PAC Request Additional development on the Grey Suit

Tagging threads containing character bios which request approval for in-game PAC designs relating to the description of the character.


Active member
Oct 11, 2022

Additional progress on the Grey Suit, it gets blurry as you move but it's hard to demonstrate it in an image. Contact me in-game to see.
The ISAC is(currently) an excuse to use a number of voice lines from the Division, specifically from their ISAC. It's also designed to be a decent excuse for additional progress or development into the White Suit(if & when I wanna make that!)

The PAC3 does not effect base-model, the cloaking texture is base HL2 meaning no additional games or content is needed to see it.
However, you wont be able to see the PAC3 cloak at a distance so it's simply a useful tool for reconnaissance. This will be used more-so as a recon tool rather than a combat tool, as it "sacrifices armor" in-lore to be a better recon tool.

It also does not delete or make any weaponry invisible, as a counter measure for combative issues. It is also something stated in-lore, that you can get a quarter master to slip you a cloaking sleeve for your rifle- That will not be the case here!

The only instances in which this cloaking will be used in combat situations is when the individual within cloak is fired up first, with attempts to be made to retreat instead of fight. Obviously this will be mainly an RP-used system.
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Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2022
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You cant give yourself combat advantage with pac, it's just for cosmetics
the problem still lies that it'd give you an advantage in a combat scenario, like the example you stated in your post about retreating- imagine you're being swarmed by CI who are out to get you, but you hide behind a house, cloak, and sneak off unnoticed holding nothing but your keys
you can always say 'well i won't do that' but as epic as the pac is people will definitely end up complaining about it


Active member
Oct 11, 2022
the problem still lies that it'd give you an advantage in a combat scenario, like the example you stated in your post about retreating- imagine you're being swarmed by CI who are out to get you, but you hide behind a house, cloak, and sneak off unnoticed holding nothing but your keys
you can always say 'well i won't do that' but as epic as the pac is people will definitely end up complaining about it
Yes, that would be the point of having a cloaking ability, but at the same time it's still very noticeable when you are looking for it. Additionally, theres this cool command called pac_enabled 0!
If I was being chased by a group of CI, and managed to activate my cloak & escape without being killed, my hard work has paid off & they didn't kill me fast enough. Not that they would usually have a reason to kill me if I'm not fighting back- And me not actively shooting at them would make their job of killing me 100x easier, which means being 10x harder to see is a fine balance.

Like I said(or corrected my post to**), its a recon/observation tool. Not a combat-focused tool. It is not intended to be active during a gunfight, nor would it work very well in that scenario since blood decals are still visible & so is my firearm/whatever else I have out. Especially since my name is also not hidden.

I mean as you are invisable and you stated you want this for

This wouldnt be fair and be abuse of PAC3
**I meant recon, I updated the post to reflect that... Oops-

Regardless though, it's a suit designed around stealth. I can obviously add things here & there to make it less useful in combat, like disabling the cloak when/if I fire while cloaked, or when I take damage, but I've gone through the RP & effort to make this not only based around actual R&D, but RP'd with other factions regarding it, as well as a few members of GOC.

Even if it's massively unfair in PvP engagements, so are the GOC loadouts. Compare any GOC class to another factions class and the GOC will likely win; Unless its a non-combative. Obviously it depends on skill, but generally speaking GOC have much better equipment overall, which means having a PAC3 that makes me harder to see under specific circumstances wont make that much of a "fairness" difference as I, or any other GOC, would likely win a 1v1 or 1v2.

HOWEVER, something of note is when I am moving it becomes MUCH more blurry & visible. Unless I'm inside some brush, or a dark spot it's still very much so visible.
Yes, that would be the point of having a cloaking ability, but at the same time it's still very noticeable when you are looking for it. Additionally, theres this cool command called pac_enabled 0!
Right, so the point of your cloaking ability is for recon and escaping? Imagine being a random CI alpha and you see a GOC you've been chasing fucking disappear behind a house because you don't know what pac is and you have no idea what to look for since you don't know your enemy can go invisible. You'd be justifiably annoyed because your enemy poofed into nothingness, and you admit you'd be using it to escape a combat scenario (like my example) and for spying on people. It doesn't matter if you can manually opt out of pac, it's silly to have to remove everybody's PACs (which makes participating in most events less interesting) to fight one GOC who has chameleon skin.
my hard work has paid off & they didn't kill me fast enough.
Your hard work pressing +pac_events and activating your cloak the minute they lose LOS..
And me not actively shooting at them would make their job of killing me 100x easier, which means being 10x harder to see is a fine balance.
Except they can't see you ? ? ? ?
Not a combat-focused tool. It is not intended to be active during a gunfight,
Nonetheless it can still be used in combat, like in the example I gave in the previous post which you responded to with "Yes, That would be the point of having a cloaking ability". As I also said it doesn't matter if you say you won't use it in combat people will still complain and it'd set a precedent
Even if it's massively unfair in PvP engagements, so are the GOC loadouts.
You can't justify giving your character more OP gear because "GOC's loadouts are already massively unfair" :skull:

not to say at all that i think the PAC wasn't worth making or that it isn't cool (it looks phenomenal) but it's not right some GOC to get the ability to become partially invisible unless it's gonna be implemented as a server feature


