the rest of time ISAF or IVG might go agaisnt SAS or STS, and get destryoed, cause they get better fire rate, and possibly damage?
Also on the topic of balancing the guns, fix a huge issue that has been here for some time seems like, which is the crazy recoil guns get out of nowhere, I can't count how many times I had the drop on someone, they didn't know, or I shot first, but sadly the gun went crazy, going all over the place, and making me lose the fight

3) This is a suggestion not only for MRP, but SCP could also benefit possibly, DRP not so much cause it's dead afaik, but upgrading server is something they need look into, especially with how many servers they got how much they require, and how many players they get, with this upgrade, a lot more possibilities would open, and allow for better improvements and more players
Along the lines of upgrading servers, with this technically speaking from a POV of a Normal Player (not Server Manager), it would allow some addons to function better, and be set up properly such being Simfphys, it would allow SL to change tickrate to 60, and vehicles perform much much better and smoother

4) I've complained before about Emplacement Binoculars, and was told it's a Addon Issue and not Server Issue, if that's the case, I think removing it or finding a substitute, would be better, if no replacement found, then creating a addon to replace it, in case of emplacement binoculars, I don't think it should be that hard to create a new one that actually works? But others addons might be more complicated, but still, some addons might require updates, I saw someone talk about Gredwitch getting a update recently but being outdated on server still?

5) The server got a lot of stuff going on, and most people don't really use them as much, I think one that might be 50/50 is hunger, while some people might enjoy, I don't see a reason why it's there, other than being annoying, it adds some fun and hobby u can do during peacetime, but at same time, it's annoying, having to always carry food, so u don't die mid war

6) I think that some stuff were good as they were back then, I joined in August, so didn't experience much from when server was massive, but from what I hear, there was a lot of good stuff before, that got removed, I think reverting back to them would be good, and if they were just broken, then reverting to them and balancing them, this being such as recoil, hip fire should be revert, but not the point it's laser, but to the point is somewhat realistic, but also manageable,

Other than that, I think some other stuff should get changed, but players might leave that on the comments here along with the feedback, while I do appreciate + support, and -support, if you do -support or + do leave a reason why, it's annoying to the person making a suggestion, or probably even SL seeing -support but no one mentioning why, other than not wanting changes, if u don't agree with something, tell the person and SL going throught suggestions why, also, SL listen more to the community, don't just deny a suggestion, cause it's gone be hard, or not a big deal, if u see overwhelming +support on a post, take a look at it, see what people say, and don't deny it

I forgot mention on fixing issues, that another issue that is game breaking during war, is the IFV lagging the servers hard, that's something that needs be looked on, and not put in the backlog, it should be looked on now! And fixed ASAP, cause not being able bring out a certain vehicle can mean a Win or Loss in some cases

I think the server would be well with not getting any new models, features and etc for some time, if we got actual fixes, and good improvements, I see GMs trying to listen to community, and wanting feedback and new GMs to help them, so I think SL should do the same, I can say on behalf of ISAF that a lot of people complain about a lot of issues, I know a lot of NATO agrees too, and NWO does too, cause we had people already complain about certain issues before, and instead of going and fixing these issues, we got hand models, and suits to CO Jobs? I don't think anyone wanted hand models, or Suits on CO Models (It's good, but not a big important thing, that's something that should be left in the backlog)

Looking into changelogs, the Shotgun one seems to be a good one, flaks was 50/50, while good, could get some improvements, and balancing, but other than that, I don't see that many bug fixes, I could be wrong, and missed something, but doesn't look like it (If I did feel free tell me SL, but at same time changing how changelogs are made, so easier to read and understand if it's a new feature, fix, removal....)
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Some of these changes are nearly impossible, CN currently has the best UK servers available for GMOD without spending 15K+ which is simply not worth it. Hit reg is mostly due to the input delays, it’s not hitboxes and is very hard to fix. Not many addons have available updates that are optimised correctly for the server, and are very hard to optimise. And some are just not possible to use on this intensive of a server. Your other points are possible but I’d rather have these in split suggestions because many will be -supported and some may be considered.

For that reason I am giving this an overall-support, we can’t go back to what we have been doing being it becomes repetitive
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Some of these changes are nearly impossible, CN currently has the best UK servers available for GMOD without spending 15K+ which is simply not worth it. Hit reg is mostly due to the input delays, it’s not hitboxes and is very hard to fix. Not many addons have available updates that are optimised correctly for the server, and are very hard to optimise. And some are just not possible to use on this intensive of a server. Your other points are possible but I’d rather have these in split suggestions because many will be -supported and some may be considered.

