30K's NHC Application

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Apr 24, 2021






Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:125660037
Discord name: Anti-tankspy#1632
For how long have you played on MRP: I've started playing about a year and a couple of months ago. However, I've been actively playing for about three months.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Egypt
Time zone: GMT +2:00
NATO name (regiment and rank): SAS CPT 30K | M-L1 [VC]
USSR name (regiment and rank): AG PVT Dabrowski
Civilian name: 30K [PC]
Do you have a mic?: I do.
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Got warned for being involved in combat then jumping around a corner in order to kill an AG I was engaged in combat with.
RACISM: A warning given to me as a result of a joke going too far. I understand that this specific warning could be quite severe. However, It's been a relatively long time since I got that warning and I've learned to respect my limits since then.
BASE CAMPING: Given to me due to sniping a USSR that was behind the sign in front of the USSR base. I do admit that I didn't pay attention to the sign and I was instead focused on killing whoever it was that my scope was on. I've learned to pay attention to my surroundings in order not to repeat the same mistake again.

I do not recall being kicked/banned from the server as of the date of this application's submission.




Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:

Former Lieutenant Colonel of a semi-elite regiment on a big MilitaryRP community that currently ceases to exist.

Several high-ranking positions on plenty of SeriousRP communities that ran on the custom Clockwork/Helix schema. Think of it as hardcore text-only serious roleplay, voice chat was only used in combat. Highest rank I got on one of these servers was Colonel. (higher ranks were event characters/sever owners!#!@$#!$!!!)

And finally, I'm currently a Captain in the SAS on MRP.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

The way I've seen it on video games and real life, The best trait for a leader to have is to be inspiring. As a person of actions myself, I'm one of the few who'd prefer to use their actions rather than their words to inspire others. A good leader should almost always know the way to move on. They should go down the way that they are fully sure is the correct one, while showing and guiding their followers through that way. With that being said, good leaders always look forward to gaining experience and learning new things. A good leader should not be followed because they force their followers to do what they say; rather, a good leader should /ALWAYS/ be followed because their followers see sense and inspiration in their actions, which is an impeccable trait for anyone in a leadership position to have.

With that being said, through my eighteen years of life experience, I believe I fully have what it takes to undertake leadership roles that belong to my field of work. I might sound like an old man rambling despite my young age, but this is the truth. I've taken inspiration myself from my own role-models, some of them are real and the others are fictional characters, to always inspire myself and the others around me to give their best shot and full effort towards something that we think is best for all of us, while showing them the correct way to do it, so long as we are all convinced that whatever it is we're working on achieving, it'll be worth it in the end and it'll do good for everyone involved.

Forgive me for how direct I sound while explaining myself. I won't lie, I'm not the best when it comes to words, mainly because I like my actions to demonstrate my willpower and skills rather than words. At the end of the day, I'm one of those who like to lead through action, rather than force and threats. This could be way more effective than simply imposing your will upon other people. However, this doesn't mean that force shouldn't always be used. As a matter of fact, from my personal point of view, it should only be used as the last resort before punishment if someone in the pack fails to listen, and therefore causes everyone involved in achieving their goal to fall down on their butts. Other than that, inspiring action, good example and rewarding kindness are all traits that I have, which I'm very confident will assist me in my task as an NHC member. The experience I had throughout the years, the obstacles I've tackled, and the situations I've been through have made me fully confident that I will be one of the best additions to the NATO High Command team at this point of time.

This point is irrelevant, but I'll state it here either way. I have not physically lead any wars, moreso because I haven't really had the chance to do so as NHC/someone higher ranked than I am is almost always on. However, I did lead SAS through plenty of wars and we almost always completed our assigned objectives under my leadership, despite all odds being against us, which further solidifies my point of the aforementioned traits above being part of my personality. I also would like state that I can come up with very good and creative ideas that I'm sure will always end up being a fun experience for anyone involved.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
List your strengths and weaknesses:


When I set my eyes on something, I will always perform research on the best way possible to achieve a goal that I'm looking forward towards achieving. If you work on something with both optimism and perfectionism combined, you can find yourself accomplishing astonishing feats. However, using traditional ways might not work sometimes, in which case, I resort to:

-CREATIVITY: When the traditional ways fail, I tend to come up with never used before-solutions in order to tackle an obstacle that might be sitting in the way of my work. This could lead to some controversial opinions from an outside party, but the effort will be surely worth it in the long run, despite how weird nor non-logical the creative solution might sound. However, creative solutions require time. And obviously, time will not always be on my side. Which, sadly, forces me to:

-QUICK THINKING: I've been taught from a young age that when time is against you, make use of whatever it is you have at your current disposal. Being a quick thinker has its perks and quirks. However, if such a trait is used at the right time, you could find yourself quite literally accomplishing miracles that are against all odds.

