Ball Man's Game Master Application (Referred by Magnus W)

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Oct 14, 2023
Which server are you applying for? (UK/USA): UK
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Stuffstealer
For how long have you played on CG MRP: 2 days 11 hours this month, def more than that bc that's all /vtime can show me
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
NATO name (regiment and rank): AOR SIC CPT Ball Man
NWO name (regiment and rank): TRN Baller Man
Civilian name: Ballest Man
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:102584739
Discord ID: renagade9999
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
-This is the first
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-One warning for FearRP
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
-At minimum 3 on week days and 6 on weekends
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
-I want to become a Gamemaster to help out with providing the server with fun activities that its players can partake in. I have many hours on the server and I want to put them to good use and have fun while doing it.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
-I am active and very creative, I have many hours on the server, and I am good at adapting if things go wrong (which I expect to happen when doing a large event).
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

1. Pill shop: Set up at town, prices are 5k for a pill and 10k for a crazy pill. After buying a pill you /roll 100 to determine the effects. For the normal pill, your roll is your HP boost. For the crazy pill, HP boost is double your roll and you get an additional 50% of your roll as armor, however, if you get below 50 you straight up die.

2. Leprochaun: Get someone, paint him gold, give him 7x speed, and set him loose with a machete. NATO and NWO select 5 people each. All 10 people receive 5x speed, a beanbag shotgun, and elastic restraints. The person who cuffs him gets some money and becomes the new leprechaun.

3. Boxing tournament: Self-explanatory, NWO and NATO each have a tournament to select their champion, after that both champions get 2x speed and fight to the death with their fists. The winner gets money, glory, and warfunds.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

On the anniversary of D-Day, June 6th, NATO invites the NWO to come and watch a documentary about the historic day. As everyone sits down to watch, they feel as if they are really there...
The server then changes to a D-Day Map, both sides will take turns playing the defenders and the attackers. NATO will start out as the attackers and try to storm Normandy Beach and defeat the NWO defenders in a bloody assault. The factions switch sides a couple of times and can do some peacetime operations in the surrounding town.

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:
A crazed murderer is running around the map chopping people up, and is disguised as a normal civilian. NWO and NATO have authorized the AOR and RMP to solve the murder case, and the two regiments have decided to team up.

AOR and RMP: Work together to find clues, interrogate suspects, and find and arrest the killer.

No committing crimes or using /roll to interrogate (witnesses have predetermined testimonies)

How it works
There will be several pieces of evidence that can be analyzed and suspects that can be interrogated for clues. When the leads of both regiments feel ready, they can accuse one of the suspects and execute them. Once executed, the suspect is either revealed to be the murderer or not. When the regiments catch the killer, they will both receive a jugg upgrade if they complete it flawlessly. If they killed 1 or 2 innocents, they turn into flamer upgrades. If they killed 3+ they turn into weapon upgrades.

Something went wrong and a journalist ended up with a picture of the inside of the NWO black site and proceeded to go to NATO and tell them everything. NATO has scheduled a public press conference where they will release the photos along with a testimony. To prevent a PR catastrophe, SC has authorized the STS to stop this conference from happening at all costs, while NHC has deployed the SAS to make sure it goes through.

STS: Stop NATO from releasing evidence of the black site or proving their interference
SAS: Make sure that by the time the press conference is scheduled, NATO will have either evidence of the black site or evidence of NWO interfering with evidence

Evidence is only considered useable if it is legitimate and can be considered undeniable proof. For example, witnessing the STS burn the photos is not useable evidence, however, video footage is. In addition to this

How it works
STS can decide what action they may take to discretely destroy the evidence (assassination, blackmail, espionage, framing, undercover work) to make sure the photos never reach the interview, while SAS is authorized to do the same to make sure some form of evidence is released. When the timer till the conference reaches zero, SAS wins if they have evidence and STS wins if they don't. The winners of the event get cash.

Dr Edith Haws is a pioneer of virology, and he has scheduled a meeting with NHC to discuss selling an enhancing virus to improve combat capabilities. During the meeting, he is ruthlessly roasted by NHC because they view his product as too dangerous. He then hops in his truck to try his luck with the NWO, learning of this, NHC sends the ISAF to intercept his truck. They find him at East Town with his truck crashed into the river near NWO base entrance. The IVG is deployed to investigate, and after a bit of arguing the truck explodes and disperses virus into the air all around towns, turning the local townsfolk into bloodthirsty genetically enhanced zombies. The ISAF and IVG fight off the zombies and relocate to airfield where a cure can be developed by Haws and fired with a motor launcher. As Dr Haws develops the cure, a hoard of zombies approaches airfield...

Survive the zombie hoard and defend Dr. Haws until a cure can be developed and launched

Only ISAF and IVG can participate in the event
No armor support, only guns and explosives (no scuds/himars or airstrikes)
Dr. Haws and his lab can be moved before the start of every wave, no moving him during the wave.

How it works
Zombies have enhanced speed and health to run at you with a knife. IVG/ISAF are respawned in waves, so are the zombies. There are 5 waves of zombies, each getting progressively more difficult. If IVG and ISAF fail a wave (Dr Haws dies) they respawn to try again at a slightly decreased difficulty. After the event, Dr Haws presents both regiments with 2 samples each of a purified virus which will give minor boosts to health and speed.

Recent archeological activities have led to the discovery of a crashed Soviet-era bomber with its nuke still inside. Both JAF and SWB scramble to collect it as the 15-minute arming timer ticks down.

Have the nuke when the 15-minute arming timer expires and fly it over enemy base

No bringing the nuke into your own base
CRAM, Stinger, and any other form of AA is banned
Drones can't pick up the nuke
Helis will be restocked during and after the event

How it works
The bomb is uncovered in settlement and to collect it someone in a heli has to land on it to collect it. Once it's collected, the 15-minute countdown will begin. Helis from the opposing faction should try to shoot the nuke carrier down, if they do the nuke will be dropped on the floor for another heli to collect, this does not affect the countdown. Once the countdown expires, the heli with the nuke has to fly over the enemy base, successfully doing so will win the event. The winners get to davy crocket the loser's base.

1stAL / 17thAR:
NATO R&D have created the prototype of supertank, completely immune to rockets fired from infantry and helicopters and boasting a ridiculous amount of health and damage. NATO even invites the press for the big reveal of the tank that will bring the NWO to its knees. As NHC gathers its entire forces to witness it, the press team rushes into the unlocked tank and comically drives off before revealing themselves as a terrorist sleeper cell in open comms, which alerts the NWO of the situation.

Kill the tank and bring the wreckage back to NWO/NATO base

-1stAL and 17th are automatically hostile to each other but may make temporary alliances which both regiments are allowed to break
-The supertank is hostile to both factions and is not allowed to make alliances
-The supertank can only be damaged by other tanks, nothing else. The same goes for the tank carrying the wreckage.

How it works
1st and 17th are on a mission to destroy the tank. When the tank eventually blows up, the tank that gets to it first will obtain the wreckage and be colored green to indicate it. If the tank that is carrying the wreckage gets destroyed, another tank can go near it to obtain the wreckage. The team that gets the wreckage to their base will be declared the winners and be awarded to have one of their tanks slightly buffed.
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