[Artist Application] 'Sanctum'


Feb 17, 2025
In-game name:

Steam ID:


For how long have you played on our servers?:
~2 years

What country are you from?:

Time Zone:

Do you have a mic?:
Yes, hardly ever used

Is this your first application for Developer?

Have you received any bans?:

How confident are you with Blender/Maya/3DSMax (or any other software that applies) (Rate yourself 1-10 using one rating guide):
Blender, 5/10.
I enforce proper topology on my models (strive for quads) and employ several methods to reduce polycount while maintaining acceptable appearance. On the texturing side, I can paint, UV unwrap optimally, create complex shader setups, bake, and export said shader/PBR textures for in-game models.

Maya, 0/10.
3DSMax, 0/10.

Do you have previous experience as an Artist for GMod?:
Yes, see portfolio below.

Why do you want to be an Artist? What can you help us with?:
I want to be an artist for the CN community because I have a motivation to see the roleplay side of this community thrive. Well-crafted art and assets can inspire new members to stay for both quality and community. If they believe the exceptional quality of the gameplay is worth sinking their time into, players can become more invested in the story of the server, inventing consequences and stakes behind the lore that drives the community.

Which server(s) on Civil Networks do you play on and which ones would you most prefer to map for? Have you made & edited any models before? If so attach some images showcasing your model or edit:
I only play on the SCP servers and would prefer to develop for them.
Sanctum's Sanctuary

List any ideas of new models or edits for CN that you would like to work on:
  • SCP Re-models (082, 096, 457, 049-2) and models for (upcoming?) SCPs​
  • Surface zone additions (snow cover, abandoned buildings, civilian infrastructure)​
  • Refresh/add loading splash screens​
  • Coordinate and create teasers for major events and updates​
  • Touch up props to better match the aesthetic of CN SCPRP​
  • Reducing file sizes of assets for greater performance​

How confident are you with QC? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide):
5/10. I can properly specify all texture and model paths for assets prepared with and exported from Blender, as well as configure QC files for playermodels with toggleable bodygroups.

Do you have any experience with Crowbar?:
I have some experience with Crowbar, including unpacking workshop addons, unpacking .gma archives for posters, de/compiling .mdl files with custom workshop content, and working with .qc in the way of bodygroups/Define Bones in the process.

How many hours can you commit to developing per week?:
~8 hours on weekends, though I'm always looking for ideas.

Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?:
I’d like to become an art developer to contribute to the quality of the gameplay experience, both as a means to enhancing immersion and driving the server in a more roleplay-oriented direction through quality of roleplay assets. In terms of contributions, I would make an effort to take on any art asset that is asked of me, but I primarily do poster work, modelling, and kit-bashing of existing assets.​
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Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
A quick reminder that developer application comments are not a simple +/- support because you like/dislike the person, but rather you MUST have knowledge on the topic and provide helpful, insightful comments on their work.

Your comment will be deleted if you post it with no constructive feedback to the actual application and work.
Hello @Sanctum ,

I have a few questions before leaving feedback aswell. Just like caboose mentioned, photos of geometry would be nice. At the same time I wanted to ask all the models you have presented. Are they all your models or are they modified models of other people. There are a few things to learn in the QC file but those can be learned during work on other models.

How confident are you with playermodels, animations and texturing?


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 7, 2023
Canada, ey?
Hello @Sanctum,

Here are a few questions I have while reading your application before giving an opinion.

Regarding player models, are you experienced in creating them from scratch or doing extensive reworks? Are you able to configure different body groups and hitboxes within a single model? I enjoy the posters you’ve created. Do you have any designs or interest in more landscape/environment-style posters, or do you prefer always showcasing the characters?



Feb 17, 2025
Hello @Simon "Kitton" A.,
Are they all your models or are they modified models of other people.
Every modified models are indicated within the brackets as such (foodeater's 22415, Arctic's NVGs). Everything else was modelled and textured by myself.

How confident are you with playermodels, animations and texturing?
If by playermodels you mean rigging and exporting any model for Source, I would say fairly confident. I've practiced on some models with attachments and bodygroups to get the hang of it.

Full-scale animated sequences are monster undertakings: I could handle them, but they would take up a lot of time. I feel alright with animations for smaller interactions; think first and third-person equipment.

As for texturing, the proportion of shaders and procedural textures to hand painted details is heavily skewed towards the former: I do intend to add some finer details by hand, but only insofar that a similar result cannot be practically achieved with shading as it massively speeds up my workflow.

Hello @Douglas, I'm happy you like the posters. To answer your inquiries,
Regarding player models, are you experienced in creating them from scratch or doing extensive reworks?
I have not yet dabbled in creating a playermodel from the ground up, nor have I done any major (entire regiment, faction-wide) remodelling of existing playermodels, but I am familiar with the process of doing so and getting all the requisite assets into the game when necessary.

Are you able to configure different body groups and hitboxes within a single model?
Yep, I'm familiar with creating physics .smds for .mdls and how to compile them accordingly, as well as defining bodygroups for different bodily components and texture variants.

Do you have any designs or interest in more landscape/environment-style posters, or do you prefer always showcasing the characters?
I'd actually prefer to do more large-scale scenes, incorporating the environment into something more akin to aerial or bodycam footage, but projects at that scale have large performance overheads, so I've tended towards simpler player/model showcases for the time being.


Alpha-1 Spear

Nu-7 Sledgehammer
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