Active member
Oct 11, 2022
Right, so the point of your cloaking ability is for recon and escaping? Imagine being a random CI alpha and you see a GOC you've been chasing fucking disappear behind a house because you don't know what pac is and you have no idea what to look for since you don't know your enemy can go invisible. You'd be justifiably annoyed because your enemy poofed into nothingness, and you admit you'd be using it to escape a combat scenario (like my example) and for spying on people. It doesn't matter if you can manually opt out of pac, it's silly to have to remove everybody's PACs (which makes participating in most events less interesting) to fight one GOC who has chameleon skin.

Your hard work pressing +pac_events and activating your cloak the minute they lose LOS..

Except they can't see you ? ? ? ?

Nonetheless it can still be used in combat, like in the example I gave in the previous post which you responded to with "Yes, That would be the point of having a cloaking ability". As I also said it doesn't matter if you say you won't use it in combat people will still complain and it'd set a precedent

You can't justify giving your character more OP gear because "GOC's loadouts are already massively unfair" :skull:

not to say at all that i think the PAC wasn't worth making or that it isn't cool (it looks phenomenal) but it's not right some GOC to get the ability to become partially invisible unless it's gonna be implemented as a server feature
I'd love to have it as a server feature, however I don't think it'll get added over other suits, like the white, or orange suit.

The GOC have this gear in-lore, & the server balances GOC in-game by not letting them use their extreme power very frequently.
Using cloaking to escape a group of CI chasing one(1) unarmed GOC member will literally never happen, & even if it does happen, it would be one of the very few times GOC can actually use their gear.

I see this as relatively unfair IF under specific situations, such as Foundation V CI.

However the balance of an organization, backed by hundreds of non-anomalous, & anomalous groups/orgs, as well as having the spending of a thousand gods(roughly 6.5 billion USD), and some of the most high-tech equipment known to man, with measurements going into GEN+01 on the low side, and GEN+02 on the higher end, against a group that is essentially a barely organized chunk of rebel fighters with AK-47s that are entirely hellbent on dyeing to breach random SCPs? I think I know which one will win.

But yes, obviously justifying more OP stuff on an OP faction or class isn't the best, but I wanted this approved for recon purposes, not combat. If I can use it to avoid a conflict with another faction? I'll use it that way. There is nothing lost between either side in that situation, unless I'm holding a document or something, which is already against server rules...

The points I'm trying to make are:
- The situation to use this as an escape tool wont come up often, if ever
- It wont help as much as you think, since it gets more visible during movement
- Using it wont make me a super-god, invulnerable to all damage
- Using it wont really upset others since they can still see me fairly well regardless
- Using it wont give me an un-necessary advantage, as I'll likely be unarmed or otherwise
- Using it to escape wont be as effective as interdimensional matter, or literal teleportation
- Using it to escape wont be as effective as liquid anemia, or literal invincibility(and also transparency)

But like I said, having an in-game cloaking mechanic for IC factions would be super fun. I just wanted to work on & develop the Grey Suit to have some slight level of cloaking, since I can make it look bad to be lore-accurate. This whole project was mostly to make the Grey Suit fully, & get it added into the server as a job of some kind.

Thank you for actually giving me criticism though!
Much better to try & rebuttal things than just a link to a phasmaphobia page lol


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
It fits lore, and it's been stated that it would only be used for recon purposes. As long as this isn't exploited for combat, there aren't any issues.
recon purposes so basicalyl scouting surface invisible calling all our raids out etc with no chance of retaliation
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Active member
Oct 11, 2022
recon purposes so basicalyl scouting surface invisible calling all our raids out etc with no chance of retaliation
We don't call out raids for Foundation. This is purely internal recon only, since we're neutral with the Foundation.
Same with fighting CI/Foundation raids, we're neutral with both GOIs & let them do their own thing. Recon wont change that.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
We don't call out raids for Foundation. This is purely internal recon only, since we're neutral with the Foundation.
Same with fighting CI/Foundation raids, we're neutral with both GOIs & let them do their own thing. Recon wont change that.

goc is constantly fighting ci and calling our raids out