-TEAMWORK: When doing things with others that set eyes on the same goal as you are, and organize yourselves into a functioning team, you will be much, MUCH more likely to achieve whatever goal it is that you desire to achieve. Therefore, I always see teamwork as an essential element to completing an objective, rather than lone-wolfing. Teamworkers will almost always be successful if they set their priorities straight and call the right shots. Therefore, in the long term, establishing positive relationships with those around you will greatly help everyone involved with accomplishing their objectives.

-STRATEGIST: Throughout my fifteen years of video gaming, I've grown mostly attached to strategy-based games such as Rise of Nations, Hearts of Iron, Command & Conquer, etc. followed by FPS games. I know which objective to set my upon, what is more important than the other, and the necessary decision-making needed in order to accomplish said objective, and to use the proper tactics and strategy in order to make sure that objective is achieved to the fullest extent. I've also learnt to always respect my adversary, no matter who they might be, for underestimating their abilities could lead to catastrophic follow-ups.

-RESOURCEFULNESS: Like I said before, I've been taught to work with whatever it is I have to work with, even in the most dire of times. I always tend to find any major use for whatever it is that I have at my disposal in order for said resource to provide any sort of major benefit to anyone who is involved in the situation.

-RESPECT: I'll sound like a philosophist explaining this. However, I'll explain it in the CGMRP mindset. At the end of the day, despite the out-of-character and in-character beef between both NATO and USSR players, we are all here to have fun and make the experience enjoyable for one another. Respecting your playmates should always be an essential trait to have, as once again, we are all here to have fun, and nothing is worth taking a crap over the other for.

-PATIENCE: I'm always patient with my decisions and I never tend to make any sudden decisions. Unless the situation requires it, I will always wait for the perfect opportunity to make a move on something specific and take the shot exactly at the right time that it needs to be taken.

-CALM: I taught myself to be as calm as possible in the most dire of situations, no matter how bad it is, as I realized that for myself and other normal human beings, being calm is the best state for someone to think and work in. Therefore, I save my frustration and anger for later, and focus instead on completing the objective that is currently assigned to myself.

-STRICTNESS: Despite being somewhat of a lenient individual, I will not hesitate to use force and assertive punishments on someone who I think is underperforming, or someone that is not bothering to throw in any effort to complete the objective that was assigned to them. In which case, I will simply assert and impose harsh punishments towards said individuals, as this is basically the only way to get someone who acts this way off of their ass, at least this is what I think.


-PERFECTIONISM: As well as being a strength of my own, it is also a weakness. If I fail to achieve my goal to the fullest of my extent, I could get fairly demotivated and beaten back. I've been trying to get through this as of recently, and I'm happy to say that I'm doing a good job with it as I learn from my mistakes, and learn to improve and not to repeat them again.

-OVERTHINKING: I tend to overthink things, a LOT, unfortunately. This can cause me to get nervous at times and get in conflict with myself. However, this is also another quirk that I've been steadily trying to work myself around.

-COCKY: Sometimes, when I think I'm throwing in exceptional performance at something, I will get cocky and full of myself. Something like this gets me to underperform, usually, as one should keep their guard up at times of need and lower it only when the situation they're involved in has ended and fully de-escalated.

-DISRESPECT: When I'm involved in a situation where I think my superior is underperforming, I tend to be very vocal about it and call them out on their poor performance, within the group that we're in, if not in public at times. This only happens, however, when disciplinary actions by someone in charge fail to be undertaken. So unless someone takes action about it, I do call out my superiors when I think the group is going down on the correct way, and this individual is insistent on going down the other.

-REGCOM/NHC INEXPERIENCE: Like I've stated before, I've never really had the chance to lead war due to not having the opportunity to do so. Most of the time I'm on, there is always someone who's higher ranked than I am. However, I've been closely monitoring NHC and others who've been leading wars, and from what I've seen, I think I could muster up enough effort to perform exceptionally as a member of NHC.

I really don't want to sound full of myself, but I cannot think of anything else to say regarding my weaknesses.

