Accepted ADD Defibrillator to the medic jobs

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove?
This suggestion adds a Defibrillator to the Medic jobs.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
I don't think so.

Possible Positives of the Suggestion (At least 2):

1. Enhanced Roleplay Opportunities: It opens up a lot of possibilities for roleplay, including events and standard interactions among regiments and factions.

Example Event Idea: The RMP is notified of a murderer around the NATO base. They receive tips from Game Masters/Detectives about the murderer's possible whereabouts. They might find a body that is still radiating heat, so they call in their medic to attempt a revival. Successfully reviving the person provides a description of the murderer, eventually leading to the murderer's capture and the serving of justice.

2. New Gameplay Dynamics: It introduces new gameplay mechanics for wars. A medic can revive a dead ally, allowing the push onto a point to continue. This opens the door to new strategies between regiments.

Also SCP RP already has a working Defib that works perfect doesnt work to fast if somethings torn off or theyre bodies to damaged to be revived which the gore systeem comes in and they cant be revived twice.

Possible Negatives of the Suggestion:
I don't see any significant negatives. It seems beneficial in all aspects. All regiments have medic jobs, so no one will be left out. Players will simply need to follow any new rules associated with the Defibrillator, such as not reviving a player who committed suicide by cyanide.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted?
This suggestion should be accepted because it will:

- Improve roleplay, providing more dynamic and engaging scenarios.
- Enhance the medic job, which has remained unchanged for years.
- Open up a lot of doors for new events.
- Introduce new gameplay strategies for wars, making them more exciting and varied.
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Jul 10, 2021
+/- Support

I think this is a good idea, in theory.
In practice, the only downside I could see with defibs is the rule that you can revive someone that has previously been killed on the enemy team.


This feature itself almost made me leave SCPRP, it causes insane strategies, some of which literally involve alt+f4ing when in a situation that would lead to the player being revived.
It is quite honestly the most braindead and worst idea imaginable to be done.
However, defibs being used on friendlies is a cool way for medics to be more useful, and should be implemented.
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