Accepted Adding Jamming and Gun-cleaning

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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MRP War Criminal
Jan 3, 2021
The server seems to be trying to take a stance in the RP direction. As an avid enjoyer of RP I've been thinking of several things that could add to RP. Now, this suggestion might be a bit controversial, a pain in the ass or even tedious. Not to mention the work for a DEV to put into this, I've no idea if it's even possible. However, as it's a big part of a soldiers job; something that needs to be done on the regular I feel it's worth taking a risk for.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It will add the possibility for a gun to jam. Running around on the battlefield all day, falling, crouching, moving around in prone; these are all things that will make your gun dirty as hell. And if dirt isn't the reason of your gun jamming; it will be because of the constant shooting you do all day, causing gunpowder residue and whatnot (fouling). Realistically every peacetime, you would spend time (a small time out of your day) cleaning your weapons or else they would jam all day long and get rusted.

TL;DR: Shooting a gun adds progress to a "Durability" bar, if you get that bar filled up to a certain percentage then there's an X amount of chance (I.E. 1/500 shots at 50%) your gun will jam in which you'll have to reload your weapon or it won't work. The more you ignore the maintenance on your weapon the higher that chance for jamming gets. Cleaning your weapon could be a fun minigame you could do during peacetime which could also gain you a little xp in the sharpshooting category.

Before you go into battle, you make sure your weapon is cleaned and dripping in oil so you don't jam. It's a soldier responsibility to take care of their weaponry as jamming is your worst nightmare in combat.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Peacetime activity, adding realism and a chance for Roleplay
- A sort of minigame which adds a small amount of sharpshooting xp
- Adds a new dynamic to combat which could shift the tide of a battle (the better soldier isn't just the one with better aim)
- Will allow for SSgt+ to train on how to deal with jams in combat and force their soldiers to get together and have a gun-cleaning session :cool:

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- People malding over dying because of a jam
- Tedious task for some
- Hard work for devs?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because it's a really big aspect of a soldier's job. Every chance a real soldier gets on a battlefield to clean their weapon, they would do so. Jamming is a real thing and something that happens more often than you think. A soldiers would always carry a gun-cleaning kit with them in-case they get the chance to clean their weapon. It adds a new aspect to combat, a new training subject and a way for people to be more immersed.

People who care only for the TDM aspect of the server might rage over it causing their deaths. It might be a tedious task for some to do every so often. It could be a hard task for Devs to implement this.

Based on all this, if we really want to take a more realistic stance, this is a good addition.

I personally feel like the majory will downvote this and I might be the only one who would like this feature but hey it's worth a shot.

Upvote 1
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Well-known Member
Jan 15, 2023
I think there's something to take from this. Using the recent /credit system we could have a passive xp system only like a couple xp in cleaning weapons and stuff or doing misc tasks around the base.
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Active member
Nov 16, 2022

To this day I'm yet to see weapon malfunctions done well in a multiplayer game. GMod is also far from the ideal platform to build this on. All you'll end up seeing is player frustration and another repetitive peacetime exercise.

That said, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to some kind of weapon mastery system. Perhaps field stripping would be an interesting minigame if you're after one, though it's a lot of dev work.


Well-known Member
Jan 15, 2023

To this day I'm yet to see weapon malfunctions done well in a multiplayer game. GMod is also far from the ideal platform to build this on. All you'll end up seeing is player frustration and another repetitive peacetime exercise.

That said, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to some kind of weapon mastery system. Perhaps field stripping would be an interesting minigame if you're after one, though it's a lot of dev work.
Potential be better to do weapon mastery with like ARC9 like ferrah wants to suggest


Well-known Member
Nov 21, 2021

this is just going to lead to more rage mid battle and less fun for new players
I leave my reply as a member of the playerbase, not as my current staff rank.

The gun cleaning sounds epic, after a DB you chill in your bunks with your regiment, have a laugh and clean your rifle. That sounds amazing.

Gun jamming, absolutely not. I've played multiple games with the gun jamming and it has, without a doubt, worsened my experience within that game.


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 25, 2020
the gun cleaning is an interesting idea or some sort of minigame to gain some xp would be great and it gets people more active during peacetime and gives them something to do but the gun jamming would annoy everyone especially new players, and if they dont know ontop of that that they have to clean their gun it could just drive players away from the server rather than keeping them active.

as said above some sort of minigame to gain xp would be great especially if that was for repairing vehicles or something and even cleaning guns but i have to disagree that gun jamming being added would be a good idea
Aug 14, 2021
I feel this could be implemented as a random mission to clean your gun, which the benefits of doing so could possibly include as a damage or accuracy buff or XP to mastery.

The implementation could be a mini game similar to the hacking system where you must complete a skill based mini game to effectively clean your gun properly (in anyway that the devs wish to implement this). I feel this could be incentive to do regular maintenance during peacetime before the war (Possibly during pre-war where you must meet up with your battalion and prepare your equipment?), and that this would be a great addition to the RP side of things.

More missions like this to do with your Battalion may benefit in activity during peacetime (such as for the vehicle regiments in maintaining there tanks/helicopter's during peacetime or pre-war)


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
imagine lagging and your gun is jammed
maybe the damage will be reduced if the gun is not clean

Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Suggestion Accepted

Hi Howl,
Your suggestion has been accepted. Although we will not be adding gun jamming to the server, we do like the idea of being able to clean your weapon and other various activities to do with weaponry in order to gain XP. We'll look into this.

Thanks, Content Team​
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