For that reason I am giving this an overall-support, we can’t go back to what we have been doing being it becomes repetitive
If that's the case there's something going on, cause it's not normal, for a good server to be dropping frames and lagging as it does normally, during base raids is some what explainable, but other times not really.
In some cases I agree can be input delay, but some it's the hit reg, we've tested and seems like ISAF New Models (aka old ones?), seem to have the wrong hit reg, as head doesn't exist anymore seems like, and yeah, even if it's hard, if it can be fixed, it's gone be more worth it, than hand models not gone lie
Once again, even if they are hard, I think the community would prefer to wait longer for a fix than new stuff that is gone be cool at start, but forgotten later on, and yeah I can imagine some might not work best for this
I'd make more suggestions on each topic and more in depth, but with the 1D cooldown, I don't want bother with it, and that's why at end I mention people to actually give feedback and not just "-support" without giving a reason or what they disagree
May 31, 2022
Mostly All of things you Suggested cant Be Done
1 Hit Reg is quite Hard to Fix / reduce
2 Guns Should be 1-1 beucse Like you said Its never The same Reg vs its count part and that means you would need to change you fight the other person
3 CN has The Best Sever in the UK for GMOD with out needing to spend More money than needed
4 Emplacement Binoculars arent Easy to Fix as we would still need to wait For the Addon owner to fix them But this can be done
5 the food System is what allows cyanide and bleach and it would never be changed
6 When Hip Fire was a laser beam gun fights wernt fun But Having to ADS means you need to Aim to hit long range shots

A few of the things you suggested Can be done But The backlog list is quite long and i think they want to get most of those bugs Fixed first
But I Can aggre that IFV need Work done on them But its just geting them time is the problem

But my i am Going still going to be giving this a -Support beucse a few of thease things are out of SLs Reach E.G: Emplacement Binoculars/ New Server / Hit Reg . Guns would need a Change vote in the discord if it was to be done .
Hitboxes easy fix but take a while and, noone had the time to go through the models and fix them. I did 1/4 but stopped since old SL left before i could finish up.

The bino are never going to be fixed gredwitch stop developing for simfphy/gredbase and now working on something new.

Server upgrades. cant get an upgrade since it the last part is still not available to uk and when it does scp uk and mrp are sharing the same cpu

Guns . Idk i haven't played in forever but im not a fan on how all the gun changes are

Food. Dont really care for since it was easy to fill up your inv with cooked stuff or mre
Mostly All of things you Suggested cant Be Done
1 Hit Reg is quite Hard to Fix / reduce
2 Guns Should be 1-1 beucse Like you said Its never The same Reg vs its count part and that means you would need to change you fight the other person
3 CN has The Best Sever in the UK for GMOD with out needing to spend More money than needed
4 Emplacement Binoculars arent Easy to Fix as we would still need to wait For the Addon owner to fix them But this can be done
5 the food System is what allows cyanide and bleach and it would never be changed
6 When Hip Fire was a laser beam gun fights wernt fun But Having to ADS means you need to Aim to hit long range shots

A few of the things you suggested Can be done But The backlog list is quite long and i think they want to get most of those bugs Fixed first
But I Can aggre that IFV need Work done on them But its just geting them time is the problem

But my i am Going still going to be giving this a -Support beucse a few of thease things are out of SLs Reach E.G: Emplacement Binoculars/ New Server / Hit Reg . Guns would need a Change vote in the discord if it was to be done .
1- Like I said to Harry, it may be hard I do agree, but if it's fixable, it's something they should look into, as it's one of the main things people tend to complain
2- I didn't quite understand what you meant on this one, so I apologize for that
3- Like I mentioned to Harry, I didn't know that, and if that's the case, there may be a problem that needs be looked into, either on the server, or host, cause the lag and performance issue it has sometimes, outside of base raid, it's weird if it's one of the best servers in UK without spending much money
4- I saw that it's more a issue on the addon creator side than server, but if the addon is still not fixed, finding a replacement or creating our own version would be better, cause emplacement binoculars, would allow to change the playing field, and at same time, give new tactics, and something people want to see back
5- I actually thought about that, but still, I think finding a solution, cause while I understand cyanide and bleach being useful for spies, people having to always have food, and make sure to eat, so they don't die can be annoying, either by making it so bleach/cyanide still works, but we don't die from hunger, or we don't need always eat, or finding a solution to that
6- Yes I totally agree with that, I hated the laser hipfire, but the new massive Hip Fire seems way too much, and unrealistic in a way? Especially with some guns, like even a Barret M82 the sniper, has way too big of a hipfire, when moving, yes the hipfire is gone be horrible, but standing still should be easier to hit, I've tested shooting someone in front of me standing still with it, hip fire, and it missed, and idk where the bullet went, personally just reducing the hip fire so that in close combat it can be used, cause right now, only really works if u face to face with someone, making it work if they are 2? or 3 meters away would be good

