Aspen's SC Application

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- Support

- Active
- Leads when possible

- STS needs help
- Bad usage of war funds
- Just today you lead a war that you formally apologized to everyone because of how badly it went

Personally Aspen, I think your biggest issue is leading wars. A lot of times, they don't end well, as well as your usage of war funds is VERY questionable at times. Another thing that could prove you ready to join SC is to fix STS, as at the moment they aren't doing exactly good.

Regardless, I wish you the best of luck in your verdict.
Jan 2, 2021
- Support

- Active
- Leads when possible

- "STS needs help"
- Bad usage of war funds
- Just today you lead a war that you formally apologized to everyone because of how badly it went

Personally Aspen, I think your biggest issue is leading wars. A lot of times, they don't end well, as well as your usage of war funds is VERY questionable at times. Another thing that could prove you ready to join SC is to fix STS, as at the moment they aren't doing exactly good.

Regardless, I wish you the best of luck in your verdict.
Mental help, yes.

- Huge Minus Support

From what I have seen and heard you treat members within your old regiment quite badly, and I will just quote what I said last time to justify the rest


- Lots of complaints on you from fellow NWO members recently
- Lack of respect from most of NWO
- Not the best leader from my experience with you
- Bad interactions as a whole
- Very unfriendly sometimes
- Very very bad to members of other regiments
- Given SiC a bad look
- Scared members away from STS, so how could be given SC be for NWO as a whole?

I think you need to have a break from applying to SC and perhaps work on your communication skills and relationships within the server and then after some time apply again, but of course it is just my opinion
Last edited:
Dec 28, 2021
- Support
+ Activity
-/+ Mixed interactions
- Not enough war leading experience
- Bad war leading skills
- STS is lacking in leadership roles

Hey Tuga, i know you want to be SC, but please take a step back and get more experience, aswell as take advice on leading, from people with such experience. As you said, you can't focus on multiple things which might be the issue with your war leading. To lead a proper war and win, you need the ability to multi-task.


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2023


Aspen has Voided his application.


Once again, we would like to thank you for your interest in the position.
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