30K's Returnee Application

Apr 24, 2021




Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:125660037

Discord name: Anti-tankspy

For how long have you played on MRP: I've been a member of the MRP community since late 2020.

Are you a returning player?: I am.

If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: February 2022.

NATO name (regiment and rank): PVT 30K

USSR name (regiment and rank): PVT Tridtsat Tysyach

Civilian name: 30K

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


Got warned for being involved in combat then jumping around a corner in order to kill an AG I was engaged in combat with.
RACISM: A warning given to me as a result of a joke going too far. I understand that this specific warning could be quite severe. However, It's been a relatively long time since I got that warning and I've learned to respect my limits since then.
BASE CAMPING: Given to me due to sniping a USSR that was behind the sign in front of the USSR base. I do admit that I didn't pay attention to the sign and I was instead focused on killing whoever it was that my scope was on. I've learned to pay attention to my surroundings in order not to repeat the same mistake again.

I do not recall being kicked/banned from the server as of the date of this application's submission.



Do you have any experience as CO or higher on MilitaryRP?:
By the time I left MRP, I was part of the regimental command (co-lead) of the Special Air Service regiment with the rank of Major, as well as a prime NHC candidate.

List your current in-game rank(s) on MRP:

What NATO regiment are you looking to enter?: Special Air Service

What rank are you looking to enter your chosen regiment in?: Whatever the current regimental commander/community director sees fit.

What makes you the best candidate for your chosen regiment?: Seeing that myself, alongside the regiment commander of SAS when I was still playing (Fielding) gave made groundbreaking changes to SAS (which was struggling at the time we took command) and managed to shape it up into an actual formidable fighting force, I believe I could utilize this experience in order to re-bolster the regiment's potential and re-energize it. Since me and Fielding have already saved a, practically, dying SAS before, doing it again does not seem like a hard job. Inspiration and moving on are the best traits of a leader, and I believe I've managed to utilize both traits successfully when I was RegCom.

List your strengths and weaknesses:


When I set my eyes on something, I will always perform research on the best way possible to achieve a goal that I'm looking forward towards achieving. If you work on something with both optimism and perfectionism combined, you can find yourself accomplishing astonishing feats. However, using traditional ways might not work sometimes, in which case, I resort to:

-CREATIVITY: When the traditional ways fail, I tend to come up with never used before-solutions in order to tackle an obstacle that might be sitting in the way of my work. This could lead to some controversial opinions from an outside party, but the effort will be surely worth it in the long run, despite how weird nor non-logical the creative solution might sound. However, creative solutions require time. And obviously, time will not always be on my side. Which, sadly, forces me to:

-QUICK THINKING: I've been taught from a young age that when time is against you, make use of whatever it is you have at your current disposal. Being a quick thinker has its perks and quirks. However, if such a trait is used at the right time, you could find yourself quite literally accomplishing miracles that are against all odds.

-TEAMWORK: When doing things with others that set eyes on the same goal as you are, and organize yourselves into a functioning team, you will be much, MUCH more likely to achieve whatever goal it is that you desire to achieve. Therefore, I always see teamwork as an essential element to completing an objective, rather than lone-wolfing. Teamworkers will almost always be successful if they set their priorities straight and call the right shots. Therefore, in the long term, establishing positive relationships with those around you will greatly help everyone involved with accomplishing their objectives.

-STRATEGIST: Throughout my fifteen years of video gaming, I've grown mostly attached to strategy-based games such as Rise of Nations, Hearts of Iron, Command & Conquer, etc. followed by FPS games. I know which objective to set my upon, what is more important than the other, and the necessary decision-making needed in order to accomplish said objective, and to use the proper tactics and strategy in order to make sure that objective is achieved to the fullest extent. I've also learnt to always respect my adversary, no matter who they might be, for underestimating their abilities could lead to catastrophic follow-ups.

-RESOURCEFULNESS: Like I said before, I've been taught to work with whatever it is I have to work with, even in the most dire of times. I always tend to find any major use for whatever it is that I have at my disposal in order for said resource to provide any sort of major benefit to anyone who is involved in the situation.

-RESPECT: I'll sound like a philosophist explaining this. However, I'll explain it in the CGMRP mindset. At the end of the day, despite the out-of-character and in-character beef between both NATO and USSR players, we are all here to have fun and make the experience enjoyable for one another. Respecting your playmates should always be an essential trait to have, as once again, we are all here to have fun, and nothing is worth taking a crap over the other for.

-PATIENCE: I'm always patient with my decisions and I never tend to make any sudden decisions. Unless the situation requires it, I will always wait for the perfect opportunity to make a move on something specific and take the shot exactly at the right time that it needs to be taken.

