Ban Appeal

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Sep 26, 2021
Your in-game name: Finlay Guy
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:125322667
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 18/12/23
What is your exact ban reason: Toxicity | Harrasment
Who banned you: Toji
Ban length?: 4 weeks
Link a copy of the in-game rules here:
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will not make sits with stupid names or @abuse.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Yes, only 1 warn in the past few months though.

Why should you be unbanned:

I have known Toji for about 2 years and without really thinking I called a sit saying something along the lines of "I know where you live, you are gay" etc. I called the sit with the intention of speaking to him and asking for the content pack. I then wrote in OOC "Staff take my sit" as a joke. He was the only staff member on at the time and so the messages were only directed to him. After this he kicked me which was completely fair and when I reconnected i called no more sits and didn't mention it again in OOC.

After speaking to him he and I are both still on good terms and he knew I was just messing around. I am sorry for any harrasment, and he was aware that they weren't serious and that I was just messing around. I believe that an Senior Admin read the logs which is why the situation was escalated to a 4 week ban. I was hoping that this ban could be reduced to possibly a 5 day ban for @abuse for abusing the ticket system. I completely understand why I was banned and how bad it looks. I had been a decent player the past month or two and I was honestly just making a sit with a mingey title while it was early in the morning without really thinking. I would also really like to get the final reward of the christmas advent calendar.

If @Anakin Skywalker is happy to respond and vouch that he understands that the sit was just meant as a joke and nothing serious that would be great, although if he wants the ban to stay in place I will respect that decision.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I have definitely learned my lesson and been trying to improve on not getting warns.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?: The Christmas event is currently active and I was hoping to get the final reward from the advent Calendar. Also I have been enjoying playing wars.
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Super Administrator
Super Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 1, 2021
Hello @ZLT49A

After speaking with rest of server leader about the situation. We do not deem this behavior that has happend in this situation to be appropriate. After listing/reading to both sides of the story and your past history within the server in terms of punishment they felt that this was appropriate action to take.
Herefor we won't be reducing the ban.

You may not reappeal this ban

Kind regards,
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