"Animus in consulendo liber"


(I edited this on my phone, I'm sorry in advance for any typos)

edit #1: fixed a typo + added a weakness
edit #2: promoted to captain!!!!
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Owl Hootingson

Active member
Sep 19, 2021
+Can take crtitsim
+That application tho ?

-Never seen lead

Good luck 30k
From ISAF MAJ Owl Hootingson
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+Active IG/TS

+/- I haven't seen you lead ( prob my fault cause i don't play MRP anymore)
+ Amazing application
+ Listed alot of his strenghts and weaknesses with reasons why so very detailed

Hello 30K from the time when i played MRP I never really had any bad interactions with you and this application is amazing like your GM app you really out did yourself again good stuff man.

Good luck 30K hopefully you get this man (y)
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Captain Rex

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2021


+nice person
+ good within SAS and does his bits in that reg atleast what i have seen
+ really good application

i havent seen you lead a war before but I want you to lead some wars when i am on so i can see how you do. Ill contact you in discord so we can set up a time.
other then that good luck!
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New Member
Dec 9, 2021
+Support, he has a warning for Racism so you know he'll be good in NHC.

wait shit I wasn't supposed to say that.

All jokes aside, man is absolutely amazing and this application feels more like a college essay. Very well made 11/10.
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Well-known Member
Apr 27, 2021
+support was here before i even started playing CG
+serious roleplayer
+has good attitude and inspirations
+can lead and understand the strenghts and weaknesses of Nato
+brilliant strategist ( luz > <3 )
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Active member
Nov 3, 2021
-1 Support

Hi 30K,

While you in fact seem like a good person with good activity and a very well-written application, I think you need a bit more time before you should become NHC. You just became 1LT, and it would be unfair to -1 other applicants for being a fresh 1LT and give you a +1 even though you are the exact same. My goal is to be as unbiased as I can, so I am treating this situation that way as well.

I know it is not a requirement for 1LT to lead wars, but I expect from every single NHC applicant to step up and start leading without having to be told to do so. And to be frank, I have never seen you step up and lead by yourself. You do state that you never had a chance to, but I believe that is very much incorrect. You have had a chance, plenty of chances, but you never took it. For example, when I was applying not long ago, I actively requested to lead wars. Even if NHC was online, I asked if I could have a shot at leading for practise. That is why you found me leading most of the weekday wars when no high command were online: because I asked. It does not matter if there are higher ranks online: if you are kind and ask politely, they WILL let you. You did not even try, which is the main reason for my -1.

A few days ago, Rex put you to lead NATO. Referring to what I said above, it seems to have been a situation of Rex pushing you to do it instead of you seeking out the opportunity yourself. It was your first time leading, and it was easy to tell, which is just an example of that you need more experience before you are ready.

When it comes to regimental leading, I have not seen you do much for SAS either. I comms switch daily, but never see you doing much to push your regiment forward in the past couple of weeks on Teamspeak or in-game. You do a lot of gamemaker stuff, that is true, but your leadership seems to have dropped after you got 1LT. In fact, it would appear as if you have stepped a bit over your boundaries as a 1LT and done things that you should leave to regimental lead. This is especially something you should be careful about, as going over your boundaries as NHC will get you in more trouble than a slap on the wrist. However, I may be nitpicking here, and I do not see everything that goes on in SAS, but by what I have seen so far, I want you to step up more in leadership while making sure you do not overstep what a 1LT is allowed to do.

All things said, you could make a good NHC in the future. However, as of now I believe you still need more time to grow and learn. I am not saying you aren't mature, friendly or any of the other pros people have stated, I am just saying you need to get those cons out of the way before you are ready for the position of NHC.

Good luck,
BGEN Athena
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Apr 24, 2021
-1 Support

Hi 30K,

While you in fact seem like a good person with good activity and a very well-written application, I think you need a bit more time before you should become NHC. You just became 1LT, and it would be unfair to -1 other applicants for being a fresh 1LT and give you a +1 even though you are the exact same. My goal is to be as unbiased as I can, so I am treating this situation that way as well.

I know it is not a requirement for 1LT to lead wars, but I expect from every single NHC applicant to step up and start leading without having to be told to do so. And to be frank, I have never seen you step up and lead by yourself. You do state that you never had a chance to, but I believe that is very much incorrect. You have had a chance, plenty of chances, but you never took it. For example, when I was applying not long ago, I actively requested to lead wars. Even if NHC was online, I asked if I could have a shot at leading for practise. That is why you found me leading most of the weekday wars when no high command were online: because I asked. It does not matter if there are higher ranks online: if you are kind and ask politely, they WILL let you. You did not even try, which is the main reason for my -1.

