Pending Review Actual Artillery Structures

On-Hold and / or under current review, please allow us time.
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Well-known Member
May 17, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds artillery pieces in the game, which can either be static pieces which are outside the Base walls so they can be shot or as a constructable item at FOBs, Id imagine these things are hard to create but have no idea.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I have seen

Possible Positives of the suggestion
Would give us more support during wartimes and also would be interesting to see what people could do with them, also gives newer players or those who aren't the best/don't enjoy combat something to do which can contribute to a war.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Could be abused by mass artillery on one point
Unless weakened could decimate fobs easily.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted.
Would give us a new buildable, new players/those who don't enjoy/ aren't good at combat can contribute without essentially giving the other team free kills/warscore.

Maybe make it a job role(Gunner?) for armoured as they are the main ground support regiments, also means those who joined the armoured regiments for their powerful weaponry could use such items if they are not in a tank.

Note 2: Maybe make it so artillery is a three man squad?Loader,gunner and Aimer, maybe a system similar to Hell Let Loose in which they have to gauge the distance and aim accordingly* also have different ammunition types such as Smoke,Explosive (Gas,napalm??)

* 5°incline=250M etc etc
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Well-known Member
May 17, 2024
-Make it a job locked or license locked item
- An SPAA is a vehicle I believe, I don't think armoured need new vehicles I think they need some form of static equipment instead, they could just add a cooldown between shots(15 seconds?) or have either weak damage over a moderate area(10-20M)) or high over a small area(5-10M)
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