Denied Add one additional job slot for Site Command Assistants

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Well-known Member
Jun 14, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
One additional job slot will be added for Overseer Assistants and Ethics Committee Assistants bringing each to a max of 3 on-site at a time.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
This is a request that the O5 / Ethics on US side have consistently heard since we have no cap on how many assistants we have, there are not enough slots for available players to use. This would put us back to 3 assistants on each side on site at once, which would be how it functioned previously without issue.
To reiterate, it would fulfill the unanimous request by the US O5 and Ethics.
It would allow players to actually be able to get on their job.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
By only adding one slot on each for a job where we train and trust assistants, I don't believe that an issue of size would be a factor, but that's the only slight issue I could think of with this.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This is a minimum effort job slot increase that does not require additional content and would satisfy many players needs on the server. That's low effort / high outcome productivity at its finest.


Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022

With so many ECA and OAs that want to be able to do their job this change is needed.
there are not enough slots for available players to use.
This has been said multiple times before, we don't accept 'add more slot' suggestions that use 'there aren't enough slots for players' as a justification, the point of a slot cap is to help appropriately control roleplay ingame by ensuring we don't have too many of a certain group or rank running around on the server. We don't increase caps just because they're being hit constantly - that's their entire purpose.

You haven't really provided any other logic to support this, a suggestion to change the slot cap based on 'because the cap gets full' generally gets auto-denied unless you explain why it is actually needed and how it will affect RP on the site.

Not passing any judgement on whether it should be increased or not so please don't reply to me with "wtf clok you always auto deny IDIOT", just saying you need to give a better reason, seeing thread #512 asking for a job cap to get increased "because there aren't enough slots" gets a bit monotonous.
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Reactions: Broda
Also increase the number on A-1 specialist jobs because theres not enough slots.

but honestly, OAs/ECAs have as of late become more competent and useful, giving them another slot so that dedicated mains of these positions can play more frequently and help out is a net good. shouldn't go over 3 tho.
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