alpha rest / game master application

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): louis sutherland
For how long have you played on CG MRP: around 1 year
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: england
Time zone: bst
NATO name (regiment and rank): ALPHA REST | GRN
USSR name (regiment and rank): alpha rest
Civilian name: alpha rest (event)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:579975155
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: first application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: yes in the past i have had a quite a lot of accidental warns like rdm and misclick mrdm which i was banned for and done appeals for last time i was banned was highlands
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: no but im quite good with communication with people
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: yes i have been a gta 5m civil gamers city rp most dark rp and ice mrp and ww2 mrp
How many hours can you be on everyday?: if i get on im on all day but on friday i can't get on all day
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I feel like the server needs some new game masters and now I have a mic it will be perfect to get back into roleplay. Ever since I first found this server I have always wanted to be a game master. When i started playing this server i always loved playing the events and all ways wanted to build them myself with people i like
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:I see peacetime people leaving and I want everyone to have fun. I always try to improve things that can be improved and put all my time into building community projects like map changes and showing how good this server is .

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

1. Race tracks
So both sides will have a big rase vs each other nato vs ussr it will be a destructive derby and they will have mustangs racing around the map and whoever wins gets a prize like a knife or money or if possible war funds no PvP allowed

2.Infected secret weapon
Operation red flag-So ag and abt will be tasked to recon a classified crash site and uhc will task them on this and the location on the crash site is at bunker they will be a clear path into the bunker with hanging body's and strange substances of of world geww they will go down into the bunker and find a secret temp lab tent and dead scientists and they will be a strange door and strange sound coming from it and they will have to find a hidden button what opens the door and a huge alien busts out and abt and ag have to capture it but seems that it doesn't want to be captured and it try's killing all of ag and abt when they kill it they have to rtb by helicopter ARMORED VEHCLES NOT ALLOWED but when rtbing they are allowed

3.operation clicking bomb-this will be a militia vs 17th RMP SAS militia has gotten everyone out of base due to a ambushed convoy at air field when they get to the location there is a clear track leading to village 3 militia still there in a fortified shack at village and the 3 militia are heavily armed with explosives when NATO eliminates the threats there is a note saying NATO is running late there is a bomb at there base and while NATO is at the village militia has escaped out of prison and placed bombs all over prisons and high command building and asks for 50k but NATO breached the buildings while a writing gunfight from high command buildings and kill militia leader what are all stacked to the brim with weapons from the locker armored vehicles

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Operation: green horizon this event will last 4 days
NATO finds out that the Ussr has attacked bagram with a chemical weapon called phosgene abt and JAF will be replaced to a infantry based regiments and the map will last a week both regiments will get a unique transport vehicle what acts as a BTR HQ but faster stronger and look better both regiments will have really overpowered guns and a-t abt will be named GRU and JAF named 28th royal legion the civilians will be scattered in random locations armored vehicles ARE ALLOWED IN THIS EVENT
bagram is a dessert map with a air field and loads of tights combat areas and also open areas to this map has possibility's for jets, tanks, helicopters and fobs militia will be replaced local police equipped with light weapons and stolen jets what are limited
on day 4
-Objectives for NATO-
To secure and protect all civilians and each civ will give NATO 1 tank restock
-2nd obj-
Destroy transport vehicles containing chemical material
If failed NATO miss opportunity for base raid and Ussr nukes map at end of event
If complete NATO gets base raid and gets 50mill war funds at map change

day 1 preparing for day 2
day 2 GRU and 28th will be trying to steal a secret tank prototype from the ussr scientist at air field who ever finds the code to the door first gets the tank for a week after the event. if thay get it to the base that is the code to the door is on one of the dead scientists
day 3 normal war
-objective or ussr-
To kill all civs what will spread info to the rest of the world that Ussr chemical warfare
day 4 the event

OTHER: the only time i might not be on is if my pc breaks. also i spent 2 hours on trying to make this perfect i researched most aspects of this event like the location the regiments like GRU and also what the location looks like
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Active member
Mar 1, 2021

-You have been only came back recently
-Active IG/TS3
- Decent idea's

Best of luck, alpha rest


Active member
Sep 6, 2021

Hi Alpha,

I have gone with a neutral as I haven't had any interactions with you IG or in TS.

Good luck!


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020

+ Active IG/TS3
+ Friendly

- Event ideas could be better
- Would like to have more interactions


CC Executive VIP
Dec 21, 2020
Application Denied

You have not been back fully for the minimum required time to make an application. Please re-read the application rules before applying again. You may re-apply in no less than 2 weeks.
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