4th demotion appeal

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Nov 4, 2022
Bosnia Herzegovina
Name: Mc Flurry
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20608093
Previous Rank: Game Master
Who demoted you?: Michiel and Alexandria
Date of demotion?: 20th of September
What is the case against you?: Missue of Equipment
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:


What is your side of the story?: My side of the story was, Sombody got kidnapped and he was in jails. I heard from a Admin, A Head Mod that i could Mortar the enemy base for the rescue mission they heard it from a Super admin ( Currently left) so i thought it was true so i did it. When the mortar landed i killed 3 people and i already had a gut feeling that i shouldt have done that then Michiel dragged me in a Channel with him and Alexandria and they told me that it was not allowed and that i would be a ban and i already had a severe infraction and i would get a another cause i got banned and then i got removed from GM and got a 6 day ban. I spoke the the Super Admin at that time and he told be it was a miss comunication and i made a ban appeal and the ban got removed fully and got my ranks back but didt get my GM back.

Why should you return / what will you change?: I want to return cause i want to make events again and help the GM team and ill try to read the rules more, I feel like a matured and i dont hear any bad things or complaints on me

(everything is the same story i dont know what i can change)
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