Denied Add More Strikes to CI

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Civil Gamers Expert
May 1, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This Makes it easier To pass The CI Tryouts And Will benefit everyone This Changes Tryouts for the better.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
This Lets People who are not good at hacking Join CI. This Also gets Rid of the 1 Strike system and this means more CI.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People Could get in Easier ?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This Means More CI and Better CI raids and Makes CI more active.
This Lets People who are not good at hacking Join CI. This Also gets Rid of the 1 Strike system and this means more CI.
I'm gonna show you a clip to speed up the hacking process. When you're hacking with the TE-5 you always gotta be 2 steps ahead, you know what i mean if you watch closely at the clip.

Hopefully that helps <3


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
broooo :skull: :skull: ci tryouts are so fucking easy i passed the ci tryouts on my second attempt literally enough minges in ci dont want more if you caant hack a cl3 dont join ci as how else you gonna be useful? literally if you cant hack a cl3 in ci i will personally promote you to conscript and throw you out a window

Although my words may seem very blunt trust me hacking a cl3 isnt that hard i spent months hacking and i can hack cl6s alot of ci are already immature and minges we dont need lower rqs

if you truly wanna join ci spend atleast 1 hour hacking and i can assure you hacking a cl3 will be a walk in the park
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i get this is a CI suggestion and CI is well known for being.... "ᵍᵒᵒᶠʸ" but actually try to give some constructive feedback instead of 1 emoji this does nothing other than show how incompetent you are. alot of you have been bullying darren for whatever reason and he has shown more maturity here despite what his message says.
i get this is a CI suggestion and CI is well known for being.... "ᵍᵒᵒᶠʸ" but actually try to give some constructive feedback instead of 1 emoji this does nothing other than show how incompetent you are. alot of you have been bullying darren for whatever reason and he has shown more maturity here despite what his message says.
i mean it is pretty funny though lol
there's only 4 or 5 things you need to know, killhouse & hacking can be practiced easily- just hop on like 10 minutes before the tryout starts and hack to your heart's content you'll get used to it
if you're struggling with hacking watch this video as well (the hacking tool re-uses cyberpunk's breach protocol hack):

edit: :skull:
i mean it is pretty funny though lol
there's only 4 or 5 things you need to know, killhouse & hacking can be practiced easily- just hop on like 10 minutes before the tryout starts and hack to your heart's content you'll get used to it
if you're struggling with hacking watch this video as well (the hacking tool re-uses cyberpunk's breach protocol hack):

edit: :skull:
it being funny doesn't mean you need to be childish and not give him insight on why his suggestion is "funny" plus all this is accomplishing is furthering toxicity even though its miniscule here it still adds up


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 4, 2021
I didnt know how to hack at the time, like at all and i still passed the hacking part and the rest of the tryout my 1st try. its really not that hard, in my opinion it SHOULD be HARDER than easier
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