Accepted Add a single regiment mode to the voiceamp

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.


Active member
Nov 16, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add an additional mode to voiceamp which broadcasts only to members of a specified regiment. If a proper reg selection interface isn't possible, one mode per regiment might be workable with the current UI.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Ability to voice-comm specific regiments reduces confusion/misunderstood orders.
- More granular ability to distribute orders, no more "was that order meant for us?".
- Shorter voice messages heard by each regiment = people are more likely to listen and obey.
- Less comms clutter during war.
- Ability to reach players who aren't on Teamspeak for whatever reason.
- No need to tab out and hop teamspeak channels to talk to a specific regiment, particularly if they're scattered across channels.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Not sure about the technical feasibility.
- Extra modes may make the voiceamp harder to use if not done well.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I expect it wouldn't be a massive amount of dev time to achieve this and it'd expand the utility of the voiceamp. Currently a General broadcasting to everyone on the team interrupts a lot of conversations unnecessarily, particularly when the order is just "specific reg do _____". The existing tool is exceptionally useful, I believe this would make it even better.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 25, 2020

As everyone else is saying, use teamspeak. We have it for a reason make use of it and if someone is deafened or not in ts the reg can catch them up when they are undestand or tell them in game it’s not worth making a change to the voiceamp just for those few people who might not be in ts or may be deafened at the time. Personally I think adding this would just cause more issues such as using the reg specific voiceamp instead of team and giving orders just to one reg. Ultimately I just see it causing more issues and an unnecessary change as we have ts already where you can just go to their channel and give specific orders whenever you want to.


Well-known Member
Jul 21, 2022
It sounds like a very cool idea and would be very useful but we have ts and the points that anylise mentioned just above this
No Verdict

It’s a cool idea but instead of single Regs if you could select multiple Regs but not everyone, ex. SAS/SFOD and RMP/MPC is going town during a conquest war, instead of spewing out their orders to everyone you could select those 2 Regs and give them their orders.

But I have no real verdict for the main suggestion as it is a good suggestion but TS works better


Active member
Nov 16, 2022
To clarify something - while people typically say "just use Teamspeak", that is not necessarily trivial for a general to do. In a busy war each regiment can be split among 3+ channels, which results in a lot of channel hopping for whoever is disseminating orders. That's partly why the voiceamp exists. There's also the fact that if a non-NHC player is leading a war they actually can't enter half of the channels they need to give orders to (no perms), thus the all team voiceamp is used.

There's also the unavoidable fact that particularly newer players aren't always on TS when you need to give them an order.
Jan 3, 2022
+Huge Support
This is a great idea, the ammount of time I saw new pvt s not being able to join ts/not getting added into ts/not being told about ts , this will make it easier to keep them in point , give them orders and make them feel included and this might keep them in the server , rather than playing 2 wars not knowing what to do and then leave and never come back , this might make them stay on the server