A few days ago, Rex put you to lead NATO. Referring to what I said above, it seems to have been a situation of Rex pushing you to do it instead of you seeking out the opportunity yourself. It was your first time leading, and it was easy to tell, which is just an example of that you need more experience before you are ready.

When it comes to regimental leading, I have not seen you do much for SAS either. I comms switch daily, but never see you doing much to push your regiment forward in the past couple of weeks on Teamspeak or in-game. You do a lot of gamemaker stuff, that is true, but your leadership seems to have dropped after you got 1LT. In fact, it would appear as if you have stepped a bit over your boundaries as a 1LT and done things that you should leave to regimental lead. This is especially something you should be careful about, as going over your boundaries as NHC will get you in more trouble than a slap on the wrist. However, I may be nitpicking here, and I do not see everything that goes on in SAS, but by what I have seen so far, I want you to step up more in leadership while making sure you do not overstep what a 1LT is allowed to do.

All things said, you could make a good NHC in the future. However, as of now I believe you still need more time to grow and learn. I am not saying you aren't mature, friendly or any of the other pros people have stated, I am just saying you need to get those cons out of the way before you are ready for the position of NHC.

Good luck,
BGEN Athena

I already sent you a DM on Discord explaining everything regarding your feedback. However, I'll post it here regardless as I feel there's a fair bit of information that everyone else that's going to review this application should know about.

On the topic of me 'just becoming a 1LT':

I'll have to disagree on this part. I've been a 1LT for a considerably fair bit of time, I'm almost done with all of my promotion requirements and I most likely will be getting the rank of Captain very soon.

As for war leadership:

I legitimately had no idea that I could ask others to let me lead. I always thought it was NHC/someone assigned by NHC that always leads, and the highest rank on leads when there's no NHC on. I thank you, however, for informing me of this and I promise to use this in order to allow myself to actively participate in more war leadership.

As for Rex 'pushing me to lead':

Again, it was because I was not informed beforehand that I could simply ask higher ranks if I could lead. Yes, this was my first time leading a war, and I'm sure I had a decent performance considering this was my first time. I've been monitoring plenty of NHCs leading wars and was a bit lax on that first war as I was still not entirely sure of how war leadership works in the practical sense (such as putting blockade markers, map objectives, etc.). However, the strategy of war IS there and I'll be sure to showcase it in the next few days, as once again, I had no clue beforehand that I could just ask someone to let me lead.

As for SAS leadership and me 'stepping over my boundaries':

I think myself and a couple of others have distinguished ourselves in terms of regimental leadership. I'm sorry that my actions in the regiment came to you as me 'stepping over my boundaries', but this really is not the case.

I'm sure you've noticed that SAS as of late was struggling really badly with its membercount and activities. The actions done by myself and others were overlooked by REGCOM and regimental generals and they were essential to getting SAS back on its feet, and I believe most SAS COs, myself included, have been doing plenty of things within the regiment, the sole proof is the current public stability of SAS.

The regiment was in a deplorable state beforehand and it was prevented from falling on its butt because of the actions of myself and other SAS commanding officers. So once again, I'm truly sorry if that got to you as 'stepping over my boundaries', everything I've done was overlooked by REGCOM and they wouldn't have let me do it if they did not think it was good for the regiment. Once again, the sole proof of this is the regiment's newly-restored stability. I apologize once more for you thinking that I was doing things that I was not supposed to be doing, but my intentions out of this was, again, to save SAS and keep it interesting for newcomers in order to stop it from dying.


That's all I have to say, really. I don't normally reply to applications, but there's information that was essential for reviewers to know. I sincerely thank you for your vote and feedback nonetheless, and I promise to start working on the things you've pointed out ASAP.


Dec 16, 2021
-1 Support

Hi 30K,

While you in fact seem like a good person with good activity and a very well-written application, I think you need a bit more time before you should become NHC. You just became 1LT, and it would be unfair to -1 other applicants for being a fresh 1LT and give you a +1 even though you are the exact same. My goal is to be as unbiased as I can, so I am treating this situation that way as well.

