Rule Suggestion Add a hard limit on being hostage

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Nosey | Curious

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Jul 20, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add a hard time limit by which you can be held hostage, such as an hour or two (or higher, up to whoever makes the rule), regardless of RP. This would have exceptions such as being Class F'd or SL+ Overuling for valid RP reasons, further exceptions could be worked out during testing

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not a specific hard limit that is above the current limit of 30 minutes if no RP is being carried out

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1) Prevents the current situation where you have to waste actual hours of your day in some cases stuck in a base while people ignore each other's comms, but can't switch off because "Rp is ongoing"
2) adds incentive to be quick in the RP you are doing. This would make DEA, Nu7, GOC, and CI work out the best ways to capture and interrogate people instead of just tossing them around between groups for ages until they are finally either killed or released

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1) The most obvious issue here is losing a hostage that you worked hard to get, however, this could be mitigated by firstly setting the time limit quite high, such as an hour. Within an hour, you should have gotten everything you needed to out of a hostage. This argument also ignores the fact that hostages are here to play on the server, not be stuck in a musty cupboard getting slightly harassed for ages by other people RP
2) Could impact major RP such as O5 kidnappings or ISD wars, however, the SL+ Overule feature would allow this to be solved

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Anyone that has been held hostage knows how frustrating it is watching piss-poor RP happen in OC while you slowly whittle away the hours. The VAST majority of hostage situations are resolved within an hour, this rule would simply prevent the outliers from ruining someone's day (because make no mistake, spending 1 hour 30 minutes blindfolded in CI base is a great way to ruin a day)
Ive never seen it be abused specifically, staff usually step in and just tell the factions to end it, but I still think it should be patched
I've seen it be abused. CI kidnapped me once and lost all their rolls for info (bad luck) so out of spite they kept me for 29 minutes before starting negotiations which took 25 minutes because it was lowpop


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jun 7, 2022
Suggestion Response

Hi Nosey,

For sake of simplicity, there should not be an attempt to keep a hostage for longer than 30 minutes, even if negotiating for them. If someone is being kept over half an hour for some in game money, they are within their right to be released. This should not be taken as a "Once 30 minute hits, I'm immediatly leaving", but rather if the negotiations are going nowhere (Stalling for time, more money, etc)

If a hostage has been kept for longer than a half an hour, make a ticket to staff and say so.

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