-CALM: I taught myself to be as calm as possible in the most dire of situations, no matter how bad it is, as I realized that for myself and other normal human beings, being calm is the best state for someone to think and work in. Therefore, I save my frustration and anger for later, and focus instead on completing the objective that is currently assigned to myself.

-STRICTNESS: Despite being somewhat of a lenient individual, I will not hesitate to use force and assertive punishments on someone who I think is underperforming, or someone that is not bothering to throw in any effort to complete the objective that was assigned to them. In which case, I will simply assert and impose harsh punishments towards said individuals, as this is basically the only way to get someone who acts this way off of their ass, at least this is what I think.


As well as being a strength of my own, it is also a weakness. If I fail to achieve my goal to the fullest of my extent, I could get fairly demotivated and beaten back. I've been trying to get through this as of recently, and I'm happy to say that I'm doing a good job with it as I learn from my mistakes, and learn to improve and not to repeat them again.

-OVERTHINKING: I tend to overthink things, a LOT, unfortunately. This can cause me to get nervous at times and get in conflict with myself. However, this is also another quirk that I've been steadily trying to work myself around.

-COCKY: Sometimes, when I think I'm throwing in exceptional performance at something, I will get cocky and full of myself. Something like this gets me to underperform, usually, as one should keep their guard up at times of need and lower it only when the situation they're involved in has ended and fully de-escalated.

-DISRESPECT: When I'm involved in a situation where I think my superior is underperforming, I tend to be very vocal about it and call them out on their poor performance, within the group that we're in, if not in public at times. This only happens, however, when disciplinary actions by someone in charge fail to be undertaken. So unless someone takes action about it, I do call out my superiors when I think the group is going down on the correct way, and this individual is insistent on going down the other.

Please list out your accomplishments on MRP, both in your chosen regiment (if applicable) and outside of it:

As previously mentioned, myself and Fielding have pioneered a series of changes in an inactive SAS back in my day which managed to revitalize the regiment's attractiveness as a special forces unit and massively improve its general discipline ingame. The revitalization process was done by improving our existing documents, doing weekly ingame excercises & events that portray our performance during wartime, practicing during peacetime and the regular hand-out of objectives during peacetime. All in all, we basically gave SAS members stuff to do instead of AFKing in peacetime and waiting for the next war to begin; not to mention the loadout and playermodel changes we've brought which made the faction look better and seem more attracting.

What are the responsibilities of the position you are applying for?:

While I didn't mention a specific position that I'm applying for, I'll assume that I'm applying for a rank that will generally allow me to take some initiative and give me the authority & ability to commence the changes that I think will assist RegCom in their task to maintain the regiment.

The responsibilities of the position I'm applying for is to basically make sure the members of SAS do what they're told to do and to keep a good face on the server. During my tenture as RegCom, me and Fielding transformed the SAS from a dying, boring regiment to, quite literally, the face of NATO due to their ingame performance and discipline, and therefore it was my responsibility back in my day to not only maintain these to the best of my ability, but also strive to improve and be even better.

The main responsibility of any caretaker's position is to do the highest in their abilities in order to bring about the best possible face of their faction, through advising, careful counseling and inspiration rather than absolute extertion of authority (it's a video game we're playing afterall, not an actual military) while reminding the regiment's members of the consequences shall they fail to deliver on the discipline required from them.

What are the main problems you see with the regiment you are entering into?:

The main problem that I've so far identified is the leadership (or rather, lack of), as well as a lack of standards. While this is in no way, shape or form a jab to the current RegCom, it refers to that they're doing all the administrative and operational work in the regiment by themselves with no advisors/right-and-left hands to assist with their job of maintaining the regiment, which is something that I'd be more than happy to come out of retirement for.

Continuing from the above question, what is your plan to address these problems?:

As mentioned in previous questions, I wish to make SAS overall better by inspiring its members to be better; this was done by hosting events, regular training sessions, and giving out rewards & public commendations for extraordinary performance. Bringing out good performance & discipline will require the leader to perform well and maintain good discipline themselves, which is something I'm more than willing to bring out.

I don't plan to hand out promotions and medals from day one, but I plan to give the new generation of SAS members the know-how to be, once again, the face of NATO on the server, and assist the current RegCom in their job by advising them through my old experience on what to do in certain situations and how to handle certain types of regiment members.

All in all, more or less the same from what me and Fielding did in 2022 to inspire SAS members to bring out the best in them, through the process of: 'We'll teach you to do this, you do it well, and we'll handsomely reward you.'