I know it is not a requirement for 1LT to lead wars, but I expect from every single NHC applicant to step up and start leading without having to be told to do so. And to be frank, I have never seen you step up and lead by yourself. You do state that you never had a chance to, but I believe that is very much incorrect. You have had a chance, plenty of chances, but you never took it. For example, when I was applying not long ago, I actively requested to lead wars. Even if NHC was online, I asked if I could have a shot at leading for practise. That is why you found me leading most of the weekday wars when no high command were online: because I asked. It does not matter if there are higher ranks online: if you are kind and ask politely, they WILL let you. You did not even try, which is the main reason for my -1.

A few days ago, Rex put you to lead NATO. Referring to what I said above, it seems to have been a situation of Rex pushing you to do it instead of you seeking out the opportunity yourself. It was your first time leading, and it was easy to tell, which is just an example of that you need more experience before you are ready.

When it comes to regimental leading, I have not seen you do much for SAS either. I comms switch daily, but never see you doing much to push your regiment forward in the past couple of weeks on Teamspeak or in-game. You do a lot of gamemaker stuff, that is true, but your leadership seems to have dropped after you got 1LT. In fact, it would appear as if you have stepped a bit over your boundaries as a 1LT and done things that you should leave to regimental lead. This is especially something you should be careful about, as going over your boundaries as NHC will get you in more trouble than a slap on the wrist. However, I may be nitpicking here, and I do not see everything that goes on in SAS, but by what I have seen so far, I want you to step up more in leadership while making sure you do not overstep what a 1LT is allowed to do.

All things said, you could make a good NHC in the future. However, as of now I believe you still need more time to grow and learn. I am not saying you aren't mature, friendly or any of the other pros people have stated, I am just saying you need to get those cons out of the way before you are ready for the position of NHC.

Good luck,
BGEN Athena
Hello BGEN Athena!

Your friendly neighbourhood Ex 2LT Arthur here. I'd like to personally address a few points stated here mainly those being the following:
- Pushing the regiment forwards.
- Stepping a bit over your boundaries as 1LT
- Not seen you step up and lead

Regarding the first point that being that 30k does not push the 22nd Special Air Service regiment forwards, during my time as 2LT for that regiment 30k helped myself with trying to better the regiment on a more internal scale and helped try to keep people actually playing the game. For example during many events multiple SAS members would get quite angered and annoyed due to the high intensity of said events, however 30k would try his absolute best to get them to stay and push forwards and continue with the event.

30k has continuously shown his dedication and determination to the SAS by helping come up with new and interesting ways to help the regiment, be it new trainings, helping with the tryouts, or ideas for reworking how SAS functions as a whole 30k has contributed to them all. Now from an outside view he may not be "doing much" however I can confidently assure you he is doing 110% of what he needs to be doing as a Comissioned Officer inside the 22nd Special Air service.

Regarding the second point of him "over stepping his boundaries as a 1LT" and "done things that you should leave to regimental lead", currently SAS has purely Roach as a Regimental Lead with 2 1LTs I imagine this situation does not make SAS easy to run on Roach's side. Obviously I cannot speak for him and have not been around to talk to him and find out his side of this matter however I can confidently say anything done by 30k is always with the betterment of the SAS in mind, whilst over stepping his bounds is at times an issue I believe that 30k was merely attempting to take the burden off of Roach and assist the SAS.

Regarding the final point of not seeing him step up and lead, from the information I have been given by multiple individuals 30k has now lead 2 successful wars 1 leading to a base raid and the other a Victory on even numbers. I believe this should be enought to be a testamony to his ability to lead, and during the times in which you are not present there are potentially situations where 30k cannot lead overall wars for starters in your position as NHC BGEN you are to lead wars instead of a SAS 1LT meaning he would not have the opportunity, and you would not see him lead during your absence.

That shall be all for this fine day in December. I hope you have a lovely Christmas this year!

- Former 22nd Special Air Service 2nd Lieutenant Arthur

+ Immense determination and dedication has been shown many times inside of SAS, by helping and assisting the CO team when he wasn't a CO and when he was he continued to do so.
+ Continuously trying to keep members playing and help them to the best of his ability
+ Has led 2 successful wars now
+ 30k remains calm during situations where most would lose their temper.
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Active member
Nov 3, 2021
Regarding the final point of not seeing him step up and lead, from the information I have been given by multiple individuals 30k has now lead 2 successful wars 1 leading to a base raid and the other a Victory on even numbers. I believe this should be enought to be a testamony to his ability to lead, and during the times in which you are not present there are potentially situations where 30k cannot lead overall wars for starters in your position as NHC BGEN you are to lead wars instead of a SAS 1LT meaning he would not have the opportunity, and you would not see him lead during your absence.