As I said, yes the backlog might be big, but bug fixes should always take priority, not new features that won't affect gameplay as much, not being able to use IFVs is a really downside, u can still use them, at cost heavily, of performance, and complaints server wide

Also yes, at start I was gone mention this was not only directed to SL Team but NL too, but while I was writting I got lost and forgot about it, and yes I do understand emplacement binoculars addon being broken is outside SL reach, but a fix may not, there might be alternatives, if not they can try making one
We had a vote to change the guns before, last time was on September, to increase recoil and spread, and today another one was made, but still, balances server wide instead of reg-reg wide would be much better
Hitboxes easy fix but take a while and, noone had the time to go through the models and fix them. I did 1/4 but stopped since old SL left before i could finish up.

The bino are never going to be fixed gredwitch stop developing for simfphy/gredbase and now working on something new.

Server upgrades. cant get an upgrade since it the last part is still not available to uk and when it does scp uk and mrp are sharing the same cpu

Guns . Idk i haven't played in forever but im not a fan on how all the gun changes are

Food. Dont really care for since it was easy to fill up your inv with cooked stuff or mre
From what I see, SL has teams, Platform Team and Server Team? On the Server team they could assign someone to do certain tasks, and another to do something else, that way they could still get stuff done, while another person was getting the hit regs fixed

That's why I suggested finding a alternative, or creating one, cause Emplacement Binoculars, seem really useful and better than fully exposing yourself to shoot them

Yeah, I guess that can be a problem, but ain't DRP also using the same CPU? And Rust and SCP US?

Fair enough, my personal take has been the same, I never liked Regiment to Regiment balancing, as it's really situational, I would much prefer a Server Wide balancing, than that, seeing how some guns can be bought, and break the "reg-reg balancing" rule

Yes, it is easy to deal with that, but at same time, annoying to always keeping a eye on that, and something that doesn't really that much into the RP scenario
From what I see, SL has teams, Platform Team and Server Team? On the Server team they could assign someone to do certain tasks, and another to do something else, that way they could still get stuff done, while another person was getting the hit regs fixed

That's why I suggested finding a alternative, or creating one, cause Emplacement Binoculars, seem really useful and better than fully exposing yourself to shoot them

Yeah, I guess that can be a problem, but ain't DRP also using the same CPU? And Rust and SCP US?

Fair enough, my personal take has been the same, I never liked Regiment to Regiment balancing, as it's really situational, I would much prefer a Server Wide balancing, than that, seeing how some guns can be bought, and break the "reg-reg balancing" rule

Yes, it is easy to deal with that, but at same time, annoying to always keeping a eye on that, and something that doesn't really that much into the RP scenario
The servers arnet the problem trust me. It’s the intensity of the addons on the server and amount of calculations required. It’s pretty much impossible for us to improvve our servers and all our maps/addons are optimised to the best of our abilities. This is why some maps run better than others because more/less content or optimisation is on it.
Mar 9, 2021

I would direct you to @Hydro for a reason about the lag on GMOD servers because the way they are programmed to detect players and allocate resources. It isn't a hardware issue CN already spends a lot of money on hardware,

Guns have been balance multiple times but it is now mainly a skill issue amongst levels of players.

The models would have to have a dedicated developer running every possible model we have on the server individually through blender to perfectly create hitboxes which isn't the best allocation of resources when we have a backlog to clear.

The binoculars are no longer being developed by gredwich as far as I know so the fix for them is impossible which sucks but there is nothing we can do unless a gredwich developer fixes them independently and creating a new add on would drain resources from already stretched team fixing other more serious issues with the server already.

Removing VCRAFT from the server is just a redundant idea as it provides players with a more immersive experience which is what the server should be doing. If you don't like it don't eat. Players use to do this as it doesn't massively affect gameplay.

The server is constantly developing new ways to keep players entertained and meet their needs with a lot going on in the background. I understand some new players don't appreciate how far MRP has come since I joined a few years ago. So I will just say this, the server is better now than it has been in a long time even with a smaller player base than historically. Reverting updates may draw old players back but as usual they will leave again as they always do after a week or two. This would then leave new players looking for something fresh and exciting joining a server which isn't up to most players expectations.

