Denied Add In-game medals

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KALAMORICH/Rayyan Faysal

Well-known Member
Oct 10, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It would add in-game medals to be shown for a person/soldier who has earnt it. It can be displayed on their chest or elsewhere. It can also be displayed in their name as well e.g. SGT Joseph Smith (DSC Medal Image) etc.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): It would allow for more RP, especially with the whole flow of the new rank system and changes, medals along with a rank are displayed for soldiers in real life. It can allow for more incentive for playing as well, as people would also play not only for a promotion but to do well for a series of tasks, events or wars. People would dedicate more time as there is more than just a rank, people can get to show off their medals that they have worked on.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion: It may take a good amount of coding, as there are quite a bit of medals out there, also there may be an issue with dividing medals specifically for different regiments, e.g. UAF has the Queens Cross and 15th RB has MoS (Medal of Sparta).

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: This can allow for people to actually play the game for more reasons than just a rank increase, as medals in general would need a CO+ to distribute from. It can also make a good impression for the new users as they would see a thrill in trying to achieve a medal and it can allow for medals to hold a higher value. The negatives however, is that it make take some work for the developers to do (as there is a variety of different medals as stated above), but it can be rectified by giving time for the developers to make this.
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Active member
Oct 17, 2022
+Support, I think it'd be cooler than just adding the letters into your name. Like you said though, not sure how easy or difficult it would be to add.
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