Denied Adding RMP/AOR vehicle

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Ant Middleton

Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

I am proposing that we give both sides the Bearcat G3 which is equipped with lights and sirens to allow RMP to better RP.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not that I believe of.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

-NATO hold a lot of fugitive RP events and would give RMP an extra vehicle to hunt down those.
-Would help differentiate RMP from regular troops.
-Would give RMP something new as well as allow for a new fresh coat of paint to be applied to a regiment that has not seen a change in a while.
-Could allow for future RP for RMP to enforce base laws such as speeding, reckless driving and other infractions.
-Would make great peacekeeping mission vehicles
-Many more

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

-Could be seen as useless by those not affiliated to an RP regiment.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I think this should be accepted because RMP has always been a very RP focused regiments, and I want to be able to provide more tools to RP with, as well as give RMP more unique items, all these can be applied to AOR as there is a gray metallic skin that also comes with the skin pack.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

RMP has asked for this type of thing for a while to enhance the RP side of the regiment, maybe now that the player base of the server has increased so much, The need for RP within the RMP/AOR is higher than ever and with the vehicles it may boost incentive to join the RMP/AOR regiments. It would also give the regiment a unique aspect just like majority other regiments have an element. I hope this idea works out as I think this will boost the moral of those who play RMP/AOR, and at this moment a moral boost is definitely needed for the RMP/AOR team.



Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2022
+support because Cool Vehicle

No but in all honesty Guys, its gonna get denied again as it has been over and over again whenever any Police Fraction has asked for a Car. So yes, this is a cool Idea but we all know it aint happening.

Ant Middleton

Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2023
We did have some Idea for MP regiment to have their own vehicles but they were never added because the idea for them was never finished
Hi Sorry, am struggling to see why that is -Support? Could you elaborate? I dont understand why you would -1 a application because a previous idea was never finished.


Well-known Member
Jul 19, 2022
- Would make a lot of new ways to RP like chases

- It would be nice to see new vehicles
Dec 21, 2021

It's a very well thought out suggestion, and would help RP situations on the two sides. On top of that, everyone loves the idea, and hasn't disliked it(not counting WotInkermnation's dislike, as it doesn't seem to be valid as it was trying to say this suggestion is invalid because a different suggestion got forgotten about, which this suggestion would counteract).
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Ant Middleton,

Your suggestion has been denied. After speaking with the content team and the rest of SL. Although I like the idea, the models you have suggested do not meet the standards of what we would like on the server. If you can find a better, more high quality model then you are more than welcome to make another suggestion.

Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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