I am just going to go ahead and point out the biggest issue in your reply. You claim 30k has led two successful wars, one leading to a base raid and on even numbers, or has he? To this I say no. I have been present both times and know exactly what happened. Yesterday I allowed him to lead a war, but I had to step in several times to correct his orders or to give out orders as he would not. We outnumbered USSR as usually, so a victory was very much going to happen either way with a general present. I personally believe that without my assistance, it would have gone worse.

The first time he led was under the supervision of Rex. Rex pretty much told him exactly what to do word from word. I know this because I was on teamspeak at the time. This was more of Rex leading put just telling 30K to tell everyone what he is saying. Not only that, but Rex took over to lead the base raid to a victory. This time we had nearly double the numbers of USSR: 43 to 28.

To put this simply, 30K is yet to lead a successful war by himself with fair numbers. First Rex basically led but 30K repeated and second time he led but I had to overtake several times. This is why I do not consider his war leading successful, not until he is able to do it by himself at least.

Regarding the comment that I would not see a SAS 1LT lead. That is, as I already said, incorrect. I have seen him lead twice, which first does not count in my opinion due to heavy assistance of a NHC. Second time I specifially allowed him to lead. Even if this did not happen, I can refer back to my time as a CO in RMP. I saw 30k on several times when I was leading, and he still had not asked to lead at any point. So no, he has NOT led a proper successful war yet, which makes this feedback of my reply incorrect.

There is a few more things I could pick at in your reply, but I am going to leave it at this and my original reply.
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CC Executive VIP
Dec 21, 2020
Application Withdrawn

The applicant has requested to lock this application at this time, the application will be re-opened in its current state in the future.​
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 21, 2021
This is a male that I would like to see lead the wars. Although I want to smash my headset every time he ear rapes me when I play marksman the man is built like Dwayne the Pebble.
Highlight why I said Pebble; a Pebble symbolises something much more than a rock, a rock is heavy has many uses but does not hold the same gravity as a Pebble. Pebbles lead the charge are everywhere they are used by all and are overlooked by many the uses of a pebble are infinite and the Uses 30K brings to the NHC would parrel that very description.

I have seen him lead wars he has gotten Major Victories on more than one occasion.

If there was a word to describe this man it would be "A very Big Deal"
Now "A" is Used by all overlooked by many but if it wasn't there nothing would make sense that is how I feel when 30K isn't in the TeamSpeak Channel on SAS all leadership is gone and Hope is completely absent.
"Very" This word can't even begin to summarise how big this man really is. It was once theorised that he came from the very swamps Shrek fought for in "Shrek" and in " Shrek The Third"; He rose the army of the dead to fight the north, He created islands for our very ancestors to survive on. Are you really gonna undermine all that by not making this man God on a Garry's Mod Server?
"Big Deal" This is the deal I present


Now you see I mean Business would I have really teamed up with Lord Farquad for such a legendary equivalency.
30K has been very good in SAS when ROACH isn't present he is a very good leader and shows great effort in helping the regiment and by all means am not saying he will be the best NHC to have ever been recruited but he will try his very hardest too.

Ok now time for some jokes
Candice walked into a bar and she got a black Eye the guy who I said the Joke to say "Who Dat, Who Candice"

My Face

hqdefault (1).jpg

Now speaking experience this man has Good PVP skills, he has shown his leadership qualities in kidnappings for SAS, Leading Wars, Leading hostage security and even has orchestrated events for the entire server to enjoy even though I hate all events as yes I am a pessimist.
I suggest he gets a new Microphone because if he does use voice AMP with his current one he will give tympanic membrane perforation to everyone on NATO.
But ye big SUPPORT + for 30K he has my full support hope he gets it if he does he'll be missed in SAS but we do need a new NHC person so who knows he might be like Woah let me do that
Bing Chilling
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Well-known Member
Jan 8, 2021
+ Support
He's just a good person and he deserves NHC. And i think he would be a great addition to the HC as
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CC Executive VIP
Dec 21, 2020
Application Denied

Hi 30K, Thank you for showing interest in joining the NATO High Command Team. I cannot stress enough how much I can commend your enthusiasm and the effort you have put into this application. However, at this time I do not feel you are fit for the role. This decision will not affect any future attempts to apply. Fee free to contact me for further information.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks time.​
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