CN has some very good and extremely dedicated developers working their way through new features and a backlog spanning over 12 months of updates. They are constantly trying to fix, develop and improve all aspects of CN and not just MRP which means things do take time. I hope you can appreciate this as they are mainly volunteers who without we couldn't have a working server or updates. Making mass suggestions like this also doesn't help with time and resources, in the future if you could make a separate thread for each suggestion it would be appreciated.
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I would direct you to @Hydro for a reason about the lag on GMOD servers because the way they are programmed to detect players and allocate resources. It isn't a hardware issue CN already spends a lot of money on hardware,

Guns have been balance multiple times but it is now mainly a skill issue amongst levels of players.

The models would have to have a dedicated developer running every possible model we have on the server individually through blender to perfectly create hitboxes which isn't the best allocation of resources when we have a backlog to clear.

The binoculars are no longer being developed by gredwich as far as I know so the fix for them is impossible which sucks but there is nothing we can do unless a gredwich developer fixes them independently and creating a new add on would drain resources from already stretched team fixing other more serious issues with the server already.

Removing VCRAFT from the server is just a redundant idea as it provides players with a more immersive experience which is what the server should be doing. If you don't like it don't eat. Players use to do this as it doesn't massively affect gameplay.

The server is constantly developing new ways to keep players entertained and meet their needs with a lot going on in the background. I understand some new players don't appreciate how far MRP has come since I joined a few years ago. So I will just say this, the server is better now than it has been in a long time even with a smaller player base than historically. Reverting updates may draw old players back but as usual they will leave again as they always do after a week or two. This would then leave new players looking for something fresh and exciting joining a server which isn't up to most players expectations.

CN has some very good and extremely dedicated developers working their way through new features and a backlog spanning over 12 months of updates. They are constantly trying to fix, develop and improve all aspects of CN and not just MRP which means things do take time. I hope you can appreciate this as they are mainly volunteers who without we couldn't have a working server or updates. Making mass suggestions like this also doesn't help with time and resources, in the future if you could make a separate thread for each suggestion it would be appreciated.
I can see that now, and I understand that part, but still annoying

Gun wise, I don't think skill is main issue, cause yes, 1 to 1 regiment wise might work, it will never play like that, or if it does it's rare, so that's why guns seem unfair, cause SAS/STS might have a better gun than 17th/1stAL

The Binoculars are working just fine, I actually found out while messing around in singleplayer,
First Clip is me using the Emplacement binoculars
Second Clip is me using another type of binoculars? From Gredwitch seems like, which would be a cool addition to the server, instead of Tablet (tho it lacks some assets), and wouldn't allow for map wide usage

Problem is, if we don't eat, we get hungry resulting in us taking damage, and dieing at some point, which is annoying, however, it's a minor annoying thing, that I can live with

I understand that, and I don't mean revert 100% of server back, but if something worked better before, and more people enjoyed, and if it will work now better than current system I think it's something that should be looked at, change is good yes, I agree 100%, but sometimes change is bad, take a look at a real life example of people worldwide using the more "simple" format for logos and etc? It can look good yes, but 99% of time it's a massive downgrade in logo, and why? The old one worked good as it is, there was no problems

I understand everyone in CN is a volunteer and isn't getting paid, and I know you guys try to always do the best, but like sometimes adding stuff that isn't that big of impact shouldn't be a priority, also, some changes over the time, haven't been the best ngl, I loved the hipfire change, it made it more realistic, tho now it's a bit too much, could be changed a bit to tone it down, but like the shooting underwater, I didn't like, as it makes unrealistic, as not all guns are capable of firing underwater. Also I'd make split suggestions, but with the 1D Cooldown, it would take me 6 Days +/- to make all suggestions and I think u can see it would be annoying too on users part, I know Alexandria was looking into this iirc? So hopefully it's changed
If you can liaise with a member of your SL and pull together a list of models that you believe may have inaccurate hitboxes I'm happy to have a look at them when I have time.

For some of your other concerns, it's worth reading this comment from @Hydro.

CivilNetworks already rents the best possible hardware for hosting GMod. Obviously every year or so there's new stuff that comes out, but typically you won't really see any significant differences when switching between single generations of hardware when hosting GMod servers.

The reason base raids lag is because GMod relies on distributing players thinly across the map, and during a base raid you'll have the whole server in a small corner of it. The game is smart - and it only sends you updates for things that you may need to know about. If a player is talking or moving at the opposite corner of the map then you don't need to know about it, and it doesn't send you it, and it therefore saves a hell of a lot on the performance front by doing this. We lose all those performance gains during base raids because every player NEEDS to know about almost every update that's happening. By repositioning a few meters you can pretty much see any player/vehicle/helicopter, and that means you need updates for it.

