Asia Yuuki NHC Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 17, 2021
United Kingdom
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:208392786
Discord name: Alexandria#1138
For how long have you played on MRP: I have played on CN MRP on and off for around two years, around 1W 3D of vTime
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
NWO name (regiment and rank): NOT APPLICABLE
Civilian name: Asia On Duty
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first NHC application, however I do have previous accepted staff applications
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
One warning for Hitbox abuse, in which I was combat jumping, and accepted fault immediately
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
I do not have any direct experience as a member of high command, but I have progressed my way through RMP taking up leadership positions and helping to grow the regiment into what is now a much more active, professional, and effective regiment in both peacetime, and wartime.
I hope to learn and translate my current experience into NHC to bring NATO into an even stronger position.

IN THE LAST 3 DAYS, I Have been allowed to run a handful wars this campaign, and I believe I have done fairly well at showing my leadership skills. to back this, I actually led a base raid today. unfortunately we lost due to NWO have a bug with capping, and a staff ruling to hand it to them.

All in all I really think I have gathered relevant experience to be a massive contribution to NATO


What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
I believe that I would be the best candidate for the position because of my experience in RMP, while this experience in not a direct link to the duties of a NHC Member, it is an amazing starting point to learn and contribute to NATO, and in turn, the server itself. I have spent time with the RMP Regimental Commanders to take some of the pressure from their shoulders. taking responsibility and benefitting the regiment in the process.
I have also spent quite a bit of time in the early mornings with NHC who are leading wars, contributing ideas to help the war and ensure a swift NATO victory.
Factoring in my activity, I am on almost daily, early morning until night, this level of commitment to the role would be invaluable, because as of late I have notice a lack of leadership during some hours, which I could easily cover.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
CN MRP Moderator

List your strengths and weaknesses:
Honesty - I am quick to admit faults, and don't see the benefit in lying or 'spinning' the truth.
Decision Making - I show confidence in decisions I make.
Listening - I know the value of other peoples input on a decision, no matter status or rank.
Fast Learner - I learn quickly.

Independence - Sometimes, especially while I am experiencing something new, I need constant guidance to improve, however I quickly move past this

Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Asia Yuuki spent their childhood in the nightmare that is Milton Keynes, a city in England. From a young age, Asia showed an interest in the public services, namely policing. On their 16th birthday, a unique opportunity came around, AFC Harrogate, an Army ran College with direct access into a multitude of different roles in the British Army. Asia jumped at the opportunity to gain experience as a Junior Soldier.
It was at AFC Harrogate the Asia discovered the Royal Military Police, and enlisted at the outbreak of the Third World War, aged 18 after the 49 Week course at the AFC. Then PVT Yuuki began to excel at the duties assigned, and quickly rose into leadership positions, proving to themselves, and their command that this is where they belong.
It was only after watching the work of NHC during the latest Afghan campaign that LT Yuuki desired to expand their horizons and make a difference in the NATO High Command.

What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
In character, the NHC are responsible to lead NATO into wars, in a bid to win campaigns, and, base raids. Although it is important to note that this isn't the only responsibilities. NHC can also involve themselves in regimental trainings, ceremonies and events, alongside leading regiments into Operations brought into the region by CN Game Masters.
Furthermore, they are also expected to act as a role model for all ranks, and are held to the upmost standards.
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:
One of the many key responsibilities of a High Command member is Player Retention in their side, creating a fun and competitive environment to encourage players to stay and progress. They are also responsible for overviewing the Regiments and Regimental command, creating a bridge between RC and NHC to ensure a smooth system is in place.
Its also key that they are monitoring the actions of their assigned regiment command to ensure that it is being ran properly, appropriately, and fairly.
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+/- Neutral (Leaning to -)

+ Active IG/TS3

+ Friendly (From our few interactions)
+/- Little interactions
- No experience as a high rank
- Never seen lead a war
- Doesn't stand out in-game
- Unsure of leadership capabilities

Hi @Oitz.Yuuki, although you are active, I'm afraid I just haven't seen you lead any wars or take control of any situations. I recommend waiting to either rank up or putting yourself out there a bit more to show NATO what you are capable of.

I wish you the best of luck!


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 17, 2021
United Kingdom
Hi, thank you both for your replies, a definite common point is my lack of experience, and having not seen me lead a war.
Today i'm going to try and lead a few wars if I can to gain some experience and prove myself, hopefully I shall see you all during one of them.

UPDATE: I led five wars today, with varying smaller numbers, 10~ a side and got three stalemates, and a minor loss, (While outnumbered) and a defeat toward the end with 30 a side

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Active member
Mar 2, 2023
Led a war and managed to stalemate
Good interactions

Recently just got CC

Brigadier General



I witnessed one of the wars you led today, and generally I'm a bit unsure of your skills. I think you could improve so I'm going to leave a neutral but feedback on the war (I believe it was Kill Confirmed + we got a defeat when it happened)

Prior to the war, you were encouraging people to build FOBs and that was good but just unfortunate people didn't pay attention (myself included my bad). For future reference you do just have to go out and build them yourself in those scenarios as well as trying to grab the few people who want to help or getting a random Private. Don't know if I saw you doing that.

The war itself was where my main issues were, didn't feel like we were being led than just spoken to. My points for this is you didn't really change comms in teamspeak to get updates on how it was going (you have Mod Perms, and you are within your right to use them to speak to the rest of NATO if leading) and when we struggled the only advice was just 'shoot them' which I get that was the point of that war, but you could've helped change up tactics and ensure rapid FOB replacements (and that they were replaced in a smart area). Also telling off NATO for pushing West Town rather than sitting on East Town probably isn't the best idea for future reference as if you knock out the enemy FOBs it gives you a huge combat advantage (they have to run across the map from base and you can position well for easy kills with closer spawns) so generally I think trying to potentially get a HIMARS sorted or something similar would've been better.

If you improve on these points then I'd be happy to leave a +Support as you are a competent leader in RMP and mature.

Dear Asia Yuuki,

We would like to express our gratitude for your interest in the position.

We are pleased to inform you that our team has reviewed your application, and we are in agreement that you are eligible to move to the next stage. We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application, and we are excited to learn more about your qualifications and experience. To proceed with the next stage, ensure to contact a Lieutenant General+ to schedule your interview.


Once again, we would like to thank you for your interest in the position.
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