Denied Add Decontamination Foam Applicator to the E-11 COM Job

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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May 17, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion adds the decontamination foam gun to the E-11 COM job.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
From searching, a suggestion to add the foam gun to ERT was made. However I don't believe there has been a suggestion to add it to the E-11 COM job.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Allows some Cl4 E-11 to deal with code 3 hazards more effectively.
-Makes E-11's job of containing 008 slightly easier.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Might create more misuse of the equipment?
-Could make the RC of 008 too easy in some scenarios

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As of right now, there are only 5 E-11 jobs which actually have the foam gun applicator (3 cont specs, 2 bios). Usually this would be more than enough for a small scale 008 breach in a small area however in a mass breach where 008 is "everywhere" (LCZ, HCZ, PW, CS,Dblock etc), this quite quickly doesn't become enough. I find myself having to flag on cont. spec which is just a lot more useful than the COM job during 008 mass breaches. Considering the COM job is supposed to be most powerful E-11 job, it's pretty funny how they don't have a decontamination applicator to deal with these situations. It would also make sense in RP for the COM to have it as they would want to be prepared for extremely dangerous scenarios like these. I don't think this would exactly make E-11 too overpowered during 008 breaches as its literally just adding 2 more slots who actually get the foam gun. Also I would hope that the literal COMs of E-11 would be trusted not to misuse the equipment.
May 17, 2023

Containment Specialists exist for a reason. Commanders shouldn't be skilled in all aspects of their regiment. A well functioning regiment is one, where all jobs have a special purpose.
I understand what you mean but containment specs are extremely limited and aren't equipped enough to deal with 008. If they die with a hazmat, they are pretty much useless due to the long hazmat cooldown and can't help with the main problem of 008 breaches, clearing out the spores. I believe having 2 more slots with the foam gun just gives E-11 more of a chance to actually clear 008 instead of always waiting for ERT to do the clean-up. I only suggested the E-11 COM job as it made the most sense to me.
Jan 6, 2023
I understand what you mean but containment specs are extremely limited and aren't equipped enough to deal with 008. If they die with a hazmat, they are pretty much useless due to the long hazmat cooldown and can't help with the main problem of 008 breaches, clearing out the spores. I believe having 2 more slots with the foam gun just gives E-11 more of a chance to actually clear 008 instead of always waiting for ERT to do the clean-up. I only suggested the E-11 COM job as it made the most sense to me.
I mean there is the Biohazard Specialist job, which I forgot to mention. That job's whole ordeal is dealing with biohazards like 049's touch, 008 spores/instances and what not. I get the frustration, but giving the COM the equipment just nullifies the speciality of the the jobs that are meant to deal with such cases.
Jun 19, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Kree,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We believe that it will add job bloat to the already existing job, like E-11 bios, SCUs, etc.
The commander job was design to be in the "back lines" while their subordinate take on the task given by the superiors.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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