It's also worth noting that even physically moving the servers wouldn't make much of a difference. The lag you're experience isn't due to the latency of moving packets of data across the globe - it's due to the speed the server can calculate updates.

That being said, CN does regularly purchase better hardware as it becomes available, and if benchmarks shows that's beneficial then I'm sure we'll see new hardware acquisitions being announced.

First off - the CPU's you're referring to that cost 10k are Intel Xeon's or AMD EPYC's. Those are great chips, but they are specifically designed to have high core counts and lots of memory bandwidth. The vast majority of users using those chips are probably just running either virtual machines that customers are renting, or in the case of large business probably just loads of web servers/databases.

Let's compare two CPU's, one is an AMD EPYC 9654 ($12,000 USD) , and the other one is a 14900k ($700 USD). Forgive me here, because I'm not exactly giving loads of sources, but lets use this one:

If you look at the single-threaded performance, you'll see that the $12,000 chip only runs at 63% of the speed of the $700 chip in single-threaded workloads, but that in heavily multithreaded tasks that it runs 3x faster. The EPYC chip is awesome, and its really good when you have a task that can use all it's cores, but Garry's Mod can't. The engine it's written on was made in the early 2000's, and barely retrofitted to support larger maps, let alone 128 concurrent players and 200 mods.

Garry's Mod servers cap out at two CPU cores - one for the physics loop and another that's used to help speed things up where possible. With a 192 thread EPYC, you'd only be using 1/96th of its cores for the game. The benefits of it having lots of slower cores are therefore negated, and you lose out overall.

To summarise, GMOD requires a very small number of extremely fast CPU cores. Fast CPU cores take more energy, emit more heat, and that's why they don't go faster than they do at the moment. (p.s. if we wanted to host our servers on a $12,000 chip, we could. Hosting companies normally rent them out for maybe £50 per CPU core so for £100 we'd have 2 cores and a bunch of memory/storage that comes bundled with it. We don't do that because it'd half server performance...).

There have already been announcements made in the past talking about how much the servers we rent cost. If I recall correctly, Cloak's stated that it's thousands per year. I also have some insight here, and I can confirm that we always try purchase the best possible hardware money can buy. Money isn't the issue here, it's just the cost of doing business

Please read my original post for reasoning on why it lags more in base raids.

Deleted member 1078


I would direct you to @Hydro for a reason about the lag on GMOD servers because the way they are programmed to detect players and allocate resources. It isn't a hardware issue CN already spends a lot of money on hardware,

Guns have been balance multiple times but it is now mainly a skill issue amongst levels of players.

The models would have to have a dedicated developer running every possible model we have on the server individually through blender to perfectly create hitboxes which isn't the best allocation of resources when we have a backlog to clear.

The binoculars are no longer being developed by gredwich as far as I know so the fix for them is impossible which sucks but there is nothing we can do unless a gredwich developer fixes them independently and creating a new add on would drain resources from already stretched team fixing other more serious issues with the server already.

Removing VCRAFT from the server is just a redundant idea as it provides players with a more immersive experience which is what the server should be doing. If you don't like it don't eat. Players use to do this as it doesn't massively affect gameplay.

The server is constantly developing new ways to keep players entertained and meet their needs with a lot going on in the background. I understand some new players don't appreciate how far MRP has come since I joined a few years ago. So I will just say this, the server is better now than it has been in a long time even with a smaller player base than historically. Reverting updates may draw old players back but as usual they will leave again as they always do after a week or two. This would then leave new players looking for something fresh and exciting joining a server which isn't up to most players expectations.

CN has some very good and extremely dedicated developers working their way through new features and a backlog spanning over 12 months of updates. They are constantly trying to fix, develop and improve all aspects of CN and not just MRP which means things do take time. I hope you can appreciate this as they are mainly volunteers who without we couldn't have a working server or updates. Making mass suggestions like this also doesn't help with time and resources, in the future if you could make a separate thread for each suggestion it would be appreciated.
Based staff member, calls weapons balance fine and a skill issue, give him Super Admin.
Suggestion Denied

Hi @MLGMagicHoodini ,
Your suggestion has been denied. Hitreg has always been bad content team currently has no fix for it this is an issue not just on mrp but across most gmod servers. Content team is currently looking into gun changes ontop of what's already been done. Like a few have already said CN currently uses the best servers to host with without spending an absolutely insane amount of money which just would not be worth it. NL are aware of the issue with binos and other gredwitch addons which are in the backlog to be looked at. The cooking system allows players to make cyanide and other dishes if they wish having to eat every once in awhile being annoying isn't enough of an issue where it warrants a removal of the system.
Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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