Denied Add a Battlepass to MRP

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion would add a battlepass or a battlepass type system into MRP.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
I think that overall, this would be a great fit into the server, firstly MRP is a combat based server which has sides of cosmetics which are somewhat rarely interacted with from my experience, with people only opening knife and weapon crates as a passtime and rarely engaging in trading for them or getting interested enough to save up for a knife/weapon skin. i rarely see people put money into the server for Knife Crates or Weapon Crates and i think a system in which players could pay for a way to earn these rewards much faster than the regular experience of earning money would be beneficial for the playerbase as well as for the server. Things that could be included into the battlepass are balanced permaweapons (Like a perma flare gun or a perma melee weapon, things that arent balance shifting) as well as knives, knife crate keys, weapon skins and weapon crate keys and also possible cosmetic things or temporary pac membership. MRP as a whole from my knowledge generates little revenue and adding a battlepass i believe could help to remedy that.

I believe players would progress in the battlepass by earning XP which can be earnt in a variety of ways both in peacetime and in war to encourage people to play the server. (I believe this could help with peacetime activities alot as people may be more encouraged to do things such as trainings for the credit XP and building / supplying fobs for the XP gain there.) The battlepass should likely be rather grindy to encourage people to stay on for longer. Our system of XP being how it is i think perfectly compliments the idea of a possible battlepass. I also think that this suggestion could be used for SCP however as im less experienced on SCP i wont reference how it should be done on there if this suggestion were to get considered.

To further elaborate on the types of things that could be in the battlepass:
-Knife crate keys
-Weapon crate keys
-Balanced perma weapons (As stated like melee weapons and things like flareguns or pistols)
-Knives and weapon skins
-XP boosted for the player
-Money for the player
-Small vpoint rewards
-Rare items like cyanide
-Temporary Pac3 access (Something that is rarely if ever bought on MRP)
-Killcam cosmetics
-Unique chat emojis

-Possibly money roulettes and boosters (probably 1 at most)

im sure there is much more that could be included however this was the basis i saw as plausible in my head. I believe that there should be a free and paid version like other games have, following a similar theme which has the free version with basic rewards while the paid version has much better rewards. (the battlepass would need to reset something like every 3 map rotations to keep things fresh while still allowing players time to complete it without slaving away on the server.)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

-Im sure this would require a decent amount of dev work (Although i heard something similar was done on darkrp)
-Players may complain that there is now a p2w aspect in the server, although i believe permaweapons already fill that role and theyre not a big negative to the server.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I think this could bring something new and interesting to MRP, it could also help to address the significant lack of revenue gained from MRP as a server. It was mentioned a long time ago about an economy reset on MRP, if something like that were to happen alongside this addition i can see it being alot more popular because of that.
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Aaron Hench

Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2024
theres almost nothing that would give you an advantage within the battlepass i suggested, it would mostly just be QOL or cosmetic stuff
If the items in the battlepass remain purely cosmetic and do not provide any forms of an advantage over someone, that has not acquired the battlepass, then that is fine.

Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022
Fortnite battlepass, i just shit out my ass. Booted up my pc cause i need need, to get that fortnite battle pass.I like fortnite did i mention fortnite? I like fortnite, its night time I mean it's 5 o'clock so it's basically night time.


I don't have to play MRP to know that a battlepass is the LAST thing players are waiting for right now. Do not embed this into the network.
the point in the battlepass is so that theres something that players will be interested in, new players and old, which can generate revenue for MRP, its not because i desperately wanted a battlepass system on the network, i alongside almost every MRP player want more attention given to MRP and understand we do not generate enough revenue to warrant that so i thought of something which players can enjoy while giving something monetary to CN without ruining the